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BiciSport was established in 1995 and has a proud record of achievement in many cycling disciplines, in particular with elite and masters road & track racing.
The name and the logo were drawn from the leading Italian cycle racing magazine of the same name ... the title BiciSport simply means `bikesport` in Italian.
BiciSport celebrating Christmas 2023 @ Sandstone Cafe @ Terrey Hills
BiciSport with John Crouchley (left) at Dunc Gray Velodrome
BiciSport supports and fosters riding and racing opportunities for all its members with an emphasis on developing a spirit of camaraderie and to enjoy the sport of cycling in general.
BiciSport is on Strava …. go to
This is a closed Facebook site (your membership needs to be approved by the administrator) and can be found at -
Email is - Bicisport.Sydney
What Facebook friends cannot do
Post anything of a political nature. This includes Local, State, Federal and International politics.
Post any comments in relation to the AusCycling issue other than providing a link to an article that the members may benefit from reading.
Make mean, derogatory or demeaning comments about anyone or anything. Cyber Bullying will not be tolerated.
Swearing, cussing and any language that your grandmother would have found offensive.
BiciSport has discontinued regular email newsletters since the middle of 2023 as both Facebook & mobile phone alerts are the preferred mode of contact
For all enquiries, please contact Mike O'Reilly on
m: 0417 403 244
Management Team
Director - Mike O'Reilly
Team Principals - Gio Pilu (Pilu Racing), Mike O’Reilly (Happy Wheels)
Mike O’Reilly (Website , SMS Alerts, Facebook, Special Events Co-ordinator)
Membership Co-ordinator - Marty Wright
Coaches (advisory only) - John Crouchley & Alex Simmons
BiciSport Constitution - BiciSport operates under the NSW Fair Trading model constitution (dated 2010) for sporting bodies. BiciSport itself is an incorporated sporting body. Annual General Meetings are held in November each year.
BiciSport ABN - ABN 54177189425
BiciSport-AusCycling Office Bearers @ 7 Nov 2024 (AGM)
Mike O’Reilly (President/Secretary) - AC 244 890 @ 24 Dec
Nigel Smith (Vice President/Treasurer) - AC 444 667 @ 17 Sept
Steve Holland AC 429797 @ 29 Oct, Dudley Hoskin AC 165254 @ 6 Feb & Marty Wright AC 233795 @ 23 Feb
BiciSport contact is Mike O’Reilly on 0417 403 244 or email at
Mike O`Reilly has managed teams at the China Tour in Hong Kong, the Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic and the Herald SunTour, together with numerous BiciSport club teams to domestic events such as the Womens Tour de Snowy, Grafton to Inverell Classic, Tour of Bright and the NSW Team Time Trial Championships.
Mike has held several administrative roles including CyclingNSW Director (three times), Chairman of the CyclingNSW Masters Commission, a member of the Cycling Australia National Masters Commission and Race Director to numerous NSW and National Championships since 2005. Aditionally Mike was the Chairman of the cycling committee for the World Masters Games 2009 in Sydney, Chairman of the CyclingNSW Competitions Commission and a member of the organising committee for the 2011 National Masters Road Championships in Ballarat.
Mike has organised six National Masters Road Championships (at Somersby, Goulburn x 2, Ballarat & Griffith x 2) and the Bowral Classic CycloSportive 2016 & 2017 (as Ride Director). Additional roles included Technical Adviser to the Noosa Classic (Qld) and Clare Classic (South Australia) and CyclingNSW State Handicapper from May 2015 until August 2017, combined with UCI Race Convoy Driver accreditation for the Cadel Evans UCI Road Race in January 2017.
BiciSport is proudly associated with the Happy Wheels Racing team based at Waterloo in Sydney.
Associated sponsors include Cervelo & Kask helmets.
Happy Wheels Racing Team includes -
T 1 - Craig Pager, Stewart Campbell, Davide Browne, Dudley Hoskin, Rolly Delaytz
T 2 - Julian Arias, Klayton Smith, Tom Green, Campbell Browne, Julian Soto
T 3 - Randolph Baral, Lawson Browne, Christian Quintero
BiciSport in Flanders - BiciSport is proud to announce collaboration with the Force Cycling Team based in East Flanders Belgium for a three year period from January 2023.
BiciSport will come on as a sub sponsor with the name ‘BiciSport Australia’ along both sides of the jersey collarbone/shoulders.
The Belgian sponsors are Sack, IT Figures, De Wilde, Bofi Boon, Zelfbouw & Get Up Nutrition. The Belgian Team Principal is Nick Felix and the clothing manufacturer is BioRacer.
The collaboration presents BiciSport riders with a unique opportunity to develop future contacts in Belgium should they wish to race in the heartland of Belgian cycling.
BiciSport Pilu Racing were the 2017 NSW Masters State Team Time Trial Champions at Nowra
BiciSport Pilu Racing with Ernesto Colnago
BiciSport Pilu Racing team kit
Pilu Racing
BiciSport is proudly associated with the Pilu Racing team based at Freshwater in Sydney.
Team Principal : Gio Pilu
Pilu Racing Team includes -
Giovanni Pilu, Alex Gardner, Jordan Reizes, Jeremy Hopson, Andrew Lowes
Mike Foster, Brett Cocks, Matt Coy, David Munro, Simon Lempriere & Richard Bjorkman