Orange Eroica - Ian Grainger leads Marty Wright
Orange Eroica - when roads disappear its time for a swim
Orange Eroica - Marty Wright (BiciSport) actively supervising repairs
Orange Eroica - what started out as a standard Molong training ride resulted in 32k of dirt
* CA Cyclist of the Year Award - Mike Smith (BiciSport Master) had a stellar 2016 season rewarded with a nomination for the Cycling Australia Master Track Cyclist of the Year. The awardwent to Gary Mandy in late November at the CA Awards night in Melbourne.
* Speedy Recovery - to Joc Young (BiciSport Master) clipped by a car at Sydney Olympic Park last week. Joc was not seriously injured and will be back on the bike shortly. The bike was barely one week old ...
* Orange Eroica - The Berowra Groupetto plus a few BiciSporters for company ventured out to Orange last weekend with several diversions around Mt Conobolas and nearby Molong. There is some great cycling to be had around Molong especially with some nice dirt options.
* HART on November 18 - Conor Tarlington finished 3rd
* Nov 22 - Heffron Park (ES), ECR (Marconi)
* Nov 25 - HART (MW)
* Nov 26 - Sprint GP (DGV - CycNSW)
* Nov 27 - Ourimbah University Crits (CC), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)
* Nov 21 - DGV Track Training (John Crouchley) @ 3pm
* Nov 23 - Berowra Grupetto (Berowra Railway Station @ 7.30am) - 60k to Calga & return
* Nov 24 - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride (Centennial Park @ 11am)
* Nov 26 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am
* Nov 27 - Cottage Bear Charity Ride - depart Fixed Wheel Cycle Shop @ 6.30am sharp for Church Point & return to Pilu Restaurant Freshwater at 9.00am
Thursday at Centennial Park @ 11am
Sunday 27 November Bear Cottage Training Ride departs from the Fixed Wheel cycle shop at 6.30am sharp
The Belgian take on what a cycle race lead car should look like (Tour of Flanders 2016) ... you would be in no doubt that something is fast approaching ... multiple signs, blaring music, flashing lights, a Rodania clock, sponsorship and a few flags ... under all of that is a car