Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Rhett Hall (BiciSport Anytime) before the start in Division 2 with David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) looking somewhat apprehensive. Conditions were indeed wet.
Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green, David Browne & Rhett Hall
Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green (BiciSport Anytime) & David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels)
Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Dominic Zumbo & Ian Grainger trying to stay dry
* Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - The weather was more like Belgium in March with Cervelo #1 run off in cold & wet conditions around Kooragang Island just north of Newcastle. Good rides by Brett Cocks (BiciSport Pilu) in Division 1, Rhett Hall, Tom Green & David Browne (Division 2), Dom Zumbo & Graham Cockerton 4th in Divsion 3 & Ian Grainger in Division 4.
* 15 June - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)
* 16 June - Womens Masters Road Series (Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre)
* 16-17 June - Gunnedah Weekend (CyclingNSW)
* 17 June - Heffron Park Criteriums (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney), Calga Road Race (Central Coast), Victorian ITT Series (Brunswick, Vic)
For further details please contact 0417 403 244
* Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.
* Note -
- Major roadworks
- Pittwater Rd at Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen Beach (centre of road)
- Warringah Rd at Allambie Heights intersection
- Forest Way (at Forestville & Terrey Hills)
- Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
- New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose.
- Roadworks (periodic lane changes) continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
- All group rides are cancelled if wet
* 13 June (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group)
* 14 June (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.
* 16 June - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA)
* 17 June - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am, BiciSport TTT training @ Piemonte Cafe carpark Terrey Hills @ 7.00am (depart 7.30am).
* The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year).
* BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.
* For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.
* BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 24 & July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)
* BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to
- Contact email bicisport1@gmail.com or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
* BiciSport Training Schedule
June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)
June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2
July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)
July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)
July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)
July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC
July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3
July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)
July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open
Sunday 1 July @ Western Sydney Dragway