RAW Track @ 14 Sept - David Browne took the overall pointscore win in Division 2
Hunter Valley Masters @ 16 Sept - Ruth Strapp won C grade and earned promotion to B grade
Amy’s Gran Fondo @ Lorne @ 16 Sept - Peter & Melissa Budd
Stelvio climb Italy @ 12 Sept … Brett Tarlington (BiciSport Oakwood Lifestyle Advisers) with a hint of “I’ve just been mugged by a burly Italian monster called Stelvio” (… who then stole my bike ? … ) with a touch of more to come in the background.
* RAW Track @ DGV @ 14 Sept - The final RAW for Winter 18 and David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took the Division 2 pointscore at RAW. The crowd roars ! ! ! !
* Tarlington meets the Stelvio @ 12 Sept - Seemingly if you haven’t done the Stelvio climb in Italy this year then you must be the only BiciSport person who hasn’t with Brett Tarlington, Frank Signor, Melissa & Peter Budd, David Cooper, Brad Mills & Ian Grainger all giving it a crack
* Amy’s Grand Fondo @ 16 Sept - Peter & Melissa Budd started and Peter finished 21st for his 8th consecutive qualifying medal to the UCI World Masters Championships (to be held in Poland in 2019). Conditions at Amy’s was cold, wet & windy and there was even snow on the side of the road in parts.
* Hunter Valley Masters @ 16 Sept - Ruth Strapp took the C grade win from 15 starters & earned a promotion to B grade. Rhett Hall was a peloton finish in A grade.
* Happy Wheels is coordinating a BiciSport group ride at the upcoming Bowral Classic on Sunday 21 October at 6.15am.
* Meeting Point is the corner of Boolwey St & Bowral Main Street (B73)
* For further information contact Mike O’Reilly on 0417 403 244
* 22-24 Sept - NSW Masters Road Championships (Orange) - BiciSport starters Peter Budd, Rhett Hall, Ruth Strapp, Ian Grainger, Cat Haines, Dean Gale, Jeremy Hopson, Jordan Reizes, Randolph Baral, Matt Coy
* 23 Sept - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters CC), Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast CC)
For further details please contact 0417 403 244
* Motor traffic conditions are HEAVIER with the NSW School term in full swing.
* Note -
Major roadworks
Forest Way (at Forestville)
Warringah Rd (at Allambie Heights)
Pittwater Rd (at Dee Why) with center lane reconstruction
Military Rd (Cremorne to Neutral Bay) with center lane reconstruction
Forest Way & Mona Vale Rd (Terrey Hills) with intersection reconstruction
All group rides are cancelled if wet
* 17, 19, 21 Sept - Centennial Park Lower Loop @ 8.00am (to 9.15am)
* 19 Sept (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 160 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group options)
* 20 Sept (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ Centennial Park Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am
* 22 Sept - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA). HART St Ives-Hornsby-Bobbin Head-Miramare Sandstone Cafe Terrey Hills - departs outside HART St Ives at 7.10am. BiciSport Coffee at Miramire Sandstone Cafe (enter off Myoora Rd) @ 9.30am
* 23 Sept - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am
The road from Wisemans Ferry to St Albans is the best kept secret in cycling. Very little motor traffic and just out of St Albans is this delightful panorama (picture taken on 10 Sept). This road will feature in a new event on the NSW road racing calendar in mid May 2019 that includes the St Albans “Hell of the North” dirt section very much in the classic Paris Roubaix tradition. Planning for this new event is now well underway.
Bormio at the base of the Stelvio climb in Italy remains the place to stay with both the Gavia & Mortirolo climbs as an added bonus