Mike Lawson (BiciSport Master) repeated his 2017 victory with another victory in 2018 at the Sam Miranda Winery in King Valley on 11 August. Congratulations Mike.
Hunter Valley Masters @ Kooragang Island @ 12 August - Ruth Straap picked up second place in C grade.
Stewart Campbell & Happy Wheels Waterloo now feature their own piece of special Flanders cobbled nostaglia as you walk in the front door
* National Cyclocross Series @ Wangaratta @ 11 August - Mike Lawson took the win at the MTBA National Cyclocross Championships at the Sam Miranda Winery at King Valley near Wangaratta (Victoria).
* RAW Track @ DGV @ 10 August - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) currently leads the Division 2 pointscore at RAW at DGV with five rounds remaining.
* Newcastle Update @ 13 August - Both Ruth Strapp & Rhett Hall have in the results lately where Ruth got 5th in the recent HEZ 100k and picked up 2nd in C grade at Hunter Valley Masters on 12 August.
* Recovery Ward - Speedy recovery to Peter Davis (BiciSport Master) who recently underwent both elbow & wrist surgery.
* The Happy Wheels Waterloo Christmas Party is set for Friday 7 December - note your diary
* The BiciSport-Happy Wheels sponsored group will be continued into the full 2019 season
* 17 Aug - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)
* 15-19 Aug - Tour of the Great South Coast (Vic)
* 19 Aug - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters CC), West Head Road Race (Manly CC), Calga Caltex 100 Handicap (Central Coast CC), Victorian ITT Series (Blackburn, Vic)
For further details please contact 0417 403 244
* Motor traffic conditions are HEAVIER with the NSW School term in full swing.
* Note -
- Major roadworks
- Forest Way (at Forestville)
- Warringah Rd (at Allambie Heights)
- Pittwater Rd (at Dee Why) with center lane reconstruction
- Pittwater Rd (Collaroy to Narrabeen) with center lane reconstruction
- Military Rd (Cremorne to Neutral Bay) with center lane reconstruction
- Forest Way & Mona Vale Rd (Terrey Hills) with intersection reconstruction
- All group rides are cancelled if wet
* 15 Aug (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group options)
* 16 Aug (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ Centennial Park Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am
* 18 Aug - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA). BiciSport Coffee at Miramire Sandstone Cafe (enter off Myoora Rd) @ 9.30am
* 19 Aug - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am, Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills to Akuna Bay @ 60k @ 8.00am
* Spaces are filling fast for the Tour de Bello at the end of August in Bellengen near Coffs Harbour. The Tour is now capped at 18 riders with only a few spots left available. For further details please contact Alex Simmons at www.tourdebello.com
Peter Stupka (BiciSport Master) is a regular on the Thursday Training Ride in Centennial Park starting at 10.30am. Meeting point is at the Spruce Goose Cafe in the middle of the Park. All Welcome.
The Bianchi Cafe in Milan features this painting of Roger De Vlaeminck & Eddy Merckx in Paris Roubaix