Mortirolo Pass (Italy) outside Bormio @ 26 August - Peter Budd at the summit
Stelvio Pass (Italy) @ 26 August - an elevation of 2760 metres, 27 kilometres of climbing, 45 hairpins, the odd dark tunnel, the odd tourist motorcyclist, the hint of snow at any point in time, not to mention the road seems to hang off a cliff ... well done to Melissa Budd for getting to the Stelvio summit
* RAW Track @ DGV @ 31 Aug - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) is currently second (just) in the Division 2 pointscore at RAW at DGV with two rounds remaining.
* Bormio (Italy) @ 25-26 August - Peter & Melissa Budd and Frank Signor landed in Bormio for their Dolomite pass challenges. Peter rode up the Mortirolo Pass (the traditional Giro approach via the Pantani Monument), then onto the Gavia Pass (again via the traditional Giro approach made famous by Andy Hampsten in the snow in 1988). Frank, Peter & Melissa then combined to tackle the Stelvio just outside Bormio.
Alex Simmons (BiciSport) hosted the second Tour De Bello with a happy peloton of some 15 riders. The daily program was a mixture of the Promised Land (yes, there is such a place), Kalang River & the Alpe D'Kalang climb, North Arm, Urunga, Mylestom and Sawtell. The final stage was up the Alpe de Dorrigo. Thanks Alex for a great four days & we look forward to the Tour de Bello 19.
Tour de Bello 18 - the Tour de Bello peloton assembled in Bellingen on day one
Tour de Bello 18 - Randolph Baral leads the charge up the Alpe D'Kalang outside Bellingen with Mirielle Campbell in third wheel.
Tour de Bello 18 - Stewart Campbell (BiciSport Happy Wheels) on the Alpe D'Kalang descent into Bellingen township
* 7 September - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)
* 8-9 September - Goulburn ITT & Gunning Road Races - BiciSport starters Conor Tarlington & Declan Jones
* 9 Sept - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters CC), West Head Road Race (Manly CC)
Stelvio Pass (Italy) @ 26 August - Frank Signor & Melissa Budd at the Stelvio summit at 2760 metres
For further details please contact 0417 403 244
* Motor traffic conditions are HEAVIER with the NSW School term in full swing.
* Note -
Major roadworks
Forest Way (at Forestville)
Warringah Rd (at Allambie Heights)
Pittwater Rd (at Dee Why) with center lane reconstruction
Military Rd (Cremorne to Neutral Bay) with center lane reconstruction
Forest Way & Mona Vale Rd (Terrey Hills) with intersection reconstruction
All group rides are cancelled if wet
* 3, 5, 7 Sept - Centennial Park Lower Loop @ 8.00am (to 9.15am), Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills carpark @ 9.00am (for Duffys Forest Loop)
* 5 Sept (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 160 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group options)
* 6 Sept (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ Centennial Park Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am
* 8 Sept - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA). BiciSport Coffee at Miramire Sandstone Cafe (enter off Myoora Rd) @ 9.30am
* 9 Sept - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am
Gavia Pass (Italy) @ 26 August - Melissa & Peter Budd at the top of the Gavia Pass outside Bormio
Temse (Belgium) @ 26 August - Eddy Verhulst has been a long time BiciSport supporter over many years and was sighted giving the BiciSport team kit a workout on the roads around East Flanders. In keeping with the hard man Flandrien tradition even the driveway has cobbles ...