Eddy Verbust has been a long time friend to many Australian cyclists. Eddy has been the soigneur to the likes of Patrick Sercu, Danny Clark, Graeme & Matthew Gilmore and Scott McGrory (all have won the Ghent Six Day) and his major passion is the velodrome and the Ghent Six Day in particular. First met Eddy at the Tour of Flanders Museum over 10 years go. The Flanders Museum had just taken ownership of a genuine Eddy Merckx Molteni Volvo (hidden in a garage in Switzerland for many years) and Eddy introduced himself at the Molteni car presentation. The Eddy Verbust Museum (www.eddyverbust.be) is the biggest private collection of cycling memorabilia in Belgium and Eddy kindly opened the doors of the private collection yesterday. Eddy's jersey collection numbers some 850 and the Museum has numerous event posters and jerseys & trophies owned by Eddy Merckx & Patrick Sercu. Eddy has offered to give BiciSport members coming to Belgium in April 2017 a special guided tour.
... some 850 jerseys ...
Eddy Merckx & Eddy Verbust (in 1967)
Eddy Merckx Molteni Volvo sits permanently outside the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudenaarde