A speedy recovery to Tony Holland (Harlequin Wheelmen) and the other 4 cyclists needlessly injured last week as they descended down McCarrs Creek Road from the Ku Ring Gai Chase National Park towards Church Point. Its difficult to comprehend the selfish mindset that spawned such an outrageously poor act towards innocent cyclists going about their own business. What drives an idiot to build a makeshift speed bump clearly designed to injure individuals. This isn't the first time cyclists have witnessed poor anti cyclist behaviour along McCarrs Creek Rd - its well known that the "Cyclist Warning" signs are regularly removed or vandalised, tacks and nails regularly litter the McCarrs descent (as late as only last week) and now a highly dangerous speed bump designed to hurt individuals.
Cootamundra @ 25 August - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) before the start of the 100k Coota Classic handicap
Cootamundra @ 25 August - Conor after 25k in the Chopping Block group with 75k to go.
Cootamundra @ 25 August - Conor finished 25th from 100+ starters. The finishing line was on a nasty little steep berg (pictured) just out of Cootamundra. Conor finished 11th on the Sunday race over 65k is an outstanding effort.
* RAW Track @ DGV @ 24 Aug - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) currently leads the Division 2 pointscore at RAW at DGV with three rounds remaining. David holds the Division 2 lead by just two points. No pressure ...
* Cootamundra Weekend @ 25-26 Aug - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) contested the Cootamundra Weekend series of CyclingNSW road handicaps. The new course was outstanding, over great roads and some truly picturesque scenery. Saturday was over 100k & Conor finished an excellent 25th. Sunday was over 65k and Conor finished 11th in the front group contesting the win.
* National Cyclocross @ Essendon Fields (Melbourne) @ 25-26 Aug - Mike Lawson featured in the Masters M8 category and won the overall Series.
Alex Simmons (BiciSport) hosts the Tour De Bello this week, with all days based out of the Bellingen township. The Bello peloton this year has 16 cyclists who will enjoy some great cycling. The daily program is -
* Thursday 30 August - Promised Land Loop @ 40k - Start @ 2pm. Dinner @ Federal Hotel Bellingen
* Friday 31 August - Kalang River Loop @ 110k - Start @ 7.30am. Dinner @ Bellingen Lodge Motel
* Saturday 1 September - North Arm-Urunga-Mylestom-Sawtell-North Arm @ 95k - Start @ 7.30am. Dinner @ Alpe de Simmons
* Sunday 2 September - Alpe de Dorrigo @ 55k - Start @ 7.00am
* 31 Aug - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)
* 30 Aug-2 Sept - UCI World Gran Fondo Championships (Varese, Italy) - BiciSport starters Peter Budd & Graham Cocks
* 31 Aug-2 Sept - Sam Miranda NRS Tour (King Valley, Vic)
* 1-2 Sept - Tamworth Cycling Tour (Tamworth CC)
* 1 Sept - Calga Road Race (Central Coast CC)
* 2 Sept - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters CC)
For further details please contact 0417 403 244
* Motor traffic conditions are HEAVIER with the NSW School term in full swing.
* Note -
- Major roadworks
- Forest Way (at Forestville)
- Warringah Rd (at Allambie Heights)
- Pittwater Rd (at Dee Why) with center lane reconstruction
- Military Rd (Cremorne to Neutral Bay) with center lane reconstruction
- Forest Way & Mona Vale Rd (Terrey Hills) with intersection reconstruction
- All group rides are cancelled if wet
* 27, 29, 31 Aug - Centennial Park Lower Loop @ 8.00am (to 9.15am), Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills carpark @ 9.00am (for Duffys Forest Loop)
* 29 Aug (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 160 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group options)
* 30 Aug (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ Centennial Park Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am
* 1 Sept - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA). BiciSport Coffee at Miramire Sandstone Cafe (enter off Myoora Rd) @ 9.30am
* 2 Sept - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am
Thursday Centennial Park Ride @ 23 August - the Thursday Morning Training Ride around Centennial Park starts at 10.30am from the Spruce Goose Cafe in the centre of the Park. All welcome. From L to R ... Mike O'Reilly, John Robb, Peter Stupka, John Crouchley, Karl Hoad & Mike O'Brien (visiting from the UK).
Cootamundra @ 25 August ... before the Coota Classic start on the Saturday it was time for a local brew ... but thoughts were elsewhere
Cootamundra @ 25 August - Conor T had a good Saturday with 25th outright from 100+ starters on a very picturesque circuit on the outskirts of Cootamundra. Sunday was one step better with 11th outright and in the bunch sprint for the victory.