Ipswich (Qld) B grade Cyclocross @ 27 June - Klayton Smith (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took the win
Happy Wheels Waterloo is still open …. with matching Covid HW masks the “new normal”
The Flandrien Hotel is now open in Brakel Flanders and is an ideal venue for a cycling holiday in 2022.
See the feature story below and the battle of the Belgian Peugeot 504 and the Aussie Peugeot 504
Ronde van Vlaanderen @ 2019 - Johan Museeuw with Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)
Mur of Geraadsbergen @ 2019 - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) climbs the Chapel Mur not far from the Flandrien Hotel in Brakel
Recovery Ward - Best wishes to Raoul Westbrook after a car accident and time in RNS in recovery. Best wishes Raoul and a speedy recovery. Update @ 5 July - Raoul is now in Delmar Rehab Hospital in Dee Why but can’t take visitors during the Covid lockdown.
The Melburn Roobaix Cyclosportive set down for late June is now scheduled for 29 August courtesy of the latest Melbourne Covid lockdown
SINGLETON STATE TEAMS TIME TRIAL - TTT Training starts 15 August in Terrey Hills
By the time you read this it could be time to dust off the time trial beast and start thinking about the NSW Team Time Trial Championships on Saturday 30 October at Singleton
BiciSport training sessions for the prospective TTT teams will commence 15 August at Terrey Hills based out of Miramare Gardens (Sandstone Cafe on Myoora Rd).
Details are in the Special Events section of this website
The Bowral Classic has added a Saturday criterium based around the Bradman Oval on the outskirts of Bowral. Well done Bowral Classic for making a great weekend even better.
July 10 - Hanging Rock Handicap (Southern Highlands) - To be confirmed
July 11 - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters) - Cancelled
Tues 6 July
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.05am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am
Wed 7 July
Wise Monkey Cafe Gruppetto @ Berowra Railway Station @ 7.30am for 60k to Calga & return
Thurs 8 July
Happy Wheels Waterloo Spin to La Perouse @ 6.00am
Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.05am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Sat 10 July - Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am
The Peugeot 504 team car was a stalwart of the Tour de France through the late 1970’s and into the 1980’s. The 2021 Tour de France features Alpecin Fenix beside the traditional 504 in the jersey design worn by Raymond Poulidor (see pictures above), being a most thoughtful tribute to the late French champion
The story of the Flandrien Hotel and their contribution to cycling heritage with their own team ‘504’ is a great journey. Mike O’R was contacted recently by Jamie Anderson (an Aussie living in Belgium) on his 1980 Peugeot 504 and the Flandrien Hotel project. Before long it blossomed into ‘dressing’ the Flandrien Hotel 504 with the standard Peugeot team decals from the 1980’s (not the Tour de France style logos which are different in layout around the car). and how to effect the best result. It didn’t take long at all and the dream was realized to a stunning conclusion.
Well done Jamie and next time you want an outstanding cycling holiday in Flanders then head for www.flandrienhotel.com located near Brakel.
Milan San Remo Classic 1982 with the season long Peugeot team cars parked up in a Milan street (both station wagon and race team cars are shown). Petrol sponsorship was by Esso. The standard Peugeot team cars had the full checkerboard decal along the full length of the car
June 2021 - the Flandrien Hotel near Brakel (Belgium) in the heart of cycling mad Flanders and outside sits the delightfully restored 1980 Peugeot 504. The ‘504’ was thoughtfully restored in original Peugeot team colours featuring the full side panel ‘checker board’ design and period correct Esso decals.
Flandrien Hotel-Peugeot ‘504’ team car (circa 1980) was wrapped in nearby Oudenaarde and has only 60,000k on the clock. Note the differences in the decal layout with this standard team car and the 504 used for just 23 days in July at the Tour de France (see below)
Flandrien Hotel-Peugeot ‘504’
The Tour de France Peugeot - Esso team ‘504’ was specifically supplied by ASO for each team at the Tour de France. The Tour de France decal layout was different (compared to the normal season team car) for the 23 days of the Tde F on both the car bonnet and side doors. Hennie Kuiper is cycling beside the TdeF style Peugeot team car with Sports Director Maurice De Muer (note the ‘Esso’ on the jersey shoulders).
Meanwhile the BiciSport Tour de France Peugeot 504 with the period 1975 Tour de France decal layout from the ASO. At the time (1975) the team sponsorship included BP petrol & Kleber tyres, but the team subsequently had sponsorship from both Esso and Shell. Its easy to spot the difference between the two different decal configurations. Picture was taken above the Spit Bridge on the Seaforth side.
BiciSport Tour de France Peugeot 504 recently at Terrey Hills in Sydney