Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius) commences a six week secondment with the ASFRA Racing Team (Flanders Cycles) in Oudenaarde Belgium from 10 July until late August. Peter's program will be a combination of regular 120k "kermesse style" racing and top level "Inter Club" racing over distances of 150k-170k. A daily report from 10 July will be posted on this News page.
RAW 17 @ DGV - Matt Karai leads the peloton
RAW 17 @ DGV - Graham Cockerton
RAW 17 @ DGV - David Browne in the distinctive RAW kit
* 30 June - RAW Track @ DGV
* 1 July - Victorian ITT Series (Eildon, Victoria)
* 1-2 July - Wagga Wagga Weekend.
* 2 July - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Rememberance Cup ECR (Marconi CC), Calga ITT (ATTA)
* 27 June - BiciSport TTT training @ Elizabeth Bay Park (Lake Munmorah) @ 10am
* 28 June - DGV Training @ 3pm @ John Crouchley
* 29 June - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial @ 11am
* 1 July - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.15am
* 2 July - BiciSport TTT training @ Helensburgh & Terrey Hills
Sassafras Challenge
Open Men - Conor Tarlington, Lachlan Haughey, Will Peters, Peter O'Sullivan, David Browne
Open Women - Ruth Strapp, Kirsty Flanagan, Su Preeto, Amber Walsh, Angela Smith
Masters All Ages
# 1 - Mike Foster, Matt Coy, Giovanni Pilu, Ben Pines, Simon Lempriere, Dean Gale
Masters 150+
# 1 - Stewart Campbell, Mike O'Brien, Anthony Colantonio, Peter Verhoeven, Peter O'Sullivan
# 2 - Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo, James Thornton, Tom Green, Peter Verhoeven, Peter O'Sullivan
# 3 - Ian Grainger, Brett Tarlington, Graeme Cocks, Raoul Westbrook, Peter Verhoeven, Peter O'Sullivan
Team Managers
# - John Crouchley, Alex Simmons, Mike O'Reilly, Noel La Rose, Peter Davis, Jock Young
* BiciSport Team Time Trial Training @ July 2. There will be two options - some teams @ Helensburgh (with John Crouchley) with other teams @ Piemonte Café (with Mike O'Reilly).
* Helensburgh - From Sydney take the Princess Motorway going south towards Wollongong, Take the Helensburgh exit off Princess Motorway, Turn left at the first Roundabout (at old Princess Highway), Go 250m and the Sunrise Nursery is on your right (car parking, coffee & toilets), Meet at Sunrise Nursery at 8.30am and depart at 9.00am
* Terrey Hills - Meet at Piemonte Café Terrey Hills at 8.00am and depart at 8.30am for Booralie Rd