Erik Mather Cup 17 - Anthony Colantonio took 2nd in Division 2
* Erik Mather Cup at ECR on 16 April - Jeremy Hopson took 4th in Division 1 & Anthony Colantonio carried over his good velodrome form with an excellent 2nd in Division 2 in a two up breakaway.
* Tour of Gila (USA) - After good success at the Berrima U23 Championships Peter Livingstone heads to the USA for the Tour of Gila & Redlands Bicycle Classic. Peter then heads off to Belgium in early July for a 6 week stint with the ASFRA Team in Oudenaarde.
* NSW Masters Road Champs at Orange - Best wishes for next weekend's Orange Masters Championships to Anthony Colantonio, Matt Coy, Dean Gale, Ian Grainger, Jeremy Hopson, Simon Lemperiere, David Munro & James Thornton
* Battle of the Border 2017 cancelled - Note that BoB for 2017 has been cancelled due to road damage from the recent floods on the NSW North Coast.
* Apr 17 (Mon) - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (NS)
* Apr 19 - Tour of Gila (USA) with Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius)
* Apr 21 - World Masters Games (NZ)
* Apr 22 - Victorian ITT Series (Castlemaine, Vic)
* Apr 22-24 - NSW Masters Road Championships (Orange NSW)
* Apr 23 - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)
* Apr 20 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am
* Apr 22 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am
* Apr 23 - 145 Classic Cyclosportive @ Centennial Park @ 6.30am
The 145 Classic is to be held on Sunday 23 April from Centennial Park to Kiama starting at 6.30am. BiciSport is providing transport & Ride Leader support with the charity ride.
The 25 March date has now been postponed to Saturday 6 May at Tempe Velodrome. This is a great day out using the centre of the Tempe Velodrome. Start time is 11am & finishing 3pm.
BiciSport in Flanders 17 - Phil Gilbert drives past the Kokerelle B&B at Oudenaarde in the E3 Grand Prix. Phil was on a charge every race he rode and totally enlivened the 2017 Spring Classic campaign. Picture was taken with a standard iPhone 7.