BiciSport @ Barcycle Cafe @ Walsh Bay @ 23 Sept - the double vacced peloton (L to R) … John Robb, Sean Mura, Ian Grainger, Karl Hoad & Peter Krause and a very nice Colnago
Sam & Tom Green @ Pittwater Sept 21 - Sam states that his favourite bike is the Canyon Aeroad 2021 in the colours of matt white & copper. Sam loves mountain biking but also rides Swift and races sometimes, and loves the most aero of aero road bikes. Given his favourite bike he should be a Van Der Poel fan but his hero is Chris Froome because he is so awesome.
Sam Green high above Pittwater @ Sept 21
Sam Green on his favourite MTB trail near Pittwater @ Sept 21
Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive @ 18 Sept - Koen & Maarten Verhulst (BiciSport Belgium) on top of the steep Patersberg cobbled climb having completed 205k of the 217k journey from the Antwerp start to the Oudenaarde finish. Usually the Flanders cyclosportive is held the day before the professional Flanders Classic in early April but with Covid it was moved to just before the World Championships in Flanders.
Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive @ 18 Sept - the Flanders journey is a decal stuck to your top tube & the legendary Flemish climbs & cobbles tells the story
Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive @ 18 Sept - at the Oudenaarde Square finish with the Ver Hulst peloton of Basil, Maarten, Koen & Briek VerHulst
Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive @ 18 Sept - at the popular Oudenaarde Square finish feed zone
Paris Roubaix is coming - Mike Lawson & Marty Wright (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) at Wallers Arenberg Forest cobbles
Paris Roubaix is coming - Marty Wright & Mike Lawson at Pont Gibus (Gibus Bridge) just 5k after the Wallers Arenberg Forest cobbles
Covid lockdowns are a challenge and its timely to reach out to your family, friends and BiciSport team mates with an sms or phone call. A simple sms goes a long way.
With a view towards the future BiciSport will be organising monthly country escapes during the 2022 season, commencing with the Tumut Cycle Classic on 9 January 2022.
Go to the Special Events section of this website for updated BiciSport Country Escapes information
The NSW Track calendar is now posted on the Calendar section of this website
The NSW Government has indicated a possible return to community sport when the vaccine rate hits the well published 80% figure in mid-late October. Its a bit difficult (that’s an understatement) to say how definite this date will be and what that realistically means for community sport.
The latest event cancellations now include -
World Masters Track Championships (Los Angeles) - 2-9 Oct (cancelled)
Metro & Country Champs (Penrith) - moved to 2 Oct (cancelled)
Sutherland Shimano Criterium - moved to 3 Oct (cancelled)
Noosa Classic (Qld) - moved to 10 Oct - watch this space
Classic Bike Show (Lidcombe Oval) - 24 Oct (postponed to a date TBC)
NSW Team Time Trial Championships (Singleton) - 31 Oct (cancelled)
Bass Coast Classic Cyclosportive (Inverloch, Vic) - 4 Nov (cancelled)
Wagga Golden Wheel Track Open (CyclingNSW) - 4-5 Nov (cancelled)
Tour of the Tropics (NRS, Qld) - moved to 5-7 Nov
NSW ITT & RR Champs (Gunning) - moved to 13 Nov - watch this space
Heffron Park Retro Classic Bike Show - 13 Nov - to be confirmed
Southern Hemisphere Cup (ECR) - moved to 21 Nov - unlikely, watch this space
Tour of Tasmania - 24-28 Nov (cancelled)
L Etape Cyclosportive at Kiama - 27 Nov (cancelled)
Bowral Classic Cyclosportive - moved to 11-12 Dec
Fitzs Challenge (ACT - moved to 12 Dec
Gravel & Granite Classic (Tenterfield) - moved to 12 Mar 2022.
Keep a sharp eye on your social media and BiciSport News for further race cancellations
Currently there is no racing available
Tues 28 Sept
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.05am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am
Wed 29 Sept
Wise Monkey Cafe Gruppetto @ Berowra Railway Station @ 7.30am for 60k to Calga & return
Thurs 30 Sept
Happy Wheels Waterloo to La Perouse @ 6.00am
Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.05am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Sat 2 Oct - Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30amxx
Spring Oil Fuchs (Filotex) Pro Cycling Team (Italy) - 1963-80.
The broad range of sponsors from Spring Oil, Fuchs, Sanson (food producer), Luxor TV & finally Filotex. Groupsets were Campagnolo and framsets in the Filotex years were Benotto.
The team won anywhere and everywhere but with a strong Italian bias. Franco Bitossi (pictured above) won 171 races in a stellar career (just about every Italian classic there is to mention) plus the first Italian to win the Points Classification in the Tour de France. The Moser brothers in Diego, Aldo & Francesco made up the rest of the squad together with Italo Zilioli & Ugo Colombo.
Spring Oil Fuchs (on the bottom left) parked up at the Tour of Italy before the stage start
Felice Gimondi (Salvarani) and Franco Bitossi (Filotex) at the Tour of Italy
Francesco Moser (Filotex) on a Benotto frameset
Italo Zilioli (Filotex)