Newcastle - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport) finished 3rd in C grade at Kooragang Island Interclub on January 21
Clarence Street Cup Heat 2018 - Graham Cockerton (BiciSport) qualifying second
Clarence Street Cup Final 2018 - Graham Cockerton in the thick of the action towards the bell lap
Bordeaux Paris 1974 - Herman Van Springel following his lead derny (with a reserve derny following should the lead derny break down) together with the Carpenter team car. It helped a lot if the experienced derny driver was a 'chubby little tubby' & wore baggy team clothing
BiciSport Derny Restoration Project - now complete after 18 months of dirty fingers, much scratching of heads in complete frustration & endless applications of WD 40, degreaser, red paint and the final clear coat
Congratulations to John Crouchley and those who assisted with completing the derny restoration project. When the project commenced some 18 months ago it started out with nothing more than a desire to maintain a cycling legacy than any real clear vision as to the eventual outcome.
The dernys themselves are a more than difficult (some would say impossible) motorised bike to make much sense out of. Made originally in Belgium by Arie Simon with technology more akin to a lawn mower than a half reliable motor bike. Reliability is not a word that sits comfortably in any discussion on a Belgian made Simon derny. For starters, the World War 2 era two stroke engines simply didn't work (and still don't). The cost of an engine rebuild was simply prohibitive even with the prospects of using a new synthetic two stroke fuel (the original two stroke fuel was the core problem in making the dernys actually reliable). The outcome was to restore five dernys (see the above picture) to 'showroom condition' courtesy of WD-40 and endless hours of cleaning and scraping off years of abuse & neglect. The bling came with fresh red paint work and an application of 'clear coat' to give the original glossy finished look. They present very well even if they don't work.
The second project goal was to actually get one derny to function as designed, but where to start ?. The two stroke engine rebuild was just too costly, the electric option was discounted as being simply stupid (an electric derny is an oxymoron), so a new small four stroke engine was sourced from China and 9 months later the magic happened (notwithstanding a myriad of minor technical issues to resolve along the way). The rebuilt derny can easily do 65kph around the Dunc Gray Velodrome bends and is simply a delight as a pacing machine. John Crouchley now gives the new 4 stroke Simon derny a run at DGV each week.
John Crouchley (left) with Graham Cockerton (BiciSport) recently at the DGV with the rebuilt four stroke derny that comfortably reaches 65kph
* Clarence Street Cup @ DGV @ 20 Jan - For reasons unknown the premier NSW track event was slotted into a mid January date which ensured poor entries in both quality & quantity. Graham Cockerton (BiciSport) easily finished 2nd in the CSC heats to qualify for the CSC final. Graham was caught with 3 laps to go in a frenetic CSC Final.
* Cadel Evans Road Race @ 25-28 Jan - John Elderfield (BiciSport) is driving Commissaire 4 in the race convoy for the Zero Melbourne & Cadel Evans Weekend
* 23 Jan - Heffron Park Criteriums
* 25 Jan - Towards Zero Albert Park (Melbourne)
* 26 Jan - Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters)
* 27 Jan - Audax Alpine Classic (Bright, Vic), Orange Track Open
* 25-28 Jan - Cadel Evans Road Races (Geelong)
* 28 Jan - Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters), Ourimbah University Criterium (Central Coast)
For further details contact 0417 403 244.
* Motor traffic conditions are lighter until the end of January.
* Note the current roadworks along Forest Way (both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
* Jan 23 & 25 - M7 Cyclepath @ 80k @ 5.30am @ BP Service Station Wallgrove Rd
* Jan 24 (Wed) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park
* Jan 27 -
- BiciSport Gruppetto @ 6.30am @ Warringah Mall Pittwater Rd Bus Stop,
- Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am,
- Piemonte Cafe (coffee only) @ 9.30am
* Jan 28 -
- BiciSport Gruppetto @ 7.00am @ Cnr Pittwater Rd-Bungan St Mona Vale Roundabout,
- Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am