News Shorts - 5 September


Perth UWCT (1-4 September) - The BiciSport road race results were - Category 18-34 Jeremy Hopson 27th @ 3min11secs. Category 45-49 - Dean Gale 27th @ 11-03, Gio Pilu 112th @ 36-00. Category 50-54 - Anthony Colantonio 92nd @ 26-00. Full results at 

*  Vic Masters Road - National Cyclocross Champs - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Master) took Silver at the Victorian Masters Road Champs (Wangaratta August 13) then took Silver at the National Cyclocross Champs (Adelaide August 20)


September 10 - Calga (Central Coast CC)

September 10-11 - Royal National Park Cyclosportive (Garie Beach, Sutherland)

September 11 - West Head (Manly), Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters), Amy Gillett Gran Fondo (Lorne, Vic), CyclingNSW Presidents Forum (DGV)  


Belgian pro team cars were seemingly a motley crew - cars were often French (seemingly a Peugeot) and Molteni were famous for using the original Volvo "butter box". The Volvo was disarmingly boring as a car but the Molteni Eddy Merckx combination elevated it to iconic status.   

Herman Van Springel in front of a Volvo

Herman Van Springel in front of a Volvo

Quick Step Peugeot team car at the 3 Days of De Panne

Quick Step Peugeot team car at the 3 Days of De Panne

Eddy Merckx in the pouring rain at the 1969 Tour of Flanders with 70k to go with Lomme Driessens asking him to slow down & wait (good luck with that Lomme). The Faema car is the Peugeot 404 (designed by Pinafarina) used by many pro teams and at …

Eddy Merckx in the pouring rain at the 1969 Tour of Flanders with 70k to go with Lomme Driessens asking him to slow down & wait (good luck with that Lomme). The Faema car is the Peugeot 404 (designed by Pinafarina) used by many pro teams and at the Tour de France.  

The only thing that saved the Volvo from the recycling bin was that is was attached to the greatest cyclist of all time.  An Italian sponsor, a Belgian team and a Swedish car with a dark brown colour scheme. Somehow it worked.

The only thing that saved the Volvo from the recycling bin was that is was attached to the greatest cyclist of all time.  An Italian sponsor, a Belgian team and a Swedish car with a dark brown colour scheme. Somehow it worked.

With a roof like that .... who cares about the team car

With a roof like that .... who cares about the team car

Graham Jones - Narrabeen Lagoon Track Dedication

Graham Jones was a keen cyclist and Northern Beaches event organiser. Graham contributed heavily to both Manly and BiciSport clubs. Graham was killed in a training accident with a bus in Chatswood in November 2002. 

In recognition of his services to the Northern Beaches community generally the Narrabeen Lagoon walking & cycle track is to be dedicated in his name. The naming ceremony will be held at the Middle Creek Reserve at 9.45am on Friday 16 September. Representatives of Manly Club (Peter McNamara) and BiciSport (Mike O'Reilly) will attend. 

Graham Jones Track circulates the Narrabeen Lagoon. A great walk or cycle.

Graham Jones Track circulates the Narrabeen Lagoon. A great walk or cycle.

News Shorts - 29 August


**  Kirsty Flanagan took the 'fastest woman' award at the Caltex Handicap at Calga on 28 August. 


**  2 September - RAW at DGV

**  31-4 September - Tour of Gippsland (NRS). Alex Simmons assists as the Chief Commissaire driver.

**  1-4 September - UWCT in Perth

**  4 September - Ashfield Cup (Waratah Masters at ECR), ATTA at Calga   

UWCT runs from 1-4 September in Perth

UWCT runs from 1-4 September in Perth

UWCT in Perth this week has BiciSport starters Sue & Graham Tierney, Dean Gale, Gio Pilu, Anthony Colantonio & Jordan Reizes

UWCT in Perth this week has BiciSport starters Sue & Graham Tierney, Dean Gale, Gio Pilu, Anthony Colantonio & Jordan Reizes


The Nationals run from 1-3 October. The courses are excellent and so too is the local hospitality. BiciSport will be strongly represented and the time to sort out your accommodation is now.  All race details can be found at

Flanders Frites

august 16 - race in temse (st niklaas)

Conor on the Temse Kermis start line with a fellow Flanders Cycles team mate.

Conor on the Temse Kermis start line with a fellow Flanders Cycles team mate.

The Verhulst family came out in force to support Conor in his last Belgian UCI kermis with the smallest peloton of just 36 starters. What the Temse kermis lacked in number it made up in quality with the strong BMC Development Team in attendance. The BMC team ripped into proceedings early on and split the peloton into 4 groups with the dominant BMC team in the 14 rider front group. It was day over for the rest as nobody could match the BMC juggernaut. Two of the BMC riders at Temse are going to the World Road Championships (Under 23) in Qatar and one took victory at the last Paris Roubaix (for Under 23). This draws the Conot flemish blog to a close & hope you enjoyed the ups and downs.            

august 15 - koppenberg Versus Van der wally

The last morning in Oudenaarde and Conor Van Der Wally is determined to hit the Koppenberg a couple of more times (as you do when you're just 18). So that now makes the Koppenberg count of Conor 6 Koppenberg 0 (rode 6 walked 0). In an attempt to bring reason to an out of control situation it was time for the red steel Rossin (circa 1985) to get lost on tiny Flemish lanes near Oudenaarde. You know where you are with steel (meaning heavy & nowhere).   

The 22% gradient of the Black Beast is back in the shadows. The road has been rebuilt three times. The first two times they used road base (gravel) between the stones but the heavy rain simply washed the gravel down the steep hill. The road then col…

The 22% gradient of the Black Beast is back in the shadows. The road has been rebuilt three times. The first two times they used road base (gravel) between the stones but the heavy rain simply washed the gravel down the steep hill. The road then collapsed on itself and was unrideable. At the third attempt they have used a concrete base between the stones and the road is now going nowhere (except up).    

Top of the Koppenberg

Top of the Koppenberg

On the Flemish lanes at the Eikenberg with a 1985 steel red Rossin. All that's missing is Eric Vanderaerden, Eddy Planckaert, some Pot Belge and Led Zeppelin IV.

On the Flemish lanes at the Eikenberg with a 1985 steel red Rossin. All that's missing is Eric Vanderaerden, Eddy Planckaert, some Pot Belge and Led Zeppelin IV.

august 14 - kokerelle

The last day at the Kokerelle B&B and a big thankyou to Kathy Sante for making our time so enjoyable. A special thankyou to our delightful neighbours in Julien & Lydie who made us feel so welcome. We look forward to returning to the village of Maarke Kerkem in March 2017 to see Tom Boonen win his last Paris Roubaix.

The extended Belgian family in Maarke Kerkem with Kathy, Julien & Lydie

The extended Belgian family in Maarke Kerkem with Kathy, Julien & Lydie

August 13 - race in stekene (hulst, dutch border)

Another day another drive down the E17 Freeway from Oudenaarde towards Antwerp, this time to the small village of Stekene only 2k from the Dutch border. 

Stekene was a return to UCI level competition. Being just 2k from the Netherlands something like 40% of the peloton was Dutch in the 80 strong field. The circuit was only 6.5k per lap for 17 laps that ran beside the E40 Freeway for a time, then looped back through a small forest in a nasty crosswind. These bigger Belgie & Dutch riders are seemingly born to this type of bulldozer racing ... every corner is their idea of a hill and Stekene was full gas from the start. If you think there needs to be a hill to make bike racing super difficult then think again - racing at UCI level in Belgium is fierce. The early break of 6 riders went away (as usual) and Conor looked comfortable in the peloton. So much so it was an opportune time for the BiciSport Director Sportif to head to the "rustic" (semi tragic) Stekene pub for a beer (heck counting laps is hard work). Seven laps in and the peloton started to chase the break in earnest and Conor went from looking comfortable to "eating his handelbars" for lunch at 75k. If you needed convincing that UCI was tougher than WAOD then Stekene at a crisp 45kph average was it. Last stop is Temse next Tuesday for the final UCI level race.          

Back in the UCI at Stekene and smiles were strictly optional

Back in the UCI at Stekene and smiles were strictly optional

Third in line on Lap 5 and looking comfortable

Third in line on Lap 5 and looking comfortable

Stekene peloton at the 70k mark passing the Stekene pub with Conor coming into shot (on the right) 

Stekene peloton at the 70k mark passing the Stekene pub with Conor coming into shot (on the right

Kokerelle B&B in Oudenaarde with Elsa (black) and Olga (white). 

Kokerelle B&B in Oudenaarde with Elsa (black) and Olga (white). 

august 12 - verbust, merckx, coliyn & TEMSE

A chance to catch up with Eddy Verbust and see through the Verbust Museum (acknowledged as the best private cycling museum in Belgium). Eddy then kindly arranged a tour of the Eddy Merckx Velodrome in Ghent where we met Luc Coliyn (Belgian professional in the early 1980's in the Fangio Pro Team). 

Late in the day we drove down to Temse (near Antwerp) to see Koen Verhulst race in a VWB League event over 50k. The VWB League is yet anorher "league" in Belgium unrelated to either the UCI or WAOD and just adding to the seemingly endless supply of local Belgian racing.

The Verbust Museum has hundreds of posters, jerseys, medals, magazines from numerous professional road races & the Ghent Six Day track event. These posters are all personally signed by the professional riders.

The Verbust Museum has hundreds of posters, jerseys, medals, magazines from numerous professional road races & the Ghent Six Day track event. These posters are all personally signed by the professional riders.

In amongst the countless posters was the last Eddy Merckx track bike used by Matthew Gilmore. Sweet.

In amongst the countless posters was the last Eddy Merckx track bike used by Matthew Gilmore. Sweet.

Inside the Eddy Merckx Velodrome in Ghent

Inside the Eddy Merckx Velodrome in Ghent

Eddy Merckx Velodrome with Luc Coliyn (ex Belgian professional for the Fangio Pro Team) 

Eddy Merckx Velodrome with Luc Coliyn (ex Belgian professional for the Fangio Pro Team) 

Eddy Merckx Velodrome in Ghent

Eddy Merckx Velodrome in Ghent

The Temse Kermis race in the VWB League. Koen Verhulst in the yellow fluro overshoes. Conor has his final race at the Temse Kermis UCI race next Tuesday and a good opportunity today to review the circuit.

The Temse Kermis race in the VWB League. Koen Verhulst in the yellow fluro overshoes. Conor has his final race at the Temse Kermis UCI race next Tuesday and a good opportunity today to review the circuit.

Koen & Stijn Verhulst after the finish. Maybe a Duvel or a Vedett ?

Koen & Stijn Verhulst after the finish. Maybe a Duvel or a Vedett ?

VWB League action passing the The Falcon pub at the Temse Kermis. Typical of a Belgian kermis bike race with good crowds, good beer and pubs like The Falcon doing a roaring trade .... the sort of little Flemish pub lost in the last century (at least…

VWB League action passing the The Falcon pub at the Temse Kermis. Typical of a Belgian kermis bike race with good crowds, good beer and pubs like The Falcon doing a roaring trade .... the sort of little Flemish pub lost in the last century (at least) where your shoes seemingly stick to the floor and a barmaid who looks like your grandmother. The Falcon had it all ...      

august 9 - wall of huy & ardenne loop

With a small gap in the racing calendar it was a chance to go down to Huy (more precisely the Mur of Huy with a maximum 26% and average of 19%) as the main objective of the day. We simply downloaded a recent major cyclosportive route onto the Garmin and followed numerous low traffic roads and climbs through the Ardenne. The Mur (Wall) of Huy was as expected (super steep) and straight up out of Huy town in 38 x 28.        

The Fleche Walloone Pro Classic passes through Huy each year and finishes on top of the famous Wall. What the TV shots never seem to show is that the Tihange nuclear power plant is barely 2k from the town centre.

The Fleche Walloone Pro Classic passes through Huy each year and finishes on top of the famous Wall. What the TV shots never seem to show is that the Tihange nuclear power plant is barely 2k from the town centre.

Mur (Wall) of Huy with the town in the background going through turn 1 @ 26% 

Mur (Wall) of Huy with the town in the background going through turn 1 @ 26% 

Mur of Huy through turn 2 is slightly easier at 22% 

Mur of Huy through turn 2 is slightly easier at 22% 

GVA won Olympic Gold and Het Nieuwsblad liked the result.

GVA won Olympic Gold and Het Nieuwsblad liked the result.

august 8 - Koppenberg count - Conor leads 4-0

Some days in pays to speak Flemish & be able to actually read a Flemish cycling website ... we drive to Meilegen for a 64k kermis race with high anticipation only to discover that the race had been cancelled !. Oops. So it was a training ride instead up the Koppenberg where Conor leads the Black Beast 4-0 (meaning 4 rides up the Koppenberg with no crashes or long walks). Conor is now using 38 x 25 in the crown of the Kberg cobbles. Tomorrow we drive to the Wall of Huy (maximum gradient of 25%) combined with a 110k loop through the Ardenne from the village of Nandrin.   

Top of the Koppenberg looking back over the cliff to the village of Melden

Top of the Koppenberg looking back over the cliff to the village of Melden

After the no show at Meilegen it was off to the Koppenberg (also known by local club riders as the Black Beast). The Kokerelle B&B feels (and smells) like a visit to the Royal Easter Show. Kokerelle has 2 horses, 2 pigs, a peloton of chooks, a f…

After the no show at Meilegen it was off to the Koppenberg (also known by local club riders as the Black Beast). The Kokerelle B&B feels (and smells) like a visit to the Royal Easter Show. Kokerelle has 2 horses, 2 pigs, a peloton of chooks, a few goats, cows, some sheep, deer (in the photo above) plus Billy the Pug dog.  

Walking up the Black Beast

Walking up the Black Beast

august 7 - basil verhulst (Signs for Molteni Arcore)

Some 200 of the faithful Verhulst peloton joined forces (meaning they all got together with a few Duvels) to celebrate the birth of Basil Verhulst (winner of the 2040 Tour of Flanders).  The Basil party was called a "babyborrel " ... where all the relatives come to see the new baby at the one time (and not randomly visit (annoy) the parents just after the birth). So all the relatives just wait until the babyborrel to see the new baby. Most of the relatives cycled their street bikes to the function. The formal christening of Basil is done at a latter date.

Basil & Jasmine Verhulst at the babyborrel.  Basil was presented with his new Molteni Arcore pro team (baby size) jersey for the 2040 Tour of Flanders. Basil refused to comment on Molteni team salary negotiations. 

Basil & Jasmine Verhulst at the babyborrel.  Basil was presented with his new Molteni Arcore pro team (baby size) jersey for the 2040 Tour of Flanders. Basil refused to comment on Molteni team salary negotiations. 

August 6 - race in kalken (GHENT)

The Kalken Kermis was on a quick circuit of 3.9k per lap with only two corners for the 77k distance. The circuit is situated just beside the E17 Freeway (to Antwerp) hidden in amongst a jungle of farmers fields growing maize & hops (for brewing beer). 

As usual the breakaway went early with 7 riders and they went out to a 25 second lead and it stayed that way for lap after lap. Finally they were caught with 5 laps to go and the winning break went away immediately. Conor Verhulst-Tarlington rode well in the peloton with good position throughout and finished 22nd from 60 starters for an excellent result. Prizemoney at Kalken was another 3 Euro plus a can of drink taking total Belgian career earnings to 9 Euro & 3 cans of drink. Maarten Verhulst is still waiting for his percentage cut of the winnings ....    

The local hops factory served as the Kalken Kermis registration area

The local hops factory served as the Kalken Kermis registration area

A common sight at all Belgian kermis races - extensive police co-operation & they do a great job

A common sight at all Belgian kermis races - extensive police co-operation & they do a great job

The Kalken Kermis races through the maize & hops fields in relative tranquillity. The E17 Freeway to Antwerp was just 750m away.  

The Kalken Kermis races through the maize & hops fields in relative tranquillity. The E17 Freeway to Antwerp was just 750m away.  

Conor Verhulst on lap 5 at the Kalken Kermis

Conor Verhulst on lap 5 at the Kalken Kermis

Conor Verhulst on lap 10 at the Kalken Kermis

Conor Verhulst on lap 10 at the Kalken Kermis

august 4 - Roubaix velodrome

The next race is on August 6 so a chance to see the Roubaix Velodrome minus the crowds and April weather. From Oudenaarde its just a 35k drive into Roubaix (maybe 45k on a bike for a 90k return ride).   

Roubaix Velodrome with the Roubaix Lille Metropole Team Car outside the team headquarters

Roubaix Velodrome with the Roubaix Lille Metropole Team Car outside the team headquarters

Roubaix Velodrome on the finish line of the Paris Roubaix Classic

Roubaix Velodrome on the finish line of the Paris Roubaix Classic

august 3 - Antwerp derny classic (with tom boonen) 

Every time we venture into Antwerp with Eddy & Maria Verhulst to see a bike race it seems to rain. In 2006 we saw Nico Eeckhout win a Belgian Pro Road Championship (Boonen was 3rd that year) in the pouring rain, then Robbie McEwen won the Antwerp Derny Classic in 2006 in another heavy thunderstorm. Again today the weather was simply awful with constant rain making the cobblestones in central Antwerp so slippery they were difficult to walk on let alone chase a tiny derny through greasy corners. The star attractions were Tom Boonen & Filippo Pozzato with the Derny Classic held over 3 separate heats of 30 minutes per heat (winner is on overall points). Had a good chat with Dennis Luckermans who runs the Belgian dernys and he was most helpful on the enhanced petrol mixture now being used - this will help John Crouchley (BiciSport) in restoring the seven Dunc Gray Velodrome dernys (used at the Sydney Olympics).  

Tom Boonen takes the left hand turn across the greasy cobbles in steady rain at the Antwerp Derny Classic. The derny riders themselves are usually ex professionals with excellent bike handling skills. They also have strict dress codes as to what the…

Tom Boonen takes the left hand turn across the greasy cobbles in steady rain at the Antwerp Derny Classic. The derny riders themselves are usually ex professionals with excellent bike handling skills. They also have strict dress codes as to what they can wear (obviously more is better to assist the rider for less wind resistance). To get around the dress code restrictions the "naturally bigger" the derny rider the better.  

Pozzato (in red) in the Derny peloton of 14 riders , 14 dernys & 3 spare dernys at the rear (for Derny breakdowns). The little dernys sounded great with the beer tents doing a great business despite the weather   

Pozzato (in red) in the Derny peloton of 14 riders , 14 dernys & 3 spare dernys at the rear (for Derny breakdowns). The little dernys sounded great with the beer tents doing a great business despite the weather   

Tom Boonen approaches the greasy left hand corner in never ending Antwerp rain

Tom Boonen approaches the greasy left hand corner in never ending Antwerp rain

august 1 - race in bazel (Antwerp)

Bazel was a delightful little village on the outskirts of Antwerp. The circuit was mostly single lane Flemish country lanes and only the finish straight resembled a normal road. 61 starters lined up with 3 riders getting away on lap 4 (of 11) and they stayed away. Conor rode an excellent race and held good position throughout the 75k distance. Final placing was 26th for another 3 Euro pay day and another 43kph average speed.  

Maarten Verhulst & Conor before the Bazel start

Maarten Verhulst & Conor before the Bazel start

Conor passing the 'T Hoekske Pub before the Bazel finishing straight. Serves a great Westmalle Triple ...

Conor passing the 'T Hoekske Pub before the Bazel finishing straight. Serves a great Westmalle Triple ...

Bell lap at Bazel with the peloton chasing the three breakaways with a 43kph average for the 75k

Bell lap at Bazel with the peloton chasing the three breakaways with a 43kph average for the 75k

The Verhulst family turned up to support Conor in Bazel including Koen, Maarten and Lies Verhulst

The Verhulst family turned up to support Conor in Bazel including Koen, Maarten and Lies Verhulst

July 30 - Mechelen post tour criterium

With nothing open in Oudenaarde it was off to a post Tour criterium in search of a café that was actually open. The Mechelen Pizza Pasta café in this shot was just that place ... all the Pizza shop owner knew about Australia was "I hear yo…

With nothing open in Oudenaarde it was off to a post Tour criterium in search of a café that was actually open. The Mechelen Pizza Pasta café in this shot was just that place ... all the Pizza shop owner knew about Australia was "I hear you have insects & spiders".  Thanks Eddy, nice pizza. Moving on ... the post Tour criteriums are more akin to karaoke on a bike - the break goes, then by pure magic it comes back, peloton still chatting & smiling, then another "breakaway" goes with another Tour de France hero, magic happens and it comes back (again) just in time for the local favourite to take the win. Magic happens again. The more beer you drink at these post Tour criteriums the more realistic the racing was ...    

JULY 29 - race in beveren ... Waas great

Beveren Waas is on the outskirts of Antwerp with a 6.45pm start over 75k and 11 laps. Beveren was the first start for Conor in the WAOD League. 50 riders started on a circuit that was a mixture of dual carriageway and single lane narrow Flemish lanes. The pace was brisk from the off and went to 50kph and finally settled by half way. Conor was riding well and in there comfortably to such a degree Maarten & myself had a few Duvels. Conor rode very well for an excellent 24th place (from 50 starters) and won 3 Euro plus a can of soft drink. The average speed for the 75k was a sharp 43kph.  

Maarten Verhulst & Conor at Beveren. Maarten is not only the Race Director at the Velle race on August 16 (Conor's last race) but kindly assisted with getting the WAOD licence at short notice, provided lunch and a hot shower afterwards. &nb…

Maarten Verhulst & Conor at Beveren. Maarten is not only the Race Director at the Velle race on August 16 (Conor's last race) but kindly assisted with getting the WAOD licence at short notice, provided lunch and a hot shower afterwards.   

Beveren Waas peloton on lap 2

Beveren Waas peloton on lap 2

Conor passing the Beveren Waas corner pub with 250 metres to the finish

Conor passing the Beveren Waas corner pub with 250 metres to the finish

An excellent Beveren Waas peloton finish for 24th at 43kph

An excellent Beveren Waas peloton finish for 24th at 43kph

Conor & Maarten Verhulst after the finish discussing how to split the 3 Euro prizemoney

Conor & Maarten Verhulst after the finish discussing how to split the 3 Euro prizemoney

July 28 - BMC SERVICE COURSE + Spa Francorchamps 

Just outside Oudenaarde is the BMC Concept Store plus the BMC Pro Team Service Course. The Service Course has a glass viewing wall so it's easy to just look in at all the activity. Then it was a 2 hour drive down to Leige and the Spa Francorchamps motor racing circuit for the practice session for the Spa 24 Hours (for Le Mans style cars).      

Mercedes team car ... nice

Mercedes team car ... nice

BMC Service Course looking through the glass viewing wall. The endless rows of wheelsets are to right of this picture as is the massive mechanics lorry.    

BMC Service Course looking through the glass viewing wall. The endless rows of wheelsets are to right of this picture as is the massive mechanics lorry.    

Conor at Spa Francochamps Motor Racing Circuit in the main Paddock as Le Mans style cars leave the pits for Eau Rouge & Kemmel Straight.

Conor at Spa Francochamps Motor Racing Circuit in the main Paddock as Le Mans style cars leave the pits for Eau Rouge & Kemmel Straight.

JULY 27 - race in Deinze ... 46.1kph AV for 114k & 154 micro sprints

Deinze looked more like Chatswood being full of high rise apartments than a sleepy Belgian village and the car parking was more akin to Warringah Mall than some quiet country road. If you can imagine doing a bike race around Artarmon, through Lane Cove and laps of Chatswood then this was it. There was high density housing, traffic everywhere (thankfully no cars on the course itself) and a real urban style concrete jungle. Only the Belgians could attempt to run a bike race on an urban circuit like this. The 145 starters lined up for a lesson in super fast Belgian kermis racing with Deinze well known for ex pro's being on the start line to stir it all up. The race was absolutely full gas from the start and by the end of lap 1 there were 146 riders in single file and all on the utter limit. It was painful to watch. Conor's computer registered over 50kph average for the first three laps and the peloton looked like a grenade had gone off by the end of lap 4. Brutal really doesn't describe Belgian kermis racing and now its time for a change of strategy to WAOD (Division 2) level races from here on. The next race is in Beveren Waas near Antwerp on July 29 in the WAOD League.           

Deinze results in Het Niewsblad the next day with 145 starters at an average speed of 46.1kph !!! for 114k. Couple that 46.1kph with 11 corners per lap (full gas) and that amounts to 154 micro sprints plus the racing in between the micro sprints.&nb…

Deinze results in Het Niewsblad the next day with 145 starters at an average speed of 46.1kph !!! for 114k. Couple that 46.1kph with 11 corners per lap (full gas) and that amounts to 154 micro sprints plus the racing in between the micro sprints.   

Deinze Kermis is about beer, some more beer and some tough Belgian kermis racing

Deinze Kermis is about beer, some more beer and some tough Belgian kermis racing

Deinze bookmakers betting on the Kermis races is common in Belgium

Deinze bookmakers betting on the Kermis races is common in Belgium

Conor (in red) at the Deinze start, passing the main kermis entertainment tent (beside the Church !)

Conor (in red) at the Deinze start, passing the main kermis entertainment tent (beside the Church !)

Passing the Deinze Church just after the finish line ... prayers won't help you with a 50kph+ average speed

Passing the Deinze Church just after the finish line ... prayers won't help you with a 50kph+ average speed

July 26 - roeselare POST Tour Criterium

A short drive from Oudenaarde to Roeselare in West Flanders for a post Tour criterium. The mandatory breakaway goes out to a 45 second lead (crowd doesn't even notice), then the magic catch by a peloton doing a lot of talking & smiling (crowd still too busy having a beer), Thomas De Gendt attacks (crowd finally wakes up for the local lad), Greg Van Avermatt does a bit (crowd something close to excitement as its another Belgian after all), Michael Matthews digs in (crowd impressed), the local Tour legend wins (crowd goes crazy). Happy days & where is my Duvel. Lets do it again tomorrow in Lommel on the Dutch border & St Niklaas on Friday.   

Conor at the Roeselare Criterium with Greg Van Avermatt, Michael Matthews, Thomas De Gendt & friends

Conor at the Roeselare Criterium with Greg Van Avermatt, Michael Matthews, Thomas De Gendt & friends

Post Tour de France Criteriums are in Flanders over the next week in Aalst, Roeselare, Lommel, St Niklaas & Antwerp

Post Tour de France Criteriums are in Flanders over the next week in Aalst, Roeselare, Lommel, St Niklaas & Antwerp

JULY 25 - race in SINAAI # 2

The same course & same start venue as two days previous. The Molenhoek Kermis (or fete) was still raging and hosted 3 race days in succession to keep the locals drinking their Duvel. At the back of the massive kermis tent were local belges shooting arrows !! (with rubber noses) at a prize wall of toys (hit one and you take it home). Never seen that before & whatever rocks your boat. The aussie support group in the VerHulst family plus Sylle De Dock (ex Tulip Computers Pro Team swannie) turned up in force to support Conor.

Just 57 entrants (previously 113 two days before) lined up and again included the Belgian Elite Road Champion in Joeri Stalleart. The pace was on from the start and a break of 10 riders went away on lap 1 and 10 riders bridged across on lap 2. Conor was looking comfortable just sitting in the 37 rider peloton during laps 3 & 4. Across the rough Sinaai cobbles on lap 5 and the SRAM rear mech has a big moment and the gears just jammed. By the time it was sorted the race was long gone. Race over and a big sigh from the Conor-VerHulst fan club on the finish barriers. The next race is two days away in Deinze in East Flanders.    

Molenhoek kermis beer tent (and rider registration)

Molenhoek kermis beer tent (and rider registration)

The Molenhoek Kermis in Sinaai has been going since 1912

The Molenhoek Kermis in Sinaai has been going since 1912

... at the back of the kermis tent ... don't do this on Duvel

... at the back of the kermis tent ... don't do this on Duvel

Conor with local Flandrian rider Donovan Baillieu (Team Gaverzicht)

Conor with local Flandrian rider Donovan Baillieu (Team Gaverzicht)

Sinaai start line

Sinaai start line

Conor (in red) looking comfortable on Lap3 at Sinaai

Conor (in red) looking comfortable on Lap3 at Sinaai

Conor-VerHulst Fan Club at Sinaai (includes Adelaide jersey & koala)

Conor-VerHulst Fan Club at Sinaai (includes Adelaide jersey & koala)

JULY 23 - race in SINAAI # 1

Belgian "kermis" races are generally 120k and are run off in something like 2 hrs 45 minutes ... do the math on that and if sounds quick it feels quicker. Kermis simply means a community style fair (or fete) and the bike race is the "entertainment" and an excuse for the fete patrons to drink a barrel of belgian beer while the cyclists carve each other up. Sinaai is near St Niklaas in East Flanders and 9k per lap with 13 laps. The circuit had two stretches of cobbles. The start list numbered 113 with the current Belgian Champion and several internationals from Canada, Ireland, UK plus some Dutch domestic teams. 

Conor started in the middle of the peloton and the first lap of 9k took just 11 minutes (do the math on that !). The second lap and there was a crash which Conor avoided (rode over a fellow competitors front wheel) and chased and got back on the peloton. Nice work. Meanwhile a group of 20 had escaped and formed the breakaway of the day. Conor was looking comfortable through laps 3 & 4 (as much as you can averaging 45kph) and preparations were made for MO'R to hit the Belgian beer tent. Unfortunately another crash on the cobbles during lap 5 split the peloton. Conor wasn't directly involved but was delayed enough to end his day. Overall a pleasing start with the next race planned for Monday July 25 again near St Niklaas. Dinner was celebrated in Antwerp with Frans Ver Hulst who turned 90. The Ver Hulst family have been great supporters of BiciSport cyclists in Belgium over many years.        

Sinaai start line was a crowded affair with 113 starters including the current Belgian Road Champion

Sinaai start line was a crowded affair with 113 starters including the current Belgian Road Champion

Sinaai at the end of Lap 1 and the peloton was already full gas

Sinaai at the end of Lap 1 and the peloton was already full gas

Sinaai race school ... avoided two crashes, smashed over two stretches of filthy Belgian cobbles each lap.   

Sinaai race school ... avoided two crashes, smashed over two stretches of filthy Belgian cobbles each lap.   

Frans Ver Hulst celebrates turning 90 in Antwerp. The Ver Hulst family have generously supported several BiciSport riders over the years to race in Belgium.   

Frans Ver Hulst celebrates turning 90 in Antwerp. The Ver Hulst family have generously supported several BiciSport riders over the years to race in Belgium.   


Conor met with the ASFRA Racing Team principal Luc Assez at Flanders Cycles in Oudenaarde. Luc presented Conor with his new ASFRA Flanders Cycles team kit. ASFRA sponsor a range of teams from Under 15 up to the semi professional level.

Conor with Luc Assez of ASFRA- Flanders Cycles Racing Team in Oudenaarde  

Conor with Luc Assez of ASFRA- Flanders Cycles Racing Team in Oudenaarde  

JULY 20 ... Its a BERG-FEST

First training ride over 35k in 30 degree heat and its a 5k warm up along the Kluisbergen Railtrail to Melden with the first stop being the Koppenberg (heck, why not ?), then it was off to the Old Kwaremont climb and a photo opportunity at the Karel Van Wijndeale Monument (creator of the Tour of Flanders Classic). Barely had time to say "where is my Duvel beer" and we climbed the 22% Patersberg (Patersberg never looked this hard on EuroSport). Final berg of the day came shortly afterwards at the Kortekeer climb plus a brief crossing of the Etikove cobbles.   

Koppenberg and the only way is up ...

Koppenberg and the only way is up ...

Approaching the Koppenberg ... under the trees the gradient is 22% and Conor used 38 x 28. 

Approaching the Koppenberg ... under the trees the gradient is 22% and Conor used 38 x 28. 

Karel Van Wijndeale Monument at the top of the Old Kwaremont climb (note every winner has a cobble)  

Karel Van Wijndeale Monument at the top of the Old Kwaremont climb (note every winner has a cobble)  


Kokerelle & Oudenaarde

Conor Tarlington & Mike O'Reilly arrived 19 July and settled into "home" for the next month of racing in Belgium. The Kokerelle B&B ( is in the small village of Maarke Kerkem just 4k from Oudenaarde. The Kokerelle B&B sits just beside the Eikenberg cobbled climb used in the Tour of Flanders and only 5k from any number of famous cobbled climbs also used in the Flanders classic. The Koppenberg is just 8k away and the Old Kwaremont maybe 10k and if you're really keen the Roubaix Velodrome is a 75k round trip on the Schelde River bike path.

Belgian Racing Guide

An excellent Belgian racing guide can be found at in the Belgian Racing Guide section. This website has numerous handy insights into how and when the racing scene operates in Flanders.

Kokerelle B&B gardens in Maarke Kerkem near the Eikenberg (photo taken 20 July 16)

Kokerelle B&B gardens in Maarke Kerkem near the Eikenberg (photo taken 20 July 16)

Nowra Team Time Championships Report - 18 July


A well organised TTT Championship was greeted with the best weather in memory with something of a tailwind out to the Sassafras u turn and a harder ride back to the Nowra Airport finish. The biggest BiciSport entry list ever for a Nowra TTT was supported by numerous managers on the day, followed by a dinner at the Greenwell Point Café on the Saturday night and a 50k club ride to Culburra Beach on the Sunday morning. Special thanks to those who assisted the 8 Bici teams in Katie Brown, Alex Simmons, John Crouchley, Graham Tierney, Marty Wright, Noel La Rose & Peter Davis.

Sassafras Challenge - (7th from 9 teams) David Browne, Martin Wright, Brad Mills, Graham Tierney in 1hr 8mins (winner 56 min)  

Women Masters All Ages - (5th from 11 teams) Cecile Beams, Frances Edwards, Penny Kee, Kylie Mildren in 1hr 9min (winner 1-06) 

Women Masters 140+ - (Bronze from 8 teams) Lise Benjamin, Ruth Strapp, Kirsty Flanagan, Sue Tierney in 1hr 6min (winner 1-05)  

Men Masters 180+ - (Bronze from 7 teams) Ian Grainger, Mike Lawson, Raoul Westbrook, Peter Verhoeven in 1hr 3min (fastest 58min) 

Men Masters 150+ - (8th from 24 teams) Roy Edwards, Ben Mildren, Len Groen in 1hr, (10th from 24 teams) Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo, Anthony Colantonio, James Thornton in 1hr 1min (fastest 55min)

Men Masters All Ages - (14th from 41 teams) Stewart Campbell, Ian Cocks, Tom Green, Mike O'Brien in 56min (28th from 41 teams) Paul Curgenven, Mark Walsh, Colin Edwards in 1hr 3min (fasters 50min)

Sassafras Road Race (Sunday) - Ian Cocks finished 9th in Division 2 over 70k     

Ruth Strapp and Kirsty Flanagan

Ruth Strapp and Kirsty Flanagan

Sue Tierney, Kirsty Flanagan, Ruth Strapp, Lise Benjamin

Sue Tierney, Kirsty Flanagan, Ruth Strapp, Lise Benjamin

Kylie Mildren, Cecile Beams, Penny Kee, Frances Edwards

Kylie Mildren, Cecile Beams, Penny Kee, Frances Edwards

Brad Mills, David Browne, Marty Wright

Brad Mills, David Browne, Marty Wright

Mike Lawson, Raoul Westbrook, Peter Verhoeven, Ian Grainger

Mike Lawson, Raoul Westbrook, Peter Verhoeven, Ian Grainger

Ben Mildren, Roy Edwards, Len Groen

Ben Mildren, Roy Edwards, Len Groen

Colin Edmonds, Mark Walsh, Paul Curgenven

Colin Edmonds, Mark Walsh, Paul Curgenven

Mike O'Brien, Tom Green, Ian Cocks, Stewart Campbell

Mike O'Brien, Tom Green, Ian Cocks, Stewart Campbell

News Shorts - 18 July

BiciSport Bronze 140+ - Ruth Strapp, Sue Tierney, Kirsty Flanagan, Lise Benjamin

BiciSport Bronze 140+ - Ruth Strapp, Sue Tierney, Kirsty Flanagan, Lise Benjamin

BiciSport Bronze 180+ - Ian Grainger, Raoul Westbrook, Mike Lawson, Peter Verhoeven

BiciSport Bronze 180+ - Ian Grainger, Raoul Westbrook, Mike Lawson, Peter Verhoeven


BiciSport entered 8 teams with two medal results - Bronze in both the Masters Women 140+ and the Masters 180+. Full report when final results posted.


**  July 22 - RAW Track (DGV)

**  July 23 - ATEC Criteriums (Homebush SOPA)

**  July 23-24 - Hunter Junior Tour (Newcastle)

**  July 20-24 - Tour of Gippsland (Vic)

**  July 23 - Calga (Central Coast CC)

**  July 24 - Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters) 

BiciSport Training Rides this week

**  July 21 - Centennial Park at 11am (Lower Loops)

**  July 23 - Meadowbank Bridge at 7.30am (SOPA Loops), Piemonte Café for coffee at 9.30am


**   Mike Cori has been getting his pic taken on the top of any and every French col he can find. 

**  Recovery Ward report this week with Andy Feltham having a big offy at the Cottage Point intersection on the Akuna Bay descent (cracked hip), David Roggierro (Harlequin Wheelmen) had a major confrontation with a Jeep on Sunday morning at Wyong Rd Duffys Forest (several broken bones and the Orbea bike a write off), and Bob Green still fighting the fight. Speedy recovery to all.

**  Conor Tarlington (and Mike O'Reilly) head off to Belgium on 18 July with a Belgian blog to be posted on the daily racing experiences towards the end of this week

Mike Cori on the Col de Galibier

Mike Cori on the Col de Galibier

.... mandatory Mount Ventoux pic ....

.... mandatory Mount Ventoux pic ....

Poor David Roggierro got more than he bargained for at Duffys Forest on Sunday morning

Poor David Roggierro got more than he bargained for at Duffys Forest on Sunday morning

BiciSport Nowra TTT - Team Start Times announced

BiciSport Nowra TTT team start times & team parking locations are - 

Getting There - Start Finish is approximately a 15 minute drive from Nowra city at the Nowra Airport on Braidwood Rd. You will turn left off Braidwood Rd into Nowra Airport (Wugan Street), then go 200m and turn right into Garadi Street.

BiciSport Meet Up - Mike O'Reilly will be in Garadi Street from 9.30am and you can contact Mike on 0417 403 244 to meet up in Garadi Street. You need to be in Garadi St and find Mike no later than 90 minutes before your team start time. Bring your CyclingNSW licence.

BiciSport Teams Start Times -

**  11-03am - Browne, Mills, Wright, Tierney

**  12-10pm - Beams, Edwards, Kee, Mildren

**  12.40pm - Grainger, Lawson, Verhoeven, Westbrook

**  1.04pm - Benjamin, Flanagan, Strapp, Tierney

**  1.28pm - Edwards, Groen, Mildren

**  1.54pm - Cockerton, Colantonio, Thornton, Zumbo

**  3.04pm - Brown, Curgenven, Edmonds, Walsh

**  3.20pm - Campbell, Cocks, Green, O'Brien    

Arrivederci News Shorts - 11 July

Sormano Wall (Muro Di Sormano) near Lake Como is so steep its measured in 10 metre sections

Sormano Wall (Muro Di Sormano) near Lake Como is so steep its measured in 10 metre sections

The Stelvio Pass outside Bormio makes for one great ride

The Stelvio Pass outside Bormio makes for one great ride

The Koppenberg has an average of 9.4% with a maximum of 22%. Lets not talk about the road surface ... 

The Koppenberg has an average of 9.4% with a maximum of 22%. Lets not talk about the road surface ... 


The CyclingNSW road season just gets super serious with the Nowra Teams Time Trial Championships and half of the BiciSport squadra hits the exit door. Mike Cori heads for Mont Ventoux, Team Pilu seeks out the Muro di Sormano (Sormano Wall) near Lake Como and the Stelvio Pass near Bormio and Conor Tarlington will enjoy the Belgian cobbles of the Koppenberg. The Sormano Wall is one of the steepest climbs in world cycling and used in the Tour of Lombardy professional classic. Safe trip to all.


The NSW Championships are to be held in Nowra on Saturday 16 July. BiciSport will be contesting the Championships with 8 teams. Full details are posted on the Racing/State & National pages of this website.      


**  15 July - RAW Track (DGV) 

**  16 July - Calga RR (Central Coast CC), Hunter Interclub Kurri Kurri (Hunter Districts CC)

**  16 July - Nowra TTT Championships, Melbourne to Ballarat Classic (Vic)

**  17 July - Heffron Park (Waratah Masters), Sassafras RR (Nowra)


**  14 July - Centennial Park at 11am (lower loops)

**  16 July - Piemonte Café coffee at 9.30am

**  17 July - Nowra Beaches Ride (Greenwell Point at 8am) 


Still stuck in Italy and it has to be Mapei. Everybody has a view on the Mapei team kit design with the general consensus that the designer "had to be on something" to put that design onto lycra. That was consistent with the team itself "who were all definitely on something" during races    

Now that is one powder coated design ... 

Now that is one powder coated design ... 

The poor mechanics had to live with this all season ....

The poor mechanics had to live with this all season ....

The late great Franco Ballerini alongside the Mapei team car

The late great Franco Ballerini alongside the Mapei team car

News Shorts - 3 July

BiciSport - Mildren Events Womens Team for the Nowra TTT Championships on 16 July with from left to right Frances Edwards, Kylie Mildren, Cecile Beams and Penny Kee

BiciSport - Mildren Events Womens Team for the Nowra TTT Championships on 16 July with from left to right Frances Edwards, Kylie Mildren, Cecile Beams and Penny Kee


The last BiciSport TTT training session will be on Sunday 10 July at Jones Rd Calga - arrive 8.30am for a 9am departure. Park up is in the usual ATTA car park. BiciSport will be entering 8 teams to Nowra this year (a club record) that includes the Mildren Events Womens Team headed by Kylie Mildren


**  9-10 July - Southern Cross Juniors (Sutherland)

**  10 July - West Head (MW) (event restricted to MW, SUV, NS & RB riders only) 

**  10 July - Lansdowne Park (Waratah), Cervelo Masters (WSID), Lake Eildon RR (Vic)


**  6 July - M7 Bikepath from Glenwood (time tbc)

**  7 July - Centennial Park at 11am (lower loops)

**  9 July - Moorebank Cyclebridge (park cnr Shoreline Drive & Walker St Rhodes for SOPA loops) at 7.30am, Piemonte Café at 9.30am for coffee

**  10 July - BiciSport TTT training (venues to be confirmed)


Italians never disappoint with team car design and this week we take a look at Bianchi who tended to look to Alfa Romeo as the motor of choice. Bianchi still use the dusty celeste blue as "the" team colour that signifies their world wide brand.  

Marino Basso (left in the World Champions jersey) was also known as "Mr 10,000 Volts" such was his sprint

Marino Basso (left in the World Champions jersey) was also known as "Mr 10,000 Volts" such was his sprint


Conor is preparing well for his 4 week stint with the ASFRA Racing Team in Oudenaarde from 18 July until mid August. A daily blog will be posted on his Belgian experiences to give you an insight into how Conor progresses in the toughest cycling university on the planet.  

Conor Tarlington (BiciSport) set for Belgium and the ASFRA Racing Team in Oudenaarde

Conor Tarlington (BiciSport) set for Belgium and the ASFRA Racing Team in Oudenaarde

Derny Shorts - BiciSport leads restoration project

John Crouchley (BiciSport Master) is assisting CyclingNSW (Mark Windsor CycNSW Historical Commission) in the restoration of the seven dernys at the DGV velodrome. A derny is a small motorised bike used in famous professional road events such as Bordeaux-Paris or for velodrome competitions. The dernys themselves were purchased for the Sydney Olympics and haven't been used for many years (if they are not used weekly they are virtually impossible to start due to the nature of the cranky little 2 stroke engine). The petrol tank sits under the front handelbars. The restoration project is looking at ways of getting the little red Belgian beasts up and working & smoking again. Typically the derny is a red colour (not sure why) and has a noisy & very smoky 2 stroke engine. Will update further on the project when John actually gets one to fire up !.

Both pictures are of Herman Van Springel in various Bordeaux Paris Classics. Each cyclist had two dernys in case one broke down during the race (not uncommon).  Bordeaux Paris was 680k in length (with just one brief rest stop for a change of cl…

Both pictures are of Herman Van Springel in various Bordeaux Paris Classics. Each cyclist had two dernys in case one broke down during the race (not uncommon).  Bordeaux Paris was 680k in length (with just one brief rest stop for a change of clothing) with the last 250k behind the derny. The derny driver was usually an ex professional & bigger was very much better.  Dernys are always red for reasons unknown.

News Shorts - 27 June


All BiciSport teams will be going to Calga on Sunday 3 July. Race time start is 9am and you need to be there approximately 8.15am.


**  30 June-3 July - National Under 19 Road Championships (Canberra)

**  2-3 July - Wagga Weekend, Hamilton Weekend (Vic)

**  3 July - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters) 


**  30 June (Thurs) - Centennial Park 11am (lower loop)

**  2 July - Moorebank Bridge 7.30am (for SOPA Loops), Piemonte Café coffee - from 9.30am

**  3 July - TTT Training Calga - 8.15am arrive for 9am start  

Parriwi Rd MOSMAN CIRCA 1955

The next time you cycle to work over the Spit Bridge and begin the steady climb up Parriwi Rd this is how it all looked ....

Kirsty Flanagan at Calga on 26 June

Kirsty Flanagan at Calga on 26 June

Kirsty Flanagan (Fastest Woman) & Nash Kent (Fastest Overall) at Calga

Kirsty Flanagan (Fastest Woman) & Nash Kent (Fastest Overall) at Calga


**  Kirsty Flanagan took fastest woman at the Peter Parkinson Memorial Handicap on Sunday 26 June at Calga. Ruth Strapp was third fastest woman

**  Both David Browne & Lise Benjamin placed at RAW Track at DGV on 24 June

**  Bob Green (BiciSport Master) earns a hip replacement on 27 June. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Lets hope they insert Campagnolo ...

**  Brad Mills, Phil Dixon & David Cooper were sighted at the Melburn Roobaix Cyclosportive in Melbourne on 26 June. This quirky cyclosportive is run over numerous cobbled lanes in and around Melbourne and the circuit is between the Hawthorn & Brunswick Velodromes and attracts over 2,000 equally quirky starters.     

Brad Mills, Phil Dixon & David Cooper in the Melburn Roobaix Feed Zone

Brad Mills, Phil Dixon & David Cooper in the Melburn Roobaix Feed Zone


Best start early in the century as with only one Italian team currently left in the World Tour there aren't many truly Italian team cars left ... Italian car design is never far from perfection. They may not always work but they certainly look good ... more next week


Carpano 1940.jpg

For Sale - Wilier Centro Uno

For Sale - Mint condition fully carbon Wilier Centro Uno (size Medium). Never raced never crashed and not a scratch. Simply untouched. Loaded with a near new Campagnolo 10 speed groupset (combination Record & Chorus parts) and classic Kyrsium wheels 12x 25 with Continental Grand Sport tyres. Matching Wilier seat & Wilier water bottles. $2500. Contact Mike OReilly on 0417 403 244  

News Shorts - 20 June


The next BiciSport TTT training session will be from the Piemonte Café Terrey Hills on Sunday 26 June. Meeting time is 7.45am for an 8am departure for Booralie Rd.


**  June 24 - RAW Track at DGV

**  June 25 - Melbourne Cup on Wheels (DISC Velodrome Melbourne)

**  June 25-26 - Wagga Junior Tour

**  June 26 - Melburn Roobaix Cyclo Sportive (Melbourne) 

**  June 26 - Calga Handicap (Central Coast), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters) 


**  June 23 - Centennial Park from 11am (lower loop)

**  June 25 - Moorebank Cycle Bridge - 7.30am (for Homebush SOPA loops)

**  June 25 - Coffee at Piemonte Café at 9.30am

**  June 26 - BiciSport TTT training Piemonte Café carpark - 7.45am


Cycling team cars have some interesting adaptations between countries. Whether it be English, American, French or Italian. This week its the turn of the English ... starting off with the somewhat industrial looking team cars from the Milk Race (1960's), a very nice Holdsworth Campagnolo (1970's) and a drab Raleigh Campagnolo (1980's). Then there is the absolute stunner with the Team Sky Jaguar. That Jaguar is one seriously good looking motor. Next week we go Italian.     

Sky 5.jpg



News Shorts - 13 June


The next BiciSport TTT training session is on Sunday 19 June meeting at the Piemonte Café carpark at 7.45am departing at 8am


June 13 - Cervelo Masters (Kooragang Newcastle)

June 17 - RAW at DGV

*  June 18 - Calga (Central Coast)

June 18-19 - Gunnedah Weekend

June 19 - Mt Ku Ring Gai Criterium (NS), Heffron Park (Waratah Masters)    


June 13 - Piemonte Café 8am (for Akuna Bay)

June 15 - DGV from 1pm (John Crouchley + motor bike)

June 16 - Centennial Park 11am (lower flat loop)

June 18 - Moorebank Bridge 7.30am (Homebush SOPA precinct)

June 18 - Coffee at Piemonte Café from 9.30am (All Welcome)

June 19 - BiciSport TTT training Piemonte Café from 7.45am (along Booralie Rd)

RAW Track starts at DGV on Friday 17 June

RAW Track starts at DGV on Friday 17 June

Bernard the 504 features in the latest Ride Magazine (back page)

Bernard the 504 features in the latest Ride Magazine (back page)

News Shorts - 6 June


The next BiciSport TTT training session will be from the Piemonte Café car park at Terrey Hills on Sunday 12 June. Meeting time is 7.45am and departing from the carpark at 8.00am.  The course is Booralie Rd towards Duffys Forest and return.

Anthony Colantonio 3rd in Masters M5 at Penrith Lakes

Anthony Colantonio 3rd in Masters M5 at Penrith Lakes


A wet & dreary Sydney Road Titles certainly got hit by the Sydney weather. In Masters M5 Anthony Colantonio took the Bronze medal assisted by some fine team riding by James Thornton who was 11th. In Masters M8 the "Housewives Favourite" in Ian Grainger helped keep his sponsor discussions alive with a Bronze in Masters M8. 


June 12 - Mt Ku Ring Gai Criterium (NS), Lansdowne (Waratah Masters)

June 11-12 - U19 NSW Road Championships (MW/West Head)

June 10-12 - Tour of Perth (WA)

June 13 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Round #1 (Newcastle)


June 9 - Centennial Park (11am)

June 11 - Meadowbank Bridge (7.30am) for Homebush Loops

June 11 - Coffee at Piemonte Café from 9.30am

June 12 - BiciSport TTT Training at Terrey Hills (7.45am)

June 13 - Piemonte Café at 8am (for Akuna Bay)




News Shorts - 30 May 2016


Details of the first BiciSport TTT session at Terrey Hills this Sunday can be found on this website at Racing/State & National. Park up time at Piemonte Café is 7.45am with an 8am departure


*  4 June - Sydney Road Titles (Penrith Lakes)

BiciSport starters - Lise Benjamin, Graham Cockerton, Anthony Colantonio

Anthony Lowes, David Munro, James Thornton, Ian Grainger, Brad Hamblett

Peter Verhoeven, Dom Zumbo, Matt Coy and Stewart Campbell

*  4 June - Calga Club Race (Central Coast CC - 2pm), Fred Icke Classic (Creswick, Vic)

*  3-5 June - Battle of the Border (NSW/Qld)

*  5 June - St Ives Criterium (MW), Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters), Calga ITT (ATTA)


*  2 June - Centennial Park (11am)

*  5 June - BiciSport TTT at Piemonte Café Terrey Hills (7.45am)

This US team car pic kindly supplied by BiciSport coach Alex Simmons. Lets hope its not him standing beside the car (no hair, hair, no shirt & the footwear is a nice touch). Who is the dude in the back seat ....

This US team car pic kindly supplied by BiciSport coach Alex Simmons. Lets hope its not him standing beside the car (no hair, hair, no shirt & the footwear is a nice touch). Who is the dude in the back seat ....



News Shorts - 23 May 2016


28-29 May - Goulburn Junior Tour

28-29 May - Riverland Tour (SA)

29 May - Dinnerville Handicap (Dapto)

BiciSport starters at Dinnerville -

*  Stew Campbell, Gio Pilu, Richard Bjorkman

*  Ben Pines, Mike Foster & James Thornton

*  29 May - Waratah Masters (Lansdowne)

29 May - Preston Mountain Classic (Vic), Noosa CycloSportive (Qld)


26 May (Thurs) - Centennial Park (11am)

 28 May (Sat- Moorebank Railway Bridge (7.30am)

29 May (Sun) - M7 Cyclepath Loop (Bella Vista 8am)