News Shorts - 17 April

Erik Mather Cup 17 - Anthony Colantonio took 2nd in Division 2

Erik Mather Cup 17 - Anthony Colantonio took 2nd in Division 2


Erik Mather Cup at ECR on 16 April - Jeremy Hopson took 4th in Division 1 & Anthony Colantonio carried over his good velodrome form with an excellent 2nd in Division 2 in a two up breakaway.

*  Tour of Gila (USA) - After good success at the Berrima U23 Championships Peter Livingstone heads to the USA for the Tour of Gila & Redlands Bicycle Classic. Peter then heads off to Belgium in early July for a 6 week stint with the ASFRA Team in Oudenaarde.

NSW Masters Road Champs at Orange - Best wishes for next weekend's Orange Masters Championships to Anthony Colantonio, Matt Coy, Dean Gale, Ian Grainger, Jeremy Hopson, Simon Lemperiere, David Munro & James Thornton

*  Battle of the Border 2017 cancelled - Note that BoB for 2017 has been cancelled due to road damage from the recent floods on the NSW North Coast.  


Apr 17 (Mon) - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (NS)

*  Apr 19 - Tour of Gila (USA) with Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius) 

Apr 21 - World Masters Games (NZ)

Apr 22 - Victorian ITT Series (Castlemaine, Vic)

Apr 22-24 - NSW Masters Road Championships (Orange NSW)

Apr 23 - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters) 


*  Apr 20 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am

Apr 22 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Apr 23 - 145 Classic Cyclosportive @ Centennial Park @ 6.30am

 The 145 Classic is to be held on Sunday 23 April from Centennial Park to Kiama starting at 6.30am. BiciSport is providing transport & Ride Leader support with the charity ride.  

 The 145 Classic is to be held on Sunday 23 April from Centennial Park to Kiama starting at 6.30am. BiciSport is providing transport & Ride Leader support with the charity ride.  

The 25 March date has now been postponed to Saturday 6 May at Tempe Velodrome. This is a great day out using the centre of the Tempe Velodrome. Start time is 11am & finishing 3pm. 

The 25 March date has now been postponed to Saturday 6 May at Tempe Velodrome. This is a great day out using the centre of the Tempe Velodrome. Start time is 11am & finishing 3pm. 

BiciSport in Flanders 17 - Phil Gilbert drives past the Kokerelle B&B at Oudenaarde in the E3 Grand Prix. Phil was on a charge every race he rode and totally enlivened the 2017 Spring Classic campaign. Picture was taken with a standard iPhone 7.…

BiciSport in Flanders 17 - Phil Gilbert drives past the Kokerelle B&B at Oudenaarde in the E3 Grand Prix. Phil was on a charge every race he rode and totally enlivened the 2017 Spring Classic campaign. Picture was taken with a standard iPhone 7. 

News Shorts - 10 April

NSW Under 23 State Road Championships 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius) took the Bronze

NSW Under 23 State Road Championships 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius) took the Bronze


NSW Championships at Berrima on Apr 9 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport Mobius) continued his upward trajectory with a fine 3rd in the U23 Division. Peter goes to the USA shortly for the Tour of Gila & the Redlands Classic then Peter is off to Belgium in mid July for Team ASFRA based in Oudenaarde. 

Hospital Ward - Speedy recovery to Lise Benjamin who had an off at Lansdowne Park at Waratah Masters yesterday. Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Rausland) is recovering from a knee injury. 


Apr 14 (Fri) - St Ives Criterium (MW), Ourimbah University Criterium (CC)

Apr 16 - Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)

Apr 17 (Mon) - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (NS) 


*  Apr 13 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am

Apr 15 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

*  Apr 16 - Homebush Ferry Wharf @ 7am


The 145 Classic was postponed from 19 March and is now to be held on Sunday 23 April. The '145' denotes the 145k ride from Centennial Park to Kiama in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation youth support program. If you are able to support this charitable cause with either being a bunch leader or driver can you please email Mike O'Reilly on

News Shorts - 3 April

B2B 17 - Stewart Campbell (BiciSport) took his third 70k category win at B2B 17 with a 30k solo escape.

B2B 17 - Stewart Campbell (BiciSport) took his third 70k category win at B2B 17 with a 30k solo escape.


Bathurst Weekend (B2B) on 1-2 April - Gold Wave - Peter Livingstone took 6th, Conor Tarlington 65th with accredited times to Ben Pines (108th), David Munro (143rd), Simon Lempreiere (161st) and Ian Cocks (175th). Stewart Campbell took his 3rd win in the 70k recreational. Anthony Colantonio rode well but was unlucky.

Berrima Invitational on 26 March - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) finished 6th in Division 1


*  Apr 9 - Mt Baw Baw Classic (Vic), NSW Elite & U23 State Road Championships (Berrima), Lansdowne Park Criteriums (Waratah Masters) 


Apr 6 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am.

 *  Apr 7 - NSW School Term Ends (traffic gets easier the following week)

Apr 8 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Apr 9 - Homebush Ferry Wharf @ 7am for Homebush Loops

News Shorts - 27 March


Orica Road Race March 26 - Over 300 starters at HEZ Kurri Kurri was a great way to kick off the CycNSW season. Women Div 1 - Ruth Strapp finished 18th. Div 2 - Kristy Flanagan took 3rd, Lise Benjamin 10th. Men Div 2 - Conor Tarlington took 6th, Ian Cocks 24th. Men Div 3 - Danny O'Keefe was 51st.  


Apr 1-2 - Bathurst Weekend + B2B CycloSportive

Apr 2 - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Calga Time Trials (ATTA), Victorian ITT Series (Geelong)


Mar 27 - No DGV track training

Mar 30 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am

Apr 1 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) & 9.30am

Apr 2 - Homebush Ferry Wharf @ 7am for SOPA loops

BiciSport in Flanders 2017

Paris Roubaix 17 - Tom Boonen & Matt Hayman roll out from Compeigne

Paris Roubaix 17 - Tom Boonen & Matt Hayman roll out from Compeigne


The BiciSport group to Flanders 2017 includes Sue & Graham Tierney, Nigel Perry, Ian Masson & Mike O'Reilly. The team is based at in the hamlet of Maarke Kerkem at the base of the Eikenberg climb (a cobbled climb used in all of the Flemish professional Classics). This web blog will be updated below as the Flanders Classic season unfolds. 


First of the Wednesday semi Classics is Dwars Vlaanderen (Across Flanders) and Dwars uses all of the climbs in the other Classics to follow (be it E3 Grand Prix, 3 Days of De Panne or Ronde van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders).  The light training ride before Dwars in the afternoon included a warm up along the Kluisbergen Rail trail, then a climb of the Paterberg & Old Kwaremont cobbles. The BiciSport peloton saw Dwars three times at the Holleweg, Eikenberg & Patersburg cobbles then caught the finish at the Maarke Kerkem pub courtesy of Belgian television.   

Flanders 2017 - Graham & Sue Tierney outside the Kokerelle B&B in the village of Maarke Kerkem

Flanders 2017 - Graham & Sue Tierney outside the Kokerelle B&B in the village of Maarke Kerkem

Flanders 2017 - Karel Van Wijnendaele conceived the Ronde Van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders) and a monument is dedicated to his memory at the top of the Old Kwaremont cobbled climb. The winners of each Ronde have their image on their own small cobble…

Flanders 2017 - Karel Van Wijnendaele conceived the Ronde Van Vlaanderen (Tour of Flanders) and a monument is dedicated to his memory at the top of the Old Kwaremont cobbled climb. The winners of each Ronde have their image on their own small cobble in front of the KVW monument.   

Flanders 2017 - At the bottom of the Koppenberg (aka the Black Beast). It's so called as the cobbled wall cuts through the shadows of the Koppenberg forest (the climb is 22% at its steepest section)

Flanders 2017 - At the bottom of the Koppenberg (aka the Black Beast). It's so called as the cobbled wall cuts through the shadows of the Koppenberg forest (the climb is 22% at its steepest section)

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - The peloton slams over the Holleweg cobbles just outside Maarke Kerkem

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - The peloton slams over the Holleweg cobbles just outside Maarke Kerkem

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - The peloton hits the Eikenberg cobbles near Maarke Kerkem

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - The peloton hits the Eikenberg cobbles near Maarke Kerkem

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - Phil Gilbert attacks the breakaway over the Patersburg cobbles (maximum gradient 20%)

Dwars Vlaanderen 17 - Phil Gilbert attacks the breakaway over the Patersburg cobbles (maximum gradient 20%)


"E3" was actually the original Belgian freeway number from Antwerp to the French border and is now called the E17 Freeway (it's a bit like calling a bike race the M5 Classic). The sun had disappeared and the day dawned cloudy & cold with the opportunity to see the E3 Harelbeke several times at the Holleweg cobbles (again), Old Kruisberg, Old Kwaremont and Avelgem cobbles.         

E3 Harelbeke 17 - Tom Boonen leads the peloton on the Old Kruisberg climb at Ronse

E3 Harelbeke 17 - Tom Boonen leads the peloton on the Old Kruisberg climb at Ronse

E3 Harelbeke 17 - Peter Sagan on the Avelgem cobbles heading for the finish

E3 Harelbeke 17 - Peter Sagan on the Avelgem cobbles heading for the finish

E3 Harelbeke 17 - A cold start to the E3 day via the Schelde River bike path. The return trip into Oudenaarde was briefly stopped as the Oudenaarde bridge was raised to let river barges pass through Oudenaarde.

E3 Harelbeke 17 - A cold start to the E3 day via the Schelde River bike path. The return trip into Oudenaarde was briefly stopped as the Oudenaarde bridge was raised to let river barges pass through Oudenaarde.


The GW Cyclosportive started & finished in Wevelgem and generally was a flat affair across West Flanders save for the climbs over Mont Du Cats (on the French border), the Rodeberg (Red Hill), the Zwarteberg (White Hill) and the cobbled Kemmelberg. Some 18,000 starters lined up for a cold & windy trek across Flanders Fields to the Kemmelberg. Both Sue & Graham survived well & joined the 95% of riders who walked the 28% Kemmelberg climb.      

Ghent Wevelgem Cyclosportive 17 - After 100k across Flanders Fields the immediate challenge becomes the 28% gradient to the top of the cobbled Kemmelberg. Sue & Graham joined the overwhelming majority and walked to the top. The World War 1 monum…

Ghent Wevelgem Cyclosportive 17 - After 100k across Flanders Fields the immediate challenge becomes the 28% gradient to the top of the cobbled Kemmelberg. Sue & Graham joined the overwhelming majority and walked to the top. The World War 1 monument at the base of the climb is dedicated to the fallen French soldiers.   


An overnight stay at the Kemmelberg Hotel at the top of the mountain was delightful but issues with car parking on top of the mountain (on race day) prompted a rethink and the Bici peloton headed for the GW Classic start at Deinze.  

Ghent Wevelgem 17 - Peter Sagan before the start

Ghent Wevelgem 17 - Peter Sagan before the start

Ghent Wevelgem 17 - The Deinze start offered a great opportunity to see the whole pro peloton cruise down to the sign on.  Tom Boonen, GVA & Peter Sagan received the biggest crowd support. 

Ghent Wevelgem 17 - The Deinze start offered a great opportunity to see the whole pro peloton cruise down to the sign on.  Tom Boonen, GVA & Peter Sagan received the biggest crowd support. 

3 DAYS of DE PANNE - March 28-30

The 41st Three days of De Panne has Stage 1 from De Panne (on the coast) to Zottegem (near Oudenaarde) with 2 laps over the Mur of Geraadsbergen. Stage 2 is Zottegem back to De Panne. Stage 3 is a short time trial around De Panne.

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Phil Gilbert attacks on the Mur (Wall) of Geraadsbergen

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Phil Gilbert attacks on the Mur (Wall) of Geraadsbergen

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Peloton climbs the Mur of Geraadsbergen long after Phil Gilbert had passed

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Peloton climbs the Mur of Geraadsbergen long after Phil Gilbert had passed

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Direct Energy at the Stage 2 start at Zottegem

3 Days of De Panne 17 - Direct Energy at the Stage 2 start at Zottegem


The first day of genuine Flemish cold, damp & cobbled wetness. The BiciSport peloton was reduced to two starters (just Ian Masson & Nigel Perry) who ventured out under cloudy damp skies. The Antwerp start was also decidedly wet with rain tumbling down to greet the 19,000 starters bouncing over greasy cobbled bergs. Everybody walked up the Koppenberg but Nigel was one of the few that rode up the Patersburg.       

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Cyclosportive 17 - Sue & Graham Tierney greet Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg climb with 130k completed and 70k to go. The cyclosportive started in Antwerp in heavy rain and it stayed damp & cold most o…

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Cyclosportive 17 - Sue & Graham Tierney greet Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg climb with 130k completed and 70k to go. The cyclosportive started in Antwerp in heavy rain and it stayed damp & cold most of the day.  Just after this picture was taken Maarten snapped his chain which was replaced by Flanders Cycles in Oudenaarde

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Cyclosportive 17 - Mike O'Reilly with Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg  

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Cyclosportive 17 - Mike O'Reilly with Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg  


The easiest way to see the Ronde is on a bike. The day started with the Women's Ronde at 11am in Oudenaarde then it was off to the Koppenberg Café at Melden just 5k away. From there we picked up the Women's Ronde two more times (at Old Kwaremont & Patersburg). The run sheet for the Men's Ronde included the Kortekeer climb, the Koppenberg (with Phil Gilbert on the attack), then Old Kwaremont & the Schelde River Bridge. The day finished at the Lentrecote B&B on the Schelde River for the TV finish.     

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - Greg Van Avermatt (GVA) on the Kortekeer climb outside Oudenaarde

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - Greg Van Avermatt (GVA) on the Kortekeer climb outside Oudenaarde

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the Melden feedzone had some interesting characters (brother & sister) waiting for the professional peloton to arrive.

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the Melden feedzone had some interesting characters (brother & sister) waiting for the professional peloton to arrive.

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the Oudenaarde start of the Womens race had some interesting characters

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the Oudenaarde start of the Womens race had some interesting characters

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the day after the Ronde it was time for Sue & Graham Tierney to get (lost ?) around the Flemish laneways near Zottegem & Sint Blasius Boekel. The ride included the cobbled Paddestraat, Lippenhoevestraat, Holleweg &a…

Ronde Van Vlaanderen 17 - the day after the Ronde it was time for Sue & Graham Tierney to get (lost ?) around the Flemish laneways near Zottegem & Sint Blasius Boekel. The ride included the cobbled Paddestraat, Lippenhoevestraat, Holleweg & Haaghoek (all used in the Ronde)


Eddy Verbust Museum 17 - Nigel Perry, Graham Tierney, Sue Tierney, Eddy Verbust & Ian Masson alongside the Patrick Sercu medal collection from various Olympic & World Championships   

Eddy Verbust Museum 17 - Nigel Perry, Graham Tierney, Sue Tierney, Eddy Verbust & Ian Masson alongside the Patrick Sercu medal collection from various Olympic & World Championships   


Paris Roubaix 17 - Recce on the Thursday before the classic is a chance to go to the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles and see the teams bounce over the stones. We arrived mid morning with 5 team buses waiting outside the famous Carrefour De L'Arbe Resta…

Paris Roubaix 17 - Recce on the Thursday before the classic is a chance to go to the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles and see the teams bounce over the stones. We arrived mid morning with 5 team buses waiting outside the famous Carrefour De L'Arbe Restaurant (in the background) but not a pro rider in sight. We waited for a while but alas no riders materialised so we then headed off to the Roubaix Velodrome for a coffee. There was a chilled wind blowing.  

Paris Roubaix 17 - outside the Carrefour De L'Arbe Restaurant. It used to be a run down old pub but is now a very expensive restaurant. Weather conditions were freezing. 

Paris Roubaix 17 - outside the Carrefour De L'Arbe Restaurant. It used to be a run down old pub but is now a very expensive restaurant. Weather conditions were freezing. 


A double header day with Sue & Graham Tierney facing the Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive in the morning. Then in the afternoon the Ronde Van Vlaanderen for Under 23 National Teams doing circuits around Oudenaarde with two laps of the Eikenberg cobbled climb then past the Kokerelle B&B two times.  

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - at the start adjacent to the Roubaix Velodrome

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - at the start adjacent to the Roubaix Velodrome

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - Sue Tierney crosses the finishing line of the Roubaix Velodrome

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - Sue Tierney crosses the finishing line of the Roubaix Velodrome

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - Graham & Sue Tierney

Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive 17 - Graham & Sue Tierney

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Under 23 National Teams 17 - the peloton screams past the Kokerelle B&B

Ronde Van Vlaanderen Under 23 National Teams 17 - the peloton screams past the Kokerelle B&B


Tom Boonen's last hoorah. Its an early start to drive into Compeigne for the 10.45am start, then head off to some early cobbles at Viesly, then drive into Roubaix for the finish.   

Paris Roubaix 17 - The BiciSport team headed for the small village of Viesly near Solesmes and the PR peloton entered from one side of the village then headed off towards the Quivey cobbles only to return to the other side of Viesly some 20 minutes …

Paris Roubaix 17 - The BiciSport team headed for the small village of Viesly near Solesmes and the PR peloton entered from one side of the village then headed off towards the Quivey cobbles only to return to the other side of Viesly some 20 minutes later.  

Paris Roubaix 17 - Having the PR peloton come in from one side of Viesly it was a brisk 500m walk to see the same PR peloton come into Viesly from the other side of the village. Viesly village part 2 featured Peter Sagan (obscured) tucked behind a B…

Paris Roubaix 17 - Having the PR peloton come in from one side of Viesly it was a brisk 500m walk to see the same PR peloton come into Viesly from the other side of the village. Viesly village part 2 featured Peter Sagan (obscured) tucked behind a BORA team mate. Tom Boonen is also tucked behind a QS team mate.

Paris Roubaix 17 - A short drive from Viesly and the BiciSport team decamped inside the Roubaix Velodrome some 75 metres from the finish. The Velodrome was packed all hoping to see Tom Boonen take the win but it was not to be. The small group pictur…

Paris Roubaix 17 - A short drive from Viesly and the BiciSport team decamped inside the Roubaix Velodrome some 75 metres from the finish. The Velodrome was packed all hoping to see Tom Boonen take the win but it was not to be. The small group pictured on the Velodrome just received the bell lap.

That's a wrap from Flanders 17 for this year. Tommy didn't win but heck, there was some fabulous racing. Hope you enjoyed the journey & look forward to doing it again soon. Cheers, M O'R    

News Shorts - 20 March

Bathurst Womens Tour - Ruth Strapp took the B grade podium in the Criterium, Road Race and ITT & Kirsty Flanagan rode well in C grade

Bathurst Womens Tour - Ruth Strapp took the B grade podium in the Criterium, Road Race and ITT & Kirsty Flanagan rode well in C grade


                                              Bathurst Womens Tour - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport)


                                                    Glenrock MTB with Ian Grainger & Karl Hoad


                                                        Glenrock MTB with Ian Grainger (BiciSport)

                         The E3 Harelbeke Classic in Belgium will feature on this webpage later this week

                         The E3 Harelbeke Classic in Belgium will feature on this webpage later this week


Bathurst Womens Tour on Mar 18-19 - Both Ruth Strapp & Kirsty Flanagan rode well in Bathurst and Ruth took the B grade podium in all three disciplines. 

*  The BiciSport grupetto heads to Flanders in Belgium this week and a separate web diary will be posted on the various professional Classics on offer.

*  The adverse weather in the Illawarra region over recent days postponed the 145 Classic (for the Sir David Martin Foundation Charity) to Sunday 23 April. Thank you to the peloton of BiciSport volunteers who offered to assist & please note your diary for 23 April.  The 145 Classic will start at Centennial Park at 6.30am and finishes in Kiama/Jamberoo.

Alex Simmons conducted a successful aero test for two riders at DGV on March 15. If you ever wanted to see how aerodynamic (and fast) you could be, then Alex is your man. 

Alex Simmons (BiciSport) is the leading aero testing coach in Australia. Sessions are conducted at DGV over two hours on road and ITT bikes ... all designed to improve aero efficiency and improve competitive results  

Alex Simmons (BiciSport) is the leading aero testing coach in Australia. Sessions are conducted at DGV over two hours on road and ITT bikes ... all designed to improve aero efficiency and improve competitive results  


*  Mar 25 - Orica Road Race (Kurri Kurri), Classic Bicycle Show (Tempe Velodrome)

Mar 26 - Bobbin Head Classic (Cyclosportive), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


Mar 20 - No DGV Track training this week

Mar 23 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ Centennial Park @ 11am

Mar 25 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (Coffee only) @ 9.30am

Mar 26 - Homebush Ferry Terminal @ 7am

                                   Tempe Velodrome hosts the Sydney Classic Bic…

                                   Tempe Velodrome hosts the Sydney Classic Bicycle Show

News Shorts - 13 March

National Masters Track 2017 - Mike Smith before the start of the Team Sprint where he took Gold. The bands around the sleeves denotes a reigning UCI World Champion from Manchester 2016. 

National Masters Track 2017 - Mike Smith before the start of the Team Sprint where he took Gold. The bands around the sleeves denotes a reigning UCI World Champion from Manchester 2016. 

National Masters Track 2017 - Mike Smith takes Gold in the Team Sprint

National Masters Track 2017 - Mike Smith takes Gold in the Team Sprint

National Masters Track 2017 - Lise Benjamin wins Gold in the ITT and claimed a new World Record

National Masters Track 2017 - Lise Benjamin wins Gold in the ITT and claimed a new World Record

National Masters Track 2017 -Lise Benjamin took 4 Gold medals (Sprint, ITT, Scratch, Teams Pursuit) plus awarded the W7 Champion of Champions & 2 World Records

National Masters Track 2017 -Lise Benjamin took 4 Gold medals (Sprint, ITT, Scratch, Teams Pursuit) plus awarded the W7 Champion of Champions & 2 World Records

National Masters Track 2017 - Team Sprint with Dom Zumbo, Graham Cockerton & James Thornton

National Masters Track 2017 - Team Sprint with Dom Zumbo, Graham Cockerton & James Thornton

National Masters Track 2017 - BiciSport Team Sprint squad took 4th in a great ride. John Crouchley (Coach), Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo & James Thornton

National Masters Track 2017 - BiciSport Team Sprint squad took 4th in a great ride. John Crouchley (Coach), Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo & James Thornton


* Masters National Track Champs Mar 8-11 - 5 Gold 1 Silver 1 Bronze 2 World Record 1 Champion of Champions Award

Day 1 - (Team Sprint & Individual Time Trial) - It's a stellar BiciSport start to any Championship series when Lise Benjamin wins the ITT in World Record time plus takes a Bronze in the Team Sprint. Mike Smith looked every bit a current World Champion with a polished effort in the Teams Sprint when paired with Gary Mandy & Geoff Stoker. Dom Zumbo, Graham Cockerton and James Thornton made the medal round in the Team Sprint for 4th.  In the ITT also good performances by James Thornton 4th & David Browne 10th.   

Day 2 - (Sprint & Individual Pursuit) - The M4 Sprint looked a very tight affair, moreso when Mike Smith qualified second fastest. Mike went on to take Silver from John Eder. David Browne finished 8th in the M3 Sprint. The Individual Pursuit was again a close run thing especially in M6 where James Thornton missed a 3rd place qualifying time by just 0.2 seconds and had to settle for 5th (and missing out on a medal round ride off). Both Anthony Colantonio & Peter Verhoeven rode well in the M6 Pursuit.      

Day 3 - (Sprint) - Lise Benjamin took Gold in the Sprint after breaking the World Record # 2 in the 200m sprint qualifying (at 13.082secs)

Day 4 - (Points Race & Teams Pursuit). In the Teams Pursuit - Lise Benjamin took Gold in the Women. and the BiciSport team of Anthony Colantonio, Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo & James Thornton finished 5th in 2min 25secs just outside the medal round. In the Pointscore - M3 and David Browne finished 6th (second in the final sprint). Browne was happy having gained Championship points & also finished on the same lap as the winner.  In the M6 Pointscore Anthony Colantonio finished an excellent 4th supported by Peter Verhoeven.  Lise Benjamin won the Scratch race and was awarded the Champion of Champions jersey for W7.


*  Mar 18 - Otway Classic Cyclosportive (Vic), Bathurst Ladies Tour (NSW)

*  Mar 18-19 - Tour of Mansfield (Vic)

Mar 19 - 145 Classic Cyclosportive (Centennial Park), Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criterium (NS)


Mar 13 - DGV training will resume with John Crouchley in 4 weeks

*  Mar 15 - Aerocoach training with Alex Simmons @ DGV @ 10am

Mar 16 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride at Centennial Park @ 11am

Mar 18 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.15am     

Mar 19 - 145 Classic Centennial Park @ 6.30am

NATIONAL MASTERS TRACK 2017 - photo album

National Masters Track 2017 - Lise Benjamin was awarded the W7 Champion of Champions Award & jersey

National Masters Track 2017 - Lise Benjamin was awarded the W7 Champion of Champions Award & jersey

National Masters Track 2017 - Peter Verhoeven on the rollers after the M6 Individual Pursuit

National Masters Track 2017 - Peter Verhoeven on the rollers after the M6 Individual Pursuit

National Masters Track 2017 - Peter Verhoeven during the M6 Pursuit

National Masters Track 2017 - Peter Verhoeven during the M6 Pursuit

National Masters Track 2017 - David Browne in the M3 Sprint Qualifying

National Masters Track 2017 - David Browne in the M3 Sprint Qualifying

National Masters Track 2017 - BiciSport TP squad of Anthony Colantonio, Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo & James Thornton plus David Browne assisting. The team posted 2min 25secs just outside the medal round qualifying time.

National Masters Track 2017 - BiciSport TP squad of Anthony Colantonio, Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo & James Thornton plus David Browne assisting. The team posted 2min 25secs just outside the medal round qualifying time.

National Masters Track 2017 - Anthony Colantonio before the M6 Pointscore

National Masters Track 2017 - Anthony Colantonio before the M6 Pointscore

The 145 Classic departs from Centennial Park at 6.30am sharp from the Parkes Drive Café (near the lake in the centre of Centennial Park).

The 145 Classic departs from Centennial Park at 6.30am sharp from the Parkes Drive Café (near the lake in the centre of Centennial Park).

News Shorts - 6 March

Only in Belgium ... the local Oudenaarde Council puts down smooth bitumen beside the famous Eikenberg cobbled climb in Flanders. A local cyclist was clearly not impressed (and in true Flandrian Classic fashion) begins digging up the fresh bitumen !!…

Only in Belgium ... the local Oudenaarde Council puts down smooth bitumen beside the famous Eikenberg cobbled climb in Flanders. A local cyclist was clearly not impressed (and in true Flandrian Classic fashion) begins digging up the fresh bitumen !! ... he preferred the nasty cobbles in the Tour of Flanders and who needs bitumen. The video went viral in Belgium and the Flandrien is now a hero. 

Canterbury CC Reunion - See story below on the recent Canterbury CC Reunion held at Star City. The picture above is Stephen Brooks from the early 1970's in the Canterbury Cycling Club 2 Day Tour held around Thirlmere and Picton. Canterbury CC went o…

Canterbury CC Reunion - See story below on the recent Canterbury CC Reunion held at Star City. The picture above is Stephen Brooks from the early 1970's in the Canterbury Cycling Club 2 Day Tour held around Thirlmere and Picton. Canterbury CC went on to become the Bankstown Sports Cycling Club based at the Dunc Gray Velodrome. Yes ... Steve had the whole Michael Hutchence Hair Thing happening plus the very retro arm warmers ... 


Wagga (Tolland) Weekend over 4-5 March - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport) had his first taste of the traditional "gutter grovelling" NSW country handicap around the windswept Wagga countryside. Riding off Bunch 3 on the Saturday Conor rode well & was caught by the "Scratchies" in the final 40k and was blasted off in the crosswinds. The Sunday event was marred by a crash (not involving Conor) and he was a DNF.

Newcrest Orange Challenge on 5 March - Brett Tarlington rode the Orange based cyclosportive event on closed (and somewhat bumpy) roads.  


*  Mar 8-11 - National Masters Track Championships (DGV). Several BiciSport Masters are in the medal hunt this week at DGV.

*  Mar 9 - Oceania Road Championships (Canberra)

*  Mar 11 - The Odd Spoke Road Race (Eastern Creek Raceway)

*  Mar 11-12 - Bendigo Madison (Vic)

*  Mar 12 - Falls Creek Cyclo Sportive (Vic), Bike Bug Roseberry Urban Randonnee (Sydney), Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters), Ourimbah Criteriums (Central Coast)


Mar 6 - DGV Track Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Mar 9 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride (Mar 9 is cancelled due to the National Masters Track Championships)

Mar 11 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Mar 12 - Homebush (Parramatta River Ferry Wharf) @ 7am


Held in Canberra over March 3&4 it was a great exhibition of some high quality retro Classic bikes   

John Crouchley (BiciSport) with Geoff Scott & the Martin Vinnicombe Championship winning track bike. John Crouchley was the coach of Martin Vinnicombe. 

John Crouchley (BiciSport) with Geoff Scott & the Martin Vinnicombe Championship winning track bike. John Crouchley was the coach of Martin Vinnicombe

Geoff Scott with a range of Eddy Merckx classics

Geoff Scott with a range of Eddy Merckx classics

Geoff Scott produced a delightful adaption of a Championship track bike

Geoff Scott produced a delightful adaption of a Championship track bike

A Geoff Scott tribute production of a 1968 Eddy Merckx "Faema". The bike has the classic red Faema logos, matching red downshift gear levers and a complete Campagnolo groupset

A Geoff Scott tribute production of a 1968 Eddy Merckx "Faema". The bike has the classic red Faema logos, matching red downshift gear levers and a complete Campagnolo groupset


Canterbury CC was a prominent cycling club in the 1960's and 1970's that eventually transformed into the Bankstown Sports Cycling Club based at the Dunc Gray Velodrome.  John Marsden kindly got the old crew together that included many notable champions of years gone by including Bob Clarke (now with the Waratah Masters), Bob Hines, Trevor Masterson, Stephen Brooks, Stephen Dixon (BiciSport & Liverpool Goulburn Classic winner) & Alan Lovell.  

Canterbury CC Reunion at The Star City Casino

Canterbury CC Reunion at The Star City Casino

Canterbury CC Reunion - Moree Velodrome in the late 1960's with Mike O'Reilly pushing off Stephen Brooks in the handicap Wheelrace. The Moree Velodrome was in poor condition even then (note the decaying velodrome walls held together with chicken wir…

Canterbury CC Reunion - Moree Velodrome in the late 1960's with Mike O'Reilly pushing off Stephen Brooks in the handicap Wheelrace. The Moree Velodrome was in poor condition even then (note the decaying velodrome walls held together with chicken wire). 

Canterbury CC Reunion - If the Moree Velodrome was in poor condition then its in worse shape now. This picture was taken some 6 weeks ago showing the velodrome banking.

Canterbury CC Reunion - If the Moree Velodrome was in poor condition then its in worse shape now. This picture was taken some 6 weeks ago showing the velodrome banking.

News Shorts - 27 February

Conor Tarlington (BiciSport) has gained selection to the Rauland Development Team for the 2017 road season. Conor races the Tolland (Wagga) weekend over both days on 4 & 5 March

Conor Tarlington (BiciSport) has gained selection to the Rauland Development Team for the 2017 road season. Conor races the Tolland (Wagga) weekend over both days on 4 & 5 March


Mar 2-5 - Cycling Australia National Elite Track Championships (Brisbane)

Mar 4-5 - Tolland Weekend (Wagga), Retro Bike Show (Canberra)

Mar 5 - Newcrest Orange Challenge Cyclo Sportive, Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), ATTA Time Trials (Calga), Ourimbah Uni Criteriums (Central Coast)   


Feb 27-1 Mar - DGV Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Mar 1 - M7 Cyclepath from Bella Vista @ 10am

Mar 2 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride Centennial Park @ 11am

Mar 4 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Mar 5 - Homebush SOPA Loops (depart Olympic Park Ferry Wharf @ 7am)

    Centennial Park Thursday @ 11am

    Centennial Park Thursday @ 11am


BiciSport is supporting the Sir David Foundation with a 145k charity ride on Sunday 19 March. The 145k ride from Centennial Park to Kiama will have approximately 150 starters (across 8 seperate bunches) who have all raised funds to support the Sir David Martin Foundation. Would you like to assist on the day ?, get in a 145k training ride, a new Cuore jersey and get fed very well ?. Sounds like you. 

What we need is 12 Bunch Leaders to assist the 8 bunches (of 20 riders each) get from Centennial Park to Kiama. The Bunch Leaders will receive a special Cuore jersey plus breakfast at Centennial Park & lunch in Kiama. Bunch Leaders don't need to raise money for the Foundation, just assist those that do. It's a great day out for a great cause. We also need 6 car drivers to assist on the day. For further details contact Mike O'Reilly on or 0417 403 244.

                         The Classic Bicycle Show is at Tempe Velodrome and well worth a look

                         The Classic Bicycle Show is at Tempe Velodrome and well worth a look

News Shorts - 20 February

NSW Masters Track Championships - Mike Smith took Gold in the M4 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - Mike Smith took Gold in the M4 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - Lise Benjamin took Gold in the W6 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - Lise Benjamin took Gold in the W6 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - David Browne takes Bronze in the M3 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - David Browne takes Bronze in the M3 Sprint

NSW Masters Track Championships - Anthony Colantonio took Silver in the M5 Pointscore

NSW Masters Track Championships - Anthony Colantonio took Silver in the M5 Pointscore

NSW Masters Championships - Lise Benjamin doing the Podium Jig for taking Gold in the W6 Scratch Race

NSW Masters Championships - Lise Benjamin doing the Podium Jig for taking Gold in the W6 Scratch Race

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit squad of Graham Cockerton, Peter Verhoeven, Dom 'Mr 21 Seconds' Zumbo, James Thornton & Anthony Colantonio

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit squad of Graham Cockerton, Peter Verhoeven, Dom 'Mr 21 Seconds' Zumbo, James Thornton & Anthony Colantonio

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit team before the start

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit team before the start

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit Team took the Bronze medal

NSW Masters Track Championships - BiciSport 150+ Teams Pursuit Team took the Bronze medal


*  NSW Masters Track Championships over 16-19 February - The NSW Masters Championships attracted a good field of over 300 individual entries with eyes very much focused on the Nationals at DGV in early March. BiciSport took an excellent haul of 4 Gold, 3 Silver and 3 Bronze over the 4 day Championship.

Sprint - Mike Smith & Lise Benjamin took Gold with David Browne the Bronze. Individual Time Trial - Lise Benjamin the Gold & David Browne 4th. Points - Lise Benjamin & Anthony Colantonio both took Silver with Peter Verhoeven 4th. Individual Pursuit - Peter Verhoeven was pipped by just 0.02 seconds in a great ride for the Gold. Scratch Race - Lise Benjamin took the Gold with Peter Verhoeven the Bronze. Teams Pursuit - John Crouchley did a masterful job in blending the fresh 150+ squad of Graham Cockerton, Dom Zumbo, James Thornton & Anthony Colantonio to the Bronze in 2min 26 secs. 

Newcastle Criterium on 19 February - Ruth Strapp finished 5th in D grade at Kooragang


*  This fully supported ride (organised by BiciSport & Harlequin Wheelmen) departs from Old Parliament House Canberra at 7.30am on the Saturday with a 150k ride for an overnight stay in Goulburn. Sunday is another 150k from Bundanoon to Camden.

If you are interested please contact Mike O'Reilly by Sunday 26 February at


BiciSport is supporting the Sir David Foundation with a 145k charity ride on Sunday 19 March. The 145k ride from Centennial Park to Kiama will have approximately 150 starters (across 8 seperate bunches) who have all raised funds to support the Sir D…

BiciSport is supporting the Sir David Foundation with a 145k charity ride on Sunday 19 March. The 145k ride from Centennial Park to Kiama will have approximately 150 starters (across 8 seperate bunches) who have all raised funds to support the Sir David Martin Foundation. Would you like to assist on the day ?, get in a 145k training ride, a new Cuore jersey and get fed very well ?. Sounds like you. 

What we need is 12 Bunch Leaders to assist the 8 bunches (of 20 riders each) get from Centennial Park to Kiama. The Bunch Leaders will receive a special Cuore jersey plus breakfast at Centennial Park & lunch in Kiama. Bunch Leaders don't need to raise money for the Foundation, just assist those that do. It's a great day out for a great cause. We also need 6 car drivers to assist on the day. For further details contact Mike O'Reilly on or 0417 403 244.   


*  Feb 21 - Heffron Park Criteriums (ES)

Feb 22-25 - National Junior Track Championships (DGV)

Feb 23 - Amoury Criteriums Newington (LACC)

Feb 24 - St Ives Criteriums (MW)

 Feb 25-26 - Coffs Harbour Track Open & Criterium

Feb 25 - Canterbury CC Reunion (Star City Casino Fountain 11.45am), Lake Hume Cycle Challenge (Albury NSW), Heffron Park Criteriums (RB)

Feb 26 - Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (NS), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


*  Feb 20 - DGV Track Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm  

*  Feb 23 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride Centennial Park @ 11am

Feb 25 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.45am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.15am

Feb 26 - Homebush SOPA Loop @ 7am (Parramatta River Wharf)

TOUR de BELLO - the ultimate training camp

BiciSport is happy to announce the inaugural Tour de Bello training camp from 31 August until 3 September on the beautiful NSW North Coast at Bellingen & Urunga (near Coffs Harbour). The new freeway system near Coffs has created a cycling mecca with numerous local roads now traffic free.  

The complete Tour de Bello details can be found elsewhere on this website.

Tour de Bello near Bellingen & Urunga offer endless traffic free roads. Its as good as it looks.

Tour de Bello near Bellingen & Urunga offer endless traffic free roads. Its as good as it looks.

News Shorts - 13 February

Kirstie Dolton (BiciSport) - CyclingNSW Cyclist of the Year Award for Women Masters 4

Kirstie Dolton (BiciSport) - CyclingNSW Cyclist of the Year Award for Women Masters 4

Lise Benjamin (BiciSport) - CyclingNSW Cyclist of the Year Award for Womens Masters 6

Lise Benjamin (BiciSport) - CyclingNSW Cyclist of the Year Award for Womens Masters 6


Kirstie Dolton & Lise Benjamin took out their respective Masters division at the CyclingNSW Cyclist of the Year Awards held on the same night as the Clarence Street Cup. Congratulations to both Kirstie & Lise.

Waratah Masters at Heffron Park on 12 Feb - Raoul Westbrook took 3rd in D grade.  Ian Grainger rode well in C grade


*  Feb 16-19 - NSW Masters Track Championships (DGV)

Feb 18 - National Penny Farthing Championships (Evansdale, Tasmania)

Feb 18-19 - Tour of East Gippsland (Vic)

Feb 19 - Ourimbah University Criterium (CC), Heffron Park (Waratah Masters)  


Feb 13 - DGV Track Training (John Crouchley) @ 3pm

Feb 15 - DGV Aerocoach Training (Alex Simmons) @ 10am-12noon

Feb 16 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride Centennial Park @ 10am

Feb 18 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.15am 

   Centennial Park Thursday @ 10am

   Centennial Park Thursday @ 10am

BiciSport is supporting the Sir David Martin Foundation on Sunday 19 March and needs your support. This 145k Classic ride is from Centennial Park (via Sutherland, Waterfall, Wollongong, Shellharbour) on Sunday 19 March departing at 6.30am and finish…

BiciSport is supporting the Sir David Martin Foundation on Sunday 19 March and needs your support. This 145k Classic ride is from Centennial Park (via Sutherland, Waterfall, Wollongong, Shellharbour) on Sunday 19 March departing at 6.30am and finishing in Kiama some 145k later. We need ... 10 bunch ride captains (you get to ride the whole 145k and earn a free jersey for your efforts) plus we need 6 car drivers & cars. For more information contact Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244 or email on  

News Shorts - 6 February

HST 2017 Stage 3 - At the Benalla start up close with the Chris Froome Pinerello F10.

HST 2017 Stage 3 - At the Benalla start up close with the Chris Froome Pinerello F10.


BiciSport is actively supporting two upcoming charity rides -

March 4-5 - Canberra to Camden. In cooperation with Harlequin Wheelman at Collaroy there is an organised ride (with full car support) from Canberra to Goulburn (overnight). Day 2 then starts in Bundanoon on the Sunday and finishes in Camden. The ride is 150k each day via traffic free back roads and departs from outside Old Parliament House Canberra at 7.30am on the Saturday. For more details contact Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244.

March 19 - Centennial Park to Kiama with the 145 Classic. In support of the Sir David Martin Foundation this organised 145k ride starts in Centennial Park at 6.30am and the route goes via Sutherland, Wollongong & Shellharbour and finishing in Kiama-Jamberoo. A fully supported ride with designated bunch captains. BiciSport has been asked to supply bunch captains and a free jersey will be supplied.  For more details contact Mike O'Reilly.

The 145 Classic is in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation

The 145 Classic is in support of the Sir David Martin Foundation


Clarence Street Cup on 4 February - The CSC is the premier NSW track carnival and has been going for more than 30 years. BiciSport was represented by Matt Karai, David Browne & Lise Benjamin.  Lise Benjamin took 9th in the CSC Womens Final.

BiciSport Teams Pursuit team confirmed - The 150+ team to the NSW Masters Championships is Anthony Colantonio, Dom Zumbo, Graeme Cockerton & James Thornton (reserves are Peter Verhoeven & Mike O'Brien). BiciSport team coach is John Crouchley.  


*  Feb 11 - Track Super Series (DISC, Melbourne)

Feb 12 - Ourimbah University Criterium (Central Coast), Heffron Park (Waratah Masters), West Head (MW) 


Feb 6 & 8 - DGV Track Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Feb 9 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride at Centennial Park @ 11am

Feb 11 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café Terrey Hills @ 9.30am (coffee only) 

   Centennial Park Thursday @ 11am

   Centennial Park Thursday @ 11am


Tour Down Under 2017 - BiciSport member Dianne Townsend went to the track night at the Adelaide Velodrome for Cycling Cares in support of former Cycling Australia coach Gary West (a cure for Motor Neurone Disease).  Dianne made the winning bid …

Tour Down Under 2017 - BiciSport member Dianne Townsend went to the track night at the Adelaide Velodrome for Cycling Cares in support of former Cycling Australia coach Gary West (a cure for Motor Neurone Disease).  Dianne made the winning bid for the Peter Sagan jersey (personally signed of course)

Tour Down Under 2017 - Having the jersey was one thing ... it was only a matter of time before Dianne found the real deal

Tour Down Under 2017 - Having the jersey was one thing ... it was only a matter of time before Dianne found the real deal



News Shorts - 30 January ... Herald SunTour Edition


*  Albury Criteriums on January 23 - Sue & Graham Tierney raced at the Barnawartha Driver Training Centre near Albury. Graham took second in C grade and Sue duly won D grade

Ourimbah & Waratah Criteriums - Ian Grainger has been flying the BiciSport flag but the champagne remains elusive.

HST 2017 - The 2017 edition of the HST has a real Alpine feel this year with a genuine mountain stage into Falls Creek (via Tawonga Gap) then followed by hilly stages to Beechworth & Kinglake. Alex Simmons (BiciSport) is the Chief Commissaire driver and Mike O'Reilly is the Race Director driver. Both Alex & Mike attended the UCI Convoy Drivers Course (as part of the UCI World Tour) in Geelong and gained their UCI driver accreditation. HST stages are -      

Feb 1 - Melbourne Individual Time Trial (Southbank Waterfront)

Feb 2 - Wangaratta to Falls Creek (via Bright, Tawonga Gap)

Feb 3 - Mt Beauty to Beechworth (via Eildon & the Stanley climb)

Feb 4 - Benalla to Mitchelton Winery

Feb 5 - Kinglake Loop


Feb 3 - St Ives (MW)

Feb 4-5 - Victorian Track Championships (DISC)

Feb 4 - Clarence Street Cup (DGV)

Feb 5 - Calga ITT (ATTA), Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters)


Jan 30 - NSW School Term starts and the motor traffic gets heavier

*  Jan 30 & Feb 1 - Track Training with John Crouchley & 3pm

Feb 2 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride Centennial Park @ 11am

Feb 4 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

       Centennial Park Thursday 11am

       Centennial Park Thursday 11am

IMAGES from the Herald Sun Tour

HST 2017 Prologue - Greg Nunn (Judge) & Alex Simmons (BiciSport) on the HST start podium  

HST 2017 Prologue - Greg Nunn (Judge) & Alex Simmons (BiciSport) on the HST start podium  

HST 2017 Prologue - Chris Froome in the marshalling tent before the start

HST 2017 Prologue - Chris Froome in the marshalling tent before the start

HST 2017 Prologue - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) and Chris Froome on the start ramp

HST 2017 Prologue - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) and Chris Froome on the start ramp

HST 2017 Stage 1 from Wangaratta to Falls Creek. Chris Froome at the start

HST 2017 Stage 1 from Wangaratta to Falls Creek. Chris Froome at the start

HST 2017 Stage 1 start

HST 2017 Stage 1 start

HST 2017 Stage 1 at the Falls Creek finish

HST 2017 Stage 1 at the Falls Creek finish

HST 2017 Stage 1 - Race Directors Subaru cockpit has 3 race radios (Convoy, Commissaires & Moto Scouts)

HST 2017 Stage 1 - Race Directors Subaru cockpit has 3 race radios (Convoy, Commissaires & Moto Scouts)

HST 2017 Stage 2 - The day started in Falls Creek with a spectacular view

HST 2017 Stage 2 - The day started in Falls Creek with a spectacular view

HST 2017 Stage 2 - The start line with Sue Tierney, Stuart O'Grady & Graham Tierney. Graham has joined the HST convoy driving team going forward & look forward to seeing him contributing into the future.

HST 2017 Stage 2 - The start line with Sue Tierney, Stuart O'Grady & Graham Tierney. Graham has joined the HST convoy driving team going forward & look forward to seeing him contributing into the future.

HST 2017 Stage 2 - Simon Gerrans before the start

HST 2017 Stage 2 - Simon Gerrans before the start

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Phil Liggett joined the local Benalla club at the start

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Phil Liggett joined the local Benalla club at the start

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Benalla start

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Benalla start

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Esteban Chaves at Mitchelton Winery finish

HST 2017 Stage 3 - Esteban Chaves at Mitchelton Winery finish

HST Stage 3 - Damien Howson (HST Tour Leader) after the Mitchelton Winery finish

HST Stage 3 - Damien Howson (HST Tour Leader) after the Mitchelton Winery finish

HST 2017 Stage 4 - Before the Kinglake start with the Convoy driving team of Peter Barnes Comm 4, Alex Simmons Chief Comm & Mike O'Reilly Race Director.

HST 2017 Stage 4 - Before the Kinglake start with the Convoy driving team of Peter Barnes Comm 4, Alex Simmons Chief Comm & Mike O'Reilly Race Director.

News Shorts - 23 January .. Race Melbourne & Cadel Weekend Edition

Sue Tierney climbing Mt Buffalo in the Victorian Alps last week. Sue has won eight National Masters Road Championships be it Time Trials, Criteriums or Road Races. Plans for Sue in 2017 include the Nowra Team Time Trial for BiciSport and the fi…

Sue Tierney climbing Mt Buffalo in the Victorian Alps last week. Sue has won eight National Masters Road Championships be it Time Trials, Criteriums or Road RacesPlans for Sue in 2017 include the Nowra Team Time Trial for BiciSport and the five race Victorian TT Series.


*  Womens Tour Down Under (14-17 January) - Congratulations to Katie Brown (BiciSport) on her first stint as NSWIS Sport Director

Cadel Evans Road Race (28-29 January) - Both Alex Simmons & Mike O'Reilly will be Race Convoy drivers at both the Albert Park & Cadel Evans Road Races. Mike has been allocated Comm 2 and Alex allocated Comm 3. Both are also Convoy Drivers from the Herald SunTour in early February.  


Jan 26 - Race Melbourne Albert Park Grand Prix (Melbourne, Vic)

Jan 28 - Alpine Audax (Bright, Vic), Cadel Evans Cyclosportive (Geelong, Vic)

Jan 28-29 - Cadel Evans Road Races

Jan 29 - Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

Oakwood BiciSport Ride - Friday 27 January  

*  All BiciSport riders & friends are welcome to a special ride hosted by Brett Tarlington & Oakwood Lifestyle Advisers. Meet up in the Piemonte Café Terrey Hills carpark @ 7.45am for a 8.15am departure. The ride is via McCarrs Creek Rd, Akuna Bay then back to Piemonte Café for morning tea. 


Jan 23 & 25 - DGV track training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Jan 26 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride at Centennial Park @ 10am

Jan 27 - Oakwood Ride (Piemonte Café @ 7.45am)  

Jan 28 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7,30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Centennial Park Thursday 10.00am

Centennial Park Thursday 10.00am

  Bright (Vic) on Saturday 28 January

  Bright (Vic) on Saturday 28 January

IMAGES from Race Melbourne and the Cadel Evans Weekend

Race Melbourne 2017 - Alex Simmons & Julian Dean

Race Melbourne 2017 - Alex Simmons & Julian Dean

Race Melbourne 2017 - Alex Simmons (Comm #3 driver) & Mike O'Reilly (Comm #2 driver)

Race Melbourne 2017 - Alex Simmons (Comm #3 driver) & Mike O'Reilly (Comm #2 driver)

Cadel Evans 2017 - BMC Team Car

Cadel Evans 2017 - BMC Team Car

Cadel Evans 2017 - Convoy on the start line  

Cadel Evans 2017 - Convoy on the start line  

Cadel Evans 2017 - Kenny Eissonde (Sky) before the start

Cadel Evans 2017 - Kenny Eissonde (Sky) before the start

Cadel Evans 2017 - Team Katuska

Cadel Evans 2017 - Team Katuska

Cadel Evans 2017 - Robbie McEwen interviews the winner Nikias Arndt

Cadel Evans 2017 - Robbie McEwen interviews the winner Nikias Arndt

News Shorts - 16 January

Bright (Vic) - Brett Tarlington, Sue & Graham Tierney in the Buckland Valley near Bright

Bright (Vic) - Brett Tarlington, Sue & Graham Tierney in the Buckland Valley near Bright

Bright (Vic) - Kylie & Ben Mildren outside the Ginger Baker Cafe

Bright (Vic) - Kylie & Ben Mildren outside the Ginger Baker Cafe


Conor Tarlington has gained selection to the Rausland Development Team (previously the Subaru Development Team) for the 2017 road season. Conor attended a team training camp in Bright.

*  A seemingly endless peloton took to the climbs around Bright this week including BiciSport riders Brett & Conor Tarlington, Sue & Graham Tierney, Kylie & Ben Mildren, Mike O'Reilly, Len Groen and Roy Edwards  


Jan 14-17 - Womens Tour Down Under

Jan 18-22 - Mens Tour Down Under

Jan 18 - National Junior Track Series (Adelaide)

Jan 20 - BUPA Cyclosportive (Adelaide)

Jan 20-22 - NSW Track Championships (DGV)

Jan 22 - Ourimbah Criterium (Central Coast), Heffron Park (Waratah Masters)


Jan 16 & 18 - DGV Track training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Jan 19 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride at Centennial Park @ 10am

Jan 21 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

    Centennial Park Thursday at 10am

    Centennial Park Thursday at 10am

    Bright (Vic) on Saturday 28 January

    Bright (Vic) on Saturday 28 January

                     Ourimbah Super Crit is on February 12 and organised by Central Coast CC

                     Ourimbah Super Crit is on February 12 and organised by Central Coast CC

Michelle Tarlington purchased a $5 raffle ticket in the Annual Bright Duck Race. Several thousand plastic ducks are dropped off the Morse Creek Bridge in central Bright with the first duck to cross the finish line earning $1,000 for one happy camper…

Michelle Tarlington purchased a $5 raffle ticket in the Annual Bright Duck Race. Several thousand plastic ducks are dropped off the Morse Creek Bridge in central Bright with the first duck to cross the finish line earning $1,000 for one happy camper ... Duck # 977 suitably took the sprint for one very happy camper ...  

Despite persistent rumours of a Fine Cotton Affair or potential EPO abuse Duck # 977 (aka Colin the Duck) was taken into custody and suitably drug tested.  Michelle is racing Colin # 977 next week at the nearby Harrietville Duck Race.

Despite persistent rumours of a Fine Cotton Affair or potential EPO abuse Duck # 977 (aka Colin the Duck) was taken into custody and suitably drug tested.  Michelle is racing Colin # 977 next week at the nearby Harrietville Duck Race.

News Shorts - 9 January ... Livingstone goes top 10

Ballarat 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) and John Crouchley after the Under 23 Criterium

Ballarat 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) and John Crouchley after the Under 23 Criterium

Ballarat 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) took 9th in the U23 Road Race and with John Crouchley after the finish.

Ballarat 17 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) took 9th in the U23 Road Race and with John Crouchley after the finish.


Fine weather greeted a well organised National Championships in Ballarat. The Criterium was in the centre of the Ballarat CBD, the ITT just near Bunninyong some 10k from Ballarat and the Road Race was around the Mt Helen circuit finishing in the Bunninyong main street. . There was much discussion about "where to" in 2018 (see story below).

Criterium Under 23 - Peter Livingstone (BiciSport) was in several moves early but settled for a comfortable bunch finish in anticipation for Sundays road race

Road Race Under 23 - The U23 RR started with 125 riders in super hot conditions. After 3 laps 5 riders attacked & stayed away until lap 7 (of 13). Then a break of 9 riders chased (including Peter Livingstone) and bridged across forming the front group.  Sam Jenner then soloed off the front with a bunch sprint of 8 riders contesting the Silver medal. A super courageous effort by Peter who was slightly distanced on the last climb but fought his way back to contest the Silver medal bunch sprint. Just 24 riders finished a super tough 132k.


*  Jan 13 - St Ives Criterium (MW)

*  Jan 14-15 - NSW Track Championships (DGV)

Jan 14-17 - Womens Tour DownUnder (SA) - Katie Brown (BiciSport) as NSWIS Director Sportif

Jan 15 - Ourimbah Criteriums (Central Coast), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


Jan 9 - DGV Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Jan 11 - DGV Training with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Jan 12 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride Centennial Park @ 10am

Jan 14 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

      Centennial Park Thursday 10am

      Centennial Park Thursday 10am

Ballarat 17 - Commissaires Grupetto Ride headed for Lake Wendouree. Alex Simmons (BiciSport) far left & John Crouchley far right. 

Ballarat 17 - Commissaires Grupetto Ride headed for Lake Wendouree. Alex Simmons (BiciSport) far left & John Crouchley far right. 

Ballarat 17 - Meeting of the wiser minds ... Ron Neiwand (father of Track legend Gary) meets John Crouchley (coach of Martin Vinnicombe) for the first time. This lively dinner discussion traversed the 1980's through numerous World Track Championship…

Ballarat 17 - Meeting of the wiser minds ... Ron Neiwand (father of Track legend Gary) meets John Crouchley (coach of Martin Vinnicombe) for the first time. This lively dinner discussion traversed the 1980's through numerous World Track Championships, Commonwealth & Olympic Games. Nobody else was game to stop these two chatting about all things track. Ron cradling the #1 seemed quite apt. It was a great dinner.   

Ballarat 17 - The local newspaper lead story on the Saturday of the Under 23 Road Championships. The local journalists for some reason were fixated with headlining why we'd like to leave Ballarat instead of celebrating the current event itself. 

Ballarat 17 - The local newspaper lead story on the Saturday of the Under 23 Road Championships. The local journalists for some reason were fixated with headlining why we'd like to leave Ballarat instead of celebrating the current event itself. 

News Shorts - 2 January

December 31 ... calmly driving two Belgian friends around Chowder Bay near Mosman chasing a good coffee .... hang on a minute ... isn't that Peter Sagan & Mick Rogers ! ? ... can't be ! ? ... double take ... yep, "Peter" on the knicks sort …

December 31 ... calmly driving two Belgian friends around Chowder Bay near Mosman chasing a good coffee .... hang on a minute ... isn't that Peter Sagan & Mick Rogers ! ? ... can't be ! ? ... double take ... yep, "Peter" on the knicks sort of gave it all away. Nobody is ever going to believe this ...

Mick Rogers & Peter Sagan (with a Sydney bus for company to just prove this all wasn't some crazy NYE wine infused dream) on the Col Del La Taronga Park Zoo climb. Rumour has it he was also spotted at Palm Beach the day before.  

Mick Rogers & Peter Sagan (with a Sydney bus for company to just prove this all wasn't some crazy NYE wine infused dream) on the Col Del La Taronga Park Zoo climb. Rumour has it he was also spotted at Palm Beach the day before.  

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Anthony Colantonio

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Anthony Colantonio

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Matt Karai

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Matt Karai

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Lise Benjamin

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - Lise Benjamin

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - David Browne

Sydney Christmas Carnivals 2016 - David Browne

Cycling Australia Elite Road Championships hit Ballarat from January 4-8

Cycling Australia Elite Road Championships hit Ballarat from January 4-8


*  National Road Championships Jan 4-8 (Ballarat) - Best wishes to Peter Livingstone (U23) at the Nationals. Both Alex Simmons & Mike O'Reilly will assist with Commissaire driving duties with John Crouchley.  

Sydney Christmas Carnivals Dec 27-30 - Good performances by Anthony Colantonio, Lise Benjamin, Matt Karai & David Browne.  


*  Nominations for BiciSport Teams Pursuit teams are now open. Please email 


Jan 1-3 - Mitchleton Bay Classic Criteriums (Geelong & Melbourne)

*  Jan 2 - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

*  Jan 4 - National Criterium Championships (Ballarat)

*  Jan 5 - National ITT Championships (Ballarat)

Jan 6 - St Ives Criteriums (MW) 

*  Jan 7 - National Gran Fondo Championships (Ballarat), National U23 Road Race Championships (Ballarat), Goulburn Track Open

*  Jan 8 - National Elite Road Race Championships (Ballarat), Ourimbah Criteriums (Central Coast), Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters) 


Jan 2 & 4 - No DGV Track Training

Jan 5 - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride Centennial Park @ 10am

Jan 7 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café coffee only @ 9.30am

    Thursday Centennial Park @ 10am

    Thursday Centennial Park @ 10am

The best reason for going to bike races is the fantastic people you meet along the way. Belgium 2016 and whilst Conor Tarlington is circulating around the tiny Flemish village of Kalken in a 70k criterium ... Mike O'Reilly strikes up a conversation …

The best reason for going to bike races is the fantastic people you meet along the way. Belgium 2016 and whilst Conor Tarlington is circulating around the tiny Flemish village of Kalken in a 70k criterium ... Mike O'Reilly strikes up a conversation with the local Belgian Police (as you do) who were protecting the bike race. Six months later and what a pleasure it is to see Belgium meeting the NSW Police with smiles all round.   

A stunning picture taken by Sue Tierney from the top of Mount Hotham (Vic) on December 30.

A stunning picture taken by Sue Tierney from the top of Mount Hotham (Vic) on December 30.

News Shorts - 26 December


BiciSport AGM held 16 Dec - The positions filled were Ian Grainger (President), Mike O'Reilly (Vice President), Brett Tarlington (Treasurer), Sue Tierney (Womens Co-ordinator), Mike O'Brien (Committee), Alex Simmons (Committee). John Croouchley is the Teams Pursuit Coach and Mike O'Reilly the Teams Pursuit Selector


*  Nominations are now open for BiciSport teams to the Masters Teams Pursuit in February & March at DGV. Please nominate to


*  Dec 27-30 - Victorian Christmas Track Carnivals (Shepparton, Wangaratta, Bendigo, Ballarat)

*  Dec 27-30 - Sydney Christmas Track Carnivals (Lidcombe, DGV, Hurstville, Tempe)

*  Jan 1 - Calga ITT (ATTA), Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)


*  Dec 26 (Boxing Day) - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am

Dec 29 - Distinguished Gentlemens Ride - Centennial Park @ 10am (not 11am)

Dec 31 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Jan 2 (Mon) - DGV Track training resumes with John Crouchley

     Thursday Centennial Park 10am

     Thursday Centennial Park 10am


*  Piemonte Café is closed Boxing Day (Monday) and the Tuesday

BiciSport supporter Eddy Verbust (far right) sends you a NYE greeting in Flemish with Ingrid & Kenny De Ketele (from the recent Gent Six Day). Eddy will be hosting the BiciSport group to Flanders in March 2017.

BiciSport supporter Eddy Verbust (far right) sends you a NYE greeting in Flemish with Ingrid & Kenny De Ketele (from the recent Gent Six Day). Eddy will be hosting the BiciSport group to Flanders in March 2017.

News Shorts - 19 December

   From all at BiciSport best wishes for Christmas

   From all at BiciSport best wishes for Christmas

          BiciSport Christmas Ride 2016 - the weather was poor with light drizzle but smiles all round.  

          BiciSport Christmas Ride 2016 - the weather was poor with light drizzle but smiles all round.  

    BiciSport Christmas Ride 2016 - Conor Tarlington leads the charge out of Akuna Bay on damp roads

    BiciSport Christmas Ride 2016 - Conor Tarlington leads the charge out of Akuna Bay on damp roads

   Alex Simmons at DGV doing aero testing and Mark Renshaw (white blur) circulating in the background. 

   Alex Simmons at DGV doing aero testing and Mark Renshaw (white blur) circulating in the background. 


The BiciSport website now has a totally integrated calendar listing all training rides, races and cyclo sportives. Thank you to Alex Simmons for the development of the new Bici website


BiciSport Christmas Ride on 18 Dec - Less than ideal weather conditions didn't deter the BiciSport hardcore doing Akuna Bay one more time. Those that raced at ECR in the morning joined up for coffee at Piemonte Café.

Alex Simmons Aero coaching on 14 Dec - Another successful Alex Simmons aero session at DGV with two happy cyclists more streamlined & slippery than before. Mark Renshaw & Caleb Ewan turned up at DGV in preparation for the National Madison Championships the following Saturday in Melbourne.  


*  Dec 24 - HART Criteriums (MW)


*  Dec 19 - DGV with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Dec 20 - Sydney traffic will be lighter with the start of the NSW School Holidays

Dec 21 - DGV with John Crouchley @ 3pm

Dec 22 - Centennial Park Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 11am

Dec 24 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, Piemonte Café (coffee only) @ 9.30am  

Dec 26 - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am

    DG Ride every Thursday @ 11am

    DG Ride every Thursday @ 11am

                BiciSport coffee is every Saturday at Piemonte Café Terrey Hills @ 9.30am. All welcome. 

                BiciSport coffee is every Saturday at Piemonte Café Terrey Hills @ 9.30am. All welcome


*  Its official ... its a mess. A peak hour that now never stops and who in their right mind would attempt to pedal along this stretch of bitumen misery. Thankfully there are some reasonable alternatives (on the eastern side) that makes a journey to from the City somewhat safer.

The Berlin Wall may have gone down but cyclists now have their own version from the Northern Beaches into the City.

The Berlin Wall may have gone down but cyclists now have their own version from the Northern Beaches into the City.