News Shorts - 18 June

Newcastle Kooragang @ 16 June - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport Happy Wheels) went podium

Newcastle Kooragang @ 16 June - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport Happy Wheels) went podium

Terrey Hills TTT Training near Duffys Forest for Nowra State Championships @ 17 June - Dominic Zumbo leads Graham Cockerton, Tom Green & David Browne

Terrey Hills TTT Training near Duffys Forest for Nowra State Championships @ 17 June - Dominic Zumbo leads Graham Cockerton, Tom Green & David Browne


*  Heffron Park @ 16-17 June - Jeremy Hopson (BiciSport Pilu Racing) polished off some great mid season form, winning both races on the Saturday & Sunday with Waratah Masters. Other good performances at Heffron Park came from Mike Lawson, Gio Pilu & Ian Grainger.   

* Newcastle Kooragang @ 16 June - Rhett Hall took 7th in the group handicap & Ruth Strapp first female.             


*  22 June - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)  

 24 June - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Melburn Roobaix Cyclosportive by FXYO (Melbourne, Vic), Cervelo Masters # 2 Calga


For further details please contact 0417 403 244  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks
    • Forest Way (at Forestville & Terrey Hills)
    • Warringah Rd (at Allambie Heights intersection)
    • Warriewood Valley (new roundabouts near McPherson St)
    • Pittwater Rd at Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen Beach (centre of the road) 
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose. 
  • Roadworks (periodic lane changes) continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  20 June (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group)

*  21 June (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo.  Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.

 23 June - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes  @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA) 

*  24 June - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am.

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Graham Cockerton (BiciSport) took 4th in Division 3

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Graham Cockerton (BiciSport) took 4th in Division 3

Terrey Hills TTT Training @ 17 June - Dominic Zumbo, Tom Green, David Browne & Graham Cockerton

Terrey Hills TTT Training @ 17 June - Dominic Zumbo, Tom Green, David Browne & Graham Cockerton


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 24 & July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Contact email or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA). BiciSport has reserved 5 team entry slots for the July 1 TTT at Calga. Please contact Ian Grainger on 0419 480 610

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

Mona Vale Rd near Hills Nursery - still a dangerous piece of roadworks for cyclists pushed out into the traffic. This is best avoided at all costs & use Myoora Rd towards Terrey Hills

Mona Vale Rd near Hills Nursery - still a dangerous piece of roadworks for cyclists pushed out into the traffic. This is best avoided at all costs & use Myoora Rd towards Terrey Hills

Melburn Roobaix 18.png

News Shorts - 11 June

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Rhett Hall (BiciSport Anytime) before the start in Division 2 with David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) looking somewhat apprehensive. Conditions were indeed wet.

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Rhett Hall (BiciSport Anytime) before the start in Division 2 with David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) looking somewhat apprehensive. Conditions were indeed wet.

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green, David Browne & Rhett Hall

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green, David Browne & Rhett Hall

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green (BiciSport Anytime) & David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - (L to R) Tom Green (BiciSport Anytime) & David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Dominic Zumbo & Ian Grainger trying to stay dry

Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - Dominic Zumbo & Ian Grainger trying to stay dry


*  Cervelo Masters @ Kooragang @ 11 June - The weather was more like Belgium in March with Cervelo #1 run off in cold & wet conditions around Kooragang Island just north of Newcastle. Good rides by Brett Cocks (BiciSport Pilu) in Division 1, Rhett Hall, Tom Green & David Browne (Division 2), Dom Zumbo & Graham Cockerton 4th in Divsion 3 & Ian Grainger in Division 4.            


*  15 June - RAW Track (DGV Velodrome)

*  16 June - Womens Masters Road Series (Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre) 

*  16-17 June - Gunnedah Weekend (CyclingNSW) 

 17 June - Heffron Park Criteriums (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney), Calga Road Race (Central Coast), Victorian ITT Series (Brunswick, Vic) 


For further details please contact 0417 403 244  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks
    • Pittwater Rd at Collaroy Beach to Narrabeen Beach (centre of road) 
    • Warringah Rd at Allambie Heights intersection
    • Forest Way (at Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose. 
  • Roadworks (periodic lane changes) continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  13 June (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return. Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group)

*  14 June (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo.  Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.

 16 June - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes  @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA) 

*  17 June - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am, BiciSport TTT training @ Piemonte Cafe carpark Terrey Hills @ 7.00am (depart 7.30am).

Age & Treachery.jpg


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 24 & July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Contact email or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open




                                                       Sunday 1 July @ Western Sydney Dragway

                                                       Sunday 1 July @ Western Sydney Dragway

News Shorts - 4 June

ATTA Calga @ 3 June - BiciSport Happy Wheels TTT team of Will Peters, Declan Jones, Pat Conway & Conor Tarlington

ATTA Calga @ 3 June - BiciSport Happy Wheels TTT team of Will Peters, Declan Jones, Pat Conway & Conor Tarlington

ATTA Calga @ 3 June - Declan Jones, Will Peters, Conor Tarlington & Patrick Conway

ATTA Calga @ 3 June - Declan Jones, Will Peters, Conor Tarlington & Patrick Conway

ATTA Calga @ 3 June

ATTA Calga @ 3 June


BiciSport TTT training session set down for 10 June at Terrey Hills has been postponed to 17 June again at Terrey Hills (assemble in the Piemonte Cafe carpark)


ATTA @ Calga @ 3 June - A good sized peloton lined up in windy & chilly conditions with several Nowra TTT squads working on their various combinations. In the 40k - Tom Green was 21st from 41 starters @ 1hr10min. In the 25k - Rhett Hall 19th from 53 starters @ 41min5secs, Ruth Strapp 27th @ 42min2secs, Peter Verhoeven 28th @ 42min4secs     


*  5 June - RAW Hooker Criterium @ Western Sydney Dragway @ 5.30pm (track bikes) @ 6.30pm (road bikes)

*  10 June (Sun) - West Head Road Race (Manly CC),  Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

11 June (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1 (Kooragang Island, Newcastle). BiciSport starters Brett Cocks, Ian Grainger, Graeme Cockerton, Rheet Hall, Ruth Strapp & Tom Green  

                                ATTA Calga @ 3 June - Peter Verhoeven (BiciSport Master)

                                ATTA Calga @ 3 June - Peter Verhoeven (BiciSport Master)


For further details please contact 0417 403 244  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at Allambie Heights, Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose. 
  • Roadworks (periodic lane changes) continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  5 June - M7 Cyclepath @ 70k from Bella Vista end @ time tbc

*  6 June (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.  Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group)

*  7 June (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 9 June - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes  @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA), Happy Wheels TTT Training @ Elvina Track @ West Head Road @ time tbc 

*  10 June - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am.

                                         BiciSport Nowra TTT team mascot ... Fergus van der Dog

                                         BiciSport Nowra TTT team mascot ... Fergus van der Dog


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 11, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to -

  • or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244

BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 10 - POSTPONED to June 17

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

Tour de Bello 2017 - Lachlan Haughey & Stewart Campbell (BiciSport) enjoying the traffic free roads around the Bonville Golf Course near Coffs Harbour.  The 2018 dates are now posted.

Tour de Bello 2017 - Lachlan Haughey & Stewart Campbell (BiciSport) enjoying the traffic free roads around the Bonville Golf Course near Coffs Harbour.  The 2018 dates are now posted.


*  The second Tour de Bello is on with the dates now confirmed. The recent extensions to the northern motorway has gifted both the Coffs Harbour & Bellingen regions with some of the best cycling roads in NSW.  Go to  for more details and Alex Simmons will host you to four unforgettable days of cycling in truly majestic scenery over delightful traffic free roads. 

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News Shorts - 28 May

                        Coffs Harbour Velodrome @ 25 May - Alex Simmons (BiciSport Master)

                        Coffs Harbour Velodrome @ 25 May - Alex Simmons (BiciSport Master)

Simmons - May 18.1.jpg


Ken Dinnerville Dapto @ 27 May - A difficult day for the large BiciSport peloton with 12 starters and only 4 finishers.  The 4 lap circuit was based around Mount Marshall behind Dapto. BiciSport results - John Cooper 30th @ 5min16secs, Jordan Reizes 42nd @ 5min19secs, Dean Gale 48th @ 5min40secs, Giovanni Pilu 76th @ 11min30secs. 

*  Alex Simmons is set to rejoin the active BiciSport peloton courtesy of a new carbon fibre prosthesis. Alex recently gave the new carbon fibre leg a preliminary road test at the Coffs Harbour Velodrome to ensure all the technical aspects came up to scratch. No issues were encountered & we look forward to seeing Alex in the BiciSport peloton.  

*  BiciSport Happy Wheels News - Declan Jones has joined the Happy Wheels sponsored team

Anytime Fitness has recently renewed their BiciSport sponsorship going forward.  


*  3 June - Calga ITT & BiciSport TTT (ATTA from 8.00am), Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast)  

Mona Vale Road @ Terrey Hills - the traffic hazard for cyclists still in play outside the Hills Nursery. All cyclists are advised to avoid this dangerous traffic hazard and use the alternate Myoora Road. 

Mona Vale Road @ Terrey Hills - the traffic hazard for cyclists still in play outside the Hills Nursery. All cyclists are advised to avoid this dangerous traffic hazard and use the alternate Myoora Road. 


For further details please contact 0417 403 244  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at Allambie Heights, Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose. 
  • Roadworks (periodic lane changes) continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  30 May (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.  Dunc Gray Velodrome 100 Lapper @ 7.00pm (a fast & slow group)

*  31 May (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 2 June - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes  @ 8.00am (4x10k loops around SOPA)

*  3 June - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am. 

TTT Mascot Doggo Bici.jpg


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 10, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Anytime Fitness or Happy Wheels riders - contact or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
  • Pilu Racing riders - contact Jordan Reizes on 

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 3 Calga (in conjunction with ATTA) from 8.00am

  • June 10 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open


*  The second Tour de Bello is on with the dates now confirmed. The recent extensions to the northern motorway has gifted both the Coffs Harbour & Bellingen regions with some of the best cycling roads in NSW.  Go to  for more details and Alex Simmons will host you to four unforgettable days of cycling in truly majestic scenery over delightful traffic free roads. 

Tour de Bello 2017 was an outstanding success & plans are well advanced to make 2018 equally successful

Tour de Bello 2017 was an outstanding success & plans are well advanced to make 2018 equally successful

Giro d'Italia has concluded ... a youthful Felice Gimondi now 70yrs + (and past Giro winner) poses with a Bianchi team car & team bike from the 1970's

Giro d'Italia has concluded ... a youthful Felice Gimondi now 70yrs + (and past Giro winner) poses with a Bianchi team car & team bike from the 1970's

News Shorts - 21 May

         Vale David Michel - Tim Michel with David Cooper (Northern Suburbs CC & BiciSport)

         Vale David Michel - Tim Michel with David Cooper (Northern Suburbs CC & BiciSport)


*  Its with great sadness to report the passing of David Michel. David was a member of the Northern Suburbs Cycling Club (now Northern Sydney CC) and raced predominantly through the late 1960's and the 1970's up to 1987. David was an outstanding athlete on both the track & road and besides competing in several Goulburn Liverpool Classics, David also took the Bronze medal in the 1978 NSW 100k Teams Time Championships held on the Castlereagh circuit near the current Penrith Lakes. David was an outstanding individual highly respected by everybody who knew him. Northern Suburbs CC was represented at the service by David Cooper & Mike O'Reilly. 

         Newcastle Kooragang @ 20 May - Ruth Strapp (right) finished as 1st female in the handicap event

         Newcastle Kooragang @ 20 May - Ruth Strapp (right) finished as 1st female in the handicap event


Newcastle Kooragang @ 20 May - Ruth Strapp returned to racing on 20 May (after her off some 6 weeks ago). Ruth finished 11th overall from 50 starters in the Kooragang Handicap & 1st female

*  ABC Radio @ 14 May - Peter Budd recently featured on an ABC Radio Riverina segment discussing his plans of the upcoming UWCT World Masters Road Championships in Varese Italy.    

UCI Masters World Records ratification stalled - At the National Masters Track Championships in February 2017 Lise Benjamin (BiciSport Master) broke the World Record for the Flying 200m time trial. To ratify the world record Lise underwent (and passed) the mandatory ASADA drug test and BiciSport paid the necessary ASADA fees. Things took a turn for the worse when it was discovered some 12 months later that the necessary paperwork was not lodged with the UCI within the 30 day period and the UCI subsequently rejected the application. CyclingNSW is currently seeking reconsideration of the application.         


*  The second Tour de Bello is on with the dates now confirmed. The recent extensions to the northern motorway has gifted both the Coffs Harbour & Bellingen regions with some of the best cycling roads in NSW.  Go to  for more details and Alex Simmons will host you to four unforgettable days of cycling in truly majestic scenery over delightful traffic free roads. 

                                      Go to

                                      Go to


*  26 May - Heffron Super Crits (Heffron Park) 

*  27 May - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Victorian ITT Series (Geelong, Vic) 

*  27 May - Dinnerville Handicap (Illawarra CC) - The best BiciSport lineup to a State Open in a long time with BiciSport starters Stewart Campbell, Brett Cocks, Jeremy Hopson, James Thornton, Patrick Conway, Dean Gale, Ian Grainger, Jordan Reizes, Giovani Pilu, William Peters & Mike Foster. 

                     The Giro d'Italia 2018 enters the final week ... Stephen Roche leads the 1987 edition

                     The Giro d'Italia 2018 enters the final week ... Stephen Roche leads the 1987 edition


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the NSW School Term in full swing.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • New "Clearway" provisions now prevail along Forest Way from the Forestville end towards Belrose. 
  • Roadworks continue along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  23 May (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return

*  24 May (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 26 May - Bennelong Bridge (East Side) @ Rhodes  @ 8.00am (10k loops around SOPA)

*  27 May - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am. 

Mona Vale Rd Terrey Hills - extreme caution needs to used just outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery with major roadworks forcing cyclists out into the main traffic carriageway. 

Mona Vale Rd Terrey Hills - extreme caution needs to used just outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery with major roadworks forcing cyclists out into the main traffic carriageway. 

TTT Mascot Doggo Bici.jpg


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 10, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Anytime Fitness or Happy Wheels riders - contact or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
  • Pilu Racing riders - contact Jordan Reizes on 

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 3 Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • June 10 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

May super series.jpg

News Shorts - 14 May

Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) has amassed 9 consecutive UCI qualifying medals for the UWCT World Championships. Peter competed in Albi (France) in 2017 and heads to Varese (Italy) in September 2018.

Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) has amassed 9 consecutive UCI qualifying medals for the UWCT World Championships. Peter competed in Albi (France) in 2017 and heads to Varese (Italy) in September 2018.


Grafton to Inverell Classic @ 12 May - The G2I Classic started and finished in very pleasant conditions with little or no wind, but conditions turned somewhat nasty on the mid race Gibraltar Mountain itself. Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) started in Division 3 and finished 35th (from 77 finishers) @ 27min 46secs.   

The inaugural Tour de Bello in 2017 was hosted by Alex Simmons and was a great success. Note your diary for the 2018 Tour from 30 August to 2 September based in and around Bellingen.

The inaugural Tour de Bello in 2017 was hosted by Alex Simmons and was a great success. Note your diary for the 2018 Tour from 30 August to 2 September based in and around Bellingen.

TOUR DE BELLO 2018 ... 30 August to 2 SEPTember

*  The second Tour de Bello is on with the dates now confirmed. The recent extensions to the northern motorway has gifted both the Coffs Harbour & Bellingen regions with some of the best cycling roads in NSW.  Go to  for more details and Alex Simmons will host you to four unforgettable days of cycling in truly majestic scenery over delightful traffic free roads. 


*  19 May - Heffron Super Crits (Heffron Park) 

*  19 May - Ray Piper Memorial Handicap Calga (Central Coast CC)

20 May - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney CC) 


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the start of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • Dangerous Mona Vale Rd roadworks outside Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery Terrey Hills
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  14 May - Piemonte Cafe carpark @ 11.00am for Duffys Forest & West Head

*  16 May (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return

*  17 May (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 19 May - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  20 May - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am. 

TTT Mascot Doggo Bici.jpg


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 10, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Anytime Fitness or Happy Wheels riders - contact or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
  • Pilu Racing riders - contact Jordan Reizes on 

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 3 Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • June 10 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

Giro d'Italia is on at present ... Beppe Saronni leads the 1982 edition over the Stelvio Pass

Giro d'Italia is on at present ... Beppe Saronni leads the 1982 edition over the Stelvio Pass

May super series.jpg

News Shorts - 7 May

Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) at the Cootamundra Open on 5 May finished 29th from 100 finishers  

Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) at the Cootamundra Open on 5 May finished 29th from 100 finishers  


Cootamundra Weekend @ 5 May - Peter Budd (BiciSport Happy Wheels) finished 29th (from 100 finishers) @ 3min 46secs

ATTA Time Trials @ Calga @ 6 May - 40k option - Tom Green @ 1hr 13min @ 26th from 43 starters. 25k option - Mike Lawson @ 42min 42secs @ 31st from 70 starters, Ian Grainger @ 43min 13secs @ 34th, Raoul Westbrook @ 46min 25secs @ 46th. 


One highly dangerous piece of road engineering - drainage works outside of the Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery car park entrance. Cyclists using Mona Vale Rd are now forced out into the busy traffic lane. Extreme caution is required or simply avoid Mona…

One highly dangerous piece of road engineering - drainage works outside of the Piemonte Cafe-Hills Nursery car park entrance. Cyclists using Mona Vale Rd are now forced out into the busy traffic lane. Extreme caution is required or simply avoid Mona Vale Rd altogether and use Myoora Rd. 


With winter soon to be upon us the days are getting shorter, so its time for all riders to consider their own safety on public roads. Next time you go out on public roads in the early morning darkness don't forget to wear bright coloured clothing, s…

With winter soon to be upon us the days are getting shorter, so its time for all riders to consider their own safety on public roads. Next time you go out on public roads in the early morning darkness don't forget to wear bright coloured clothing, some flouro overshoes and excellent flashing lights as recommended training accessories.     


8 May - CyclingNSW Annual General Meeting @ Bankstown Sports Club

*  12 May - Grafton to Inverell Classic (CA NRS) - BiciSport rider Peter Budd, Event Commissaire Alex Simmons & Robyn Sprouster

*  12 May - Heffron Super Crits (Heffron Park) 

*  12-13 May - Tour of the South West (VRS - Warnambool, Vic)

13 May - Heffron Park (Waratah Masters), West Head Road Race (Manly CC) 


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the start of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • New lane markings are being introduced along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  7 May - Piemonte Cafe carpark @ 9.00am for Duffys Forest

*  8 May (Tues) - M7 Cyclepath @ 6.00am @ Wallgrove Rd BP Service Centre   

*  9 May (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return

*  10 May (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 12 May - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  13 May - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am. 

TTT Mascot Doggo Bici.jpg


*  The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

*  BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitnessbanner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

*  For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

*  BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 10, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

*  BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Anytime Fitness or Happy Wheels riders - contact or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
  • Pilu Racing riders - contact Jordan Reizes on 

*  BiciSport Training Schedule

  • June 3 Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • June 10 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

May super series.jpg

News Shorts - 30 April

Nowra 2017 State Team Time Trial Championships - Pilu Racing took an outstanding victory in the Masters 150+ category. The BiciSport training program for Nowra 2018 starts on Sunday 6 May at Calga (in conjunction with the monthly ATTA time trial pro…

Nowra 2017 State Team Time Trial Championships - Pilu Racing took an outstanding victory in the Masters 150+ category. The BiciSport training program for Nowra 2018 starts on Sunday 6 May at Calga (in conjunction with the monthly ATTA time trial promotion). The BiciSport TTT program is detailed below in this weekly News section and nominations for the 21 July Championships are now open - simply email


5 May - Calga Road Race (Central Coast CC), Heffron Super Crits (Heffron Park) 

*  5-6 May - Cootamundra Weekend (CyclingNSW)

6 May - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Calga ITT & BiciSport TTT (ATTA) 

5-11 - Sydney to Surfers Paradise Cyclosportive


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now HEAVIER with the start of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • New lane markings are being introduced along Military Rd between Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • Parriwi Rd Spit Bridge cyclepath ramp is now completed
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  2 May (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return

*  3 May (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 5 May - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  6 May - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am. BiciSport Team Time Trial training @ Calga from 8.00am

                                  BiciSport Nowra TTT 2018 Team mascot is Fergus Van Der Dog

                                  BiciSport Nowra TTT 2018 Team mascot is Fergus Van Der Dog


The BiciSport TTT program for Nowra 2018 is detailed below. The Championships are open to all BiciSport riders and includes those riders who may hold a Ride Licence (and may wish to just compete on this one team day of the year). 

BiciSport is keen to enter as many club teams as possible - be it under the Anytime Fitness banner or with our sponsored racing groups of Pilu Racing or Happy Wheels. We may even combine teams across the groups to allow as many people to ride as possible.   

For the Nowra Championships BiciSport will pay all team entry fees & provide team & mechanical support for the 21 July Championships. Additionally BiciSport will pay for the Saturday night accommodation at the Greenwell Point Motel with an organised 50k team ride to Currarong Beach on the Sunday morning. Alternatively, riders may elect to compete in the Ride for Robbie race on the Sunday morning.

BiciSport Masters are encouraged to enter the Cervelo Masters Super Series (June 10, June 24, July 15) and the Metro & Country Championships (July 7)

BiciSport Team nominations are now open and should be directed via email to

  • Anytime Fitness or Happy Wheels riders - contact or Mike O'Reilly on 0417 403 244
  • Pilu Racing riders - contact Jordan Reizes on 

BiciSport Training Schedule

  • May 6 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • June 3 Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • June 10 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 11 (Mon) - Cervelo Masters Super Series #1

  • June 17 - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • June 24 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #2

  • July 1 - Calga (in conjunction with ATTA)

  • July 7 (Sat) - Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre (after Metro & Country Championships)

  • July 8 (Sun) - Piemonte Cafe Terrey Hills (meet 7.00am, depart 7.30am)

  • July 14 (Sat) - TTT training venue TBC

  • July 15 - Cervelo Masters Super Series #3

  • July 21 (Sat) - NSW TTT Championships (Nowra Airport)

  • July 22 (Sun) - BiciSport Team Ride from Greenwell Point at 8.00am to Currabong Beach & return, or the Ride for Robbie CyclingNSW Open

May super series.jpg

News Shorts - 23 April

Blayney to Bathurst Cyclosportive 18 - Ian Grainger, Conor Tarlington & Mike O'Reilly

Blayney to Bathurst Cyclosportive 18 - Ian Grainger, Conor Tarlington & Mike O'Reilly


*  Bathurst B2B Weekend @ 20-22 Apr - B2B provided an outstanding opportunity to ride on closed country roads with first class organisation and perfect weather conditions. BiciSport had several starters for this major CyclingNSW promotion with Elites - Conor Tarlington 52nd @ 3min52secs, , 70k - Pat Conway 22nd @ 27secs, Stewart Campbell 29th @ 45secs, William Peters 30th @ 45secs. 35-39 - Brett Cocks - 12th @ 1min4secs. 50-54 - Adam Kibble 86th @ 16min25secs. 55-59 - Peter Budd 20th @ 3min39secs. 70-74 - Ian Grainger 5th and Graeme Cocks 6th.

*  Recovery Ward - A speedy recovery to Mike Lawson who had a recent off at Mona Vale


BiciSport team members will be contacted shortly regarding the Nowra NSW Teams Time Trial Championships to be held on Saturday 21 July. The BiciSport teams will be staying at Greenwell Point on 21 July followed by a dinner on the Saturday night. Sunday - the riders have the option of racing the 'Ride for Robbie' NSW road event or the 50k BiciSport team ride to Currarong Beach & return. BiciSport provides TTT race entry fees, race supprt, Saturday night accommodation & Sunday morning ride support. Email enquiries to    


27 Apr - Handmade Bicycle Show (Melbourne, Vic) 

*  28 Apr - Great Otway Classic Cyclosportive (Torquay, Vic)

*  29 Apr - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Century Challenge Cyclosportive (Central Coast CC) 


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now LIGHTER with the NSW School holidays.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)

  • Roadworks continue along Military Rd at Cremorne & Neutral Bay

  • Parriwi Rd Spit Bridge cyclepath ramp is now completed

  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  25 Apr (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return, M7 Cyclepath @ 6.00am @ Old Wallgrove Rd

*  26 Apr (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park.   

 28 Apr - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  29 Apr - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - the Tour of Flanders for Under 23 National Teams is held the weekend after the professional race (and the day before Paris Roubaix). James Whelan (Australia) took a great solo win (above), before the Holleweg cobbl…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - the Tour of Flanders for Under 23 National Teams is held the weekend after the professional race (and the day before Paris Roubaix). James Whelan (Australia) took a great solo win (above), before the Holleweg cobbles at Oudenaarde. Photo MO'R


Darren & John Crouchley (BiciSport) recently completed a thoughtful restoration of a 1983 Raleigh frameset (pictured below) ridden by Herald Sun Tour winner Malcolm Elliott (UK) in the Sun Tour itself.  Malcolm went on to be a leading European professional. 

Original Raleigh steel frameset circa 1983

Original Raleigh steel frameset circa 1983

Completed Raleigh 1983 restoration loaded with a Campagnolo groupset on 6 speed wheels with Campagnolo gear down shifters

Completed Raleigh 1983 restoration loaded with a Campagnolo groupset on 6 speed wheels with Campagnolo gear down shifters

News Shorts - 16 April

Waratah Masters Eric Mather Cup @ Eastern Creek Raceway @ 8 Apr with Melissa Budd (BiciSport)

Waratah Masters Eric Mather Cup @ Eastern Creek Raceway @ 8 Apr with Melissa Budd (BiciSport)


Odd Spoke Cup @ Eastern Creek @ 14 Apr - Division 1 ... Rolly Delaytz took 7th and Jeremy Hopson 28th (both a peloton finish)   

*  Bathurst Weekend over 20-22 Apr - BiciSport have several starters for this major CyclingNSW promotion with Conor Tarlington, Brett Cocks, Stewart Campbell, Ian Grainger, Adam Kibble, Mike O'Reilly, Patrick Conway, William Peters, Peter & Melissa Budd


20-22 Apr - Bathurst Hill Climbs, Criteriums & B2B CycloSportive (CycNSW)  

21 Apr - Fred Icke Classic (Creswick, Vic)

22 Apr - Heffron Park (Waratah Masters) 

Fergus van der Dog giving the BiciSport team jersey a walk in the Blue Mountains. Fergus is the new BiciSport mascot for the Nowra Team Time Trial in July

Fergus van der Dog giving the BiciSport team jersey a walk in the Blue Mountains. Fergus is the new BiciSport mascot for the Nowra Team Time Trial in July


For further details please contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now LIGHTER with the end of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)

  • Roadworks continue along Military Rd at Cremorne & Neutral Bay

  • Parriwi Rd Mosman cyclepath ramp is now completed

  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  17 Apr (Tues) - M7 Cyclepath @ 6am @ BP Service Centre @ Old Wallgrove Rd

*  18 Apr (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  19 Apr (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

 21 Apr - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  22 Apr - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

Eikenberg Climb near Oudenaarde @ 7 Apr ... waiting for the Under 23 Tour of Flanders. Photo Mike O'Brien

Eikenberg Climb near Oudenaarde @ 7 Apr ... waiting for the Under 23 Tour of Flanders. Photo Mike O'Brien

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - from the Paris Roubaix cobbles at Qiuvey. Oliver Naesen (second, Belgium Champion jersey) leads Arnaud Demare (third, French Champion jersey). Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - from the Paris Roubaix cobbles at Qiuvey. Oliver Naesen (second, Belgium Champion jersey) leads Arnaud Demare (third, French Champion jersey). Photo MO'R

News Shorts - 9 April

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan at the Compiegne start of Paris Roubaix. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan at the Compiegne start of Paris Roubaix. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan on the Qiuvey cobbles near Cambrai. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan on the Qiuvey cobbles near Cambrai. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike Lawson (BiciSport) seen right on SBS TV during the Tour of Flanders at the Kortekeer climb

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike Lawson (BiciSport) seen right on SBS TV during the Tour of Flanders at the Kortekeer climb

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike O'Brien & Mike Lawson tackle the Roubaix cobbles at Camphin en Pevele

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike O'Brien & Mike Lawson tackle the Roubaix cobbles at Camphin en Pevele

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike O'Brien & Mike Lawson on the Bersee cobbles near Roubaix

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Mike O'Brien & Mike Lawson on the Bersee cobbles near Roubaix

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - one of the final rides for this Flanders trip was with Eddy & Maarten VerHulst. The ride was from the village of Temse towards Antwerp then into the Polderlands over the border with the Netherlands. L to R - Mike L…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - one of the final rides for this Flanders trip was with Eddy & Maarten VerHulst. The ride was from the village of Temse towards Antwerp then into the Polderlands over the border with the Netherlands. L to R - Mike Lawson, Eddy VerHulst, Mike O'Reilly, Mike O'Brien & Maarten VerHulst.


BiciSport in Flanders 18 - The final Flanders post after the Paris Roubaix is now up on this website (see below).

Eric Mather Cup @ Eastern Creek Raceway @ 8 Apr  - Peter Budd finished comfortably in B grade. Melissa Budd rode well in D grade.

*  Clare Classic Cyclosportive @ 8 Apr - Ian Grainger (BiciSport Master) was one of the 900 starters to the inaugural Clare Classic 

ATTA @ Calga @ 8 Apr - Patrick Conway finished 10th (from 20) in 1hr 8 mins, with Tom Green 12th (from 20) in 1hr 10min for the 40k effort. William Peters went 25th (from 46) in 41min 08secs in the 25k option.


10-14 Apr - Commonwealth Games Cycling (Gold Coast, Qld) - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) is a Comm Games Commissaire Driver during the Games.

*  15 Apr - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters) 


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)

  • New traffic lane alignment along Military Rd through Cremorne & Neutral Bay

  • Parriwi Rd cycle access enhancements being constructed near Spit Bridge

  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  11 Apr (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  12 Apr (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

14 Apr - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  15 Apr - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 6 Apr - a time for Mike O'Brien to go Brooklyn 70's retro outside the Kokerelle B&B

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 6 Apr - a time for Mike O'Brien to go Brooklyn 70's retro outside the Kokerelle B&B

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 6 Apr - The Under 23 Tour of Flanders for National Teams is held on 7 April in and around Oudenaarde. The Kazak (Astana) team mechanic was caught preparing the Under 23 team bikes near the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudena…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 6 Apr - The Under 23 Tour of Flanders for National Teams is held on 7 April in and around Oudenaarde. The Kazak (Astana) team mechanic was caught preparing the Under 23 team bikes near the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudenaarde.

News Shorts - 2 April

                            Orica HEZ @ 17 Mar - Brett Cocks (BiciSport Pilu Racing) in Division 2

                            Orica HEZ @ 17 Mar - Brett Cocks (BiciSport Pilu Racing) in Division 2

                    Orica HEZ @ 17 Mar - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport Happy Wheels) in Womens Division 2

                    Orica HEZ @ 17 Mar - Ruth Strapp (BiciSport Happy Wheels) in Womens Division 2


BiciSport in Flanders 18 - The BiciSport in Flanders diary has recently been updated featuring the Tour of Flanders in the News Section of this website. 

UCI Commissaires Course @ Gold Coast @ 26-30 Mar - BiciSport member Robyn Sprouster recently completed a special UCI Commissaires course on the Gold Coast (for both Road & Track technical aspects)    

*  New BiciSport group ride launched - Stew Computa Campbell has launched a new BiciSport group ride departing @ 6am every Thursday from outside the Happy Wheels Waterloo shop. The route is to La Perouse & return via Mascot. All Welcome.  

Comm Games logos.png


5-14 Apr - Commonwealth Games Cycling (Gold Coast) - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) is a Commissaire Convoy driver in the Road Race

  • 5-8 Apr - Track (Anna Meares Velodrome Brisbane)
  • 10 Apr - ITT (Currumbin Beachfront)
  • 12 Apr - Mountain Bike
  • 14 Apr - Road Race (Currumbin Beachfront)

*  8 Apr - NSW Elite & U23 Road Championships (Berrima), Calga ITT (ATTA), Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), West Head Road Race (Manly CC), Clare Classic Cyclosportive (South Aust), 145 Classic Charity Ride (Bowral to Bowral), Mt Baw Baw Classic (Warragul, Vic)


For further details contact 0417 403 244  or email  

*  Motor traffic conditions are heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • New traffic lane alignment along Military Rd through Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • Parriwi Rd cycle access enhancements being constructed near Spit Bridge
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  4 Apr (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  5 Apr (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

*  7 Apr - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  8 Apr - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

                             Clare Classic 2018

                             Clare Classic 2018

Clare Classic 18.png
145 Classic logo.jpg
The Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride is held every Thursday in Centennial Park starting from the Spruce Goose Cafe at 10.30am. All welcome.

The Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride is held every Thursday in Centennial Park starting from the Spruce Goose Cafe at 10.30am. All welcome.

News Shorts - 26 March

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) rode in Division 1 in very hot conditions

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) rode in Division 1 in very hot conditions

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar

Orica HEZ Kermesse @ 17 Mar


BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Go to the dedicated News section on this website for the BiciSport in Flanders 18 updates  

Recovery Ward - Ruth Strapp has a fracture of her wrist stemming from a crash at HEZ Kurri Kurri on 17 March. Ruth will be sidelined for 6 weeks. Best wishes for a speedy recovery. 

*  New BiciSport group ride launched - Stew Computa Campbell has launched a new BiciSport group ride departing @ 6.00am every Thursday from outside the Happy Wheels Waterloo shop. The route is to La Perouse & return via Mascot. All Welcome.  

Happy Wheels at Waterloo host the Thursday group ride starting at 6.00am starting from outside the Waterloo shop. All welcome.

Happy Wheels at Waterloo host the Thursday group ride starting at 6.00am starting from outside the Waterloo shop. All welcome.


27 Mar (Tues) - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  1 Apr - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

2 Apr (Mon)- Eric Mather Cup Eastern Creek (Waratah Masters) 


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • New traffic lane alignment along Military Rd through Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • Parriwi Rd cycle access enhancements being constructed near Spit Bridge
  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  28 Mar (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  29 Mar (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

31 Mar - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  1 Apr - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

The Distinguished Gentlemens Ride runs every Thursday in Centennial Park starting from the Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am. All welcome.

The Distinguished Gentlemens Ride runs every Thursday in Centennial Park starting from the Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am. All welcome.

Clare Classic 18.png

BiciSport in Flanders 2018

                                                      Holleweg cobbles near Oudenaarde

                                                      Holleweg cobbles near Oudenaarde

BiciSport in Flanders @ 20 Mar - A 30k run down the Schelde River bikepath towards Kluisbergen was followed by another 30k home via the Patersberg and Koppenberg climbs. Mike has comfortably climbed the Koppenberg twice in two days (second time was …

BiciSport in Flanders @ 20 Mar - A 30k run down the Schelde River bikepath towards Kluisbergen was followed by another 30k home via the Patersberg and Koppenberg climbs. Mike has comfortably climbed the Koppenberg twice in two days (second time was sitting down !). Brian comfortably climbed the Patersberg.

BiciSport in Flanders @ 20 Mar - Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly at the Koppenberg.  

BiciSport in Flanders @ 20 Mar - Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly at the Koppenberg.  

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - Before a trip to see the De Panne Classic climb over the Kemmelberg cobbles both Mike & Brian ventured out early into the morning cold towards the Kluisbergen Rail Trail direction Koppenberg. Both riders rode ove…

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - Before a trip to see the De Panne Classic climb over the Kemmelberg cobbles both Mike & Brian ventured out early into the morning cold towards the Kluisbergen Rail Trail direction Koppenberg. Both riders rode over the Koppenberg. 

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - at the De Panne Classic on top of the Kemmelberg with the CCC Team support crew. Brian Sprouster & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - at the De Panne Classic on top of the Kemmelberg with the CCC Team support crew. Brian Sprouster & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - the De Panne Classic peloton climbing the cobbled Kemmelberg

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - the De Panne Classic peloton climbing the cobbled Kemmelberg

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - at the De Panne Classic after the peloton had passed over the Kemmelberg it was time to find the nearest smoke filled Flemish cafe with the mandatory TV screen to see the finish.

BiciSport in Flanders @ 21 Mar - at the De Panne Classic after the peloton had passed over the Kemmelberg it was time to find the nearest smoke filled Flemish cafe with the mandatory TV screen to see the finish.

BiciSport in Flanders @ 22 Mar - steady rain all day meant a more restrained approach to going for a pedal and an ideal time to  visit the Cycling is Religion Museum ( at Roeselare near Bruges. This is now a disused church…

BiciSport in Flanders @ 22 Mar - steady rain all day meant a more restrained approach to going for a pedal and an ideal time to  visit the Cycling is Religion Museum ( at Roeselare near Bruges. This is now a disused church converted into a cycling museum with very much a Flemish view.  (L to R) Brian Spouster, Mike O'Reilly & Mike Lawson   

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - E3 Harelbeke Classic passes over the Holleweg cobbles near Oudenaarde with Michael Matthews  

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - E3 Harelbeke Classic passes over the Holleweg cobbles near Oudenaarde with Michael Matthews  

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - conditions at the E3 Harelbeke were best described as damp, dismal & bleak. Mike O'Reilly & Mike Lawson on the single track Boueke climb near Ronse

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - conditions at the E3 Harelbeke were best described as damp, dismal & bleak. Mike O'Reilly & Mike Lawson on the single track Boueke climb near Ronse

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - E3 Harelbeke and Greg Van Avermaet leads the chase with Phil Gilbert with steady rain falling outside Oudenaarde

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - E3 Harelbeke and Greg Van Avermaet leads the chase with Phil Gilbert with steady rain falling outside Oudenaarde

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - a wet E3 Harelbeke this year wasn't overly kind to Peter Sagan

BiciSport in Flanders @ 23 Mar - a wet E3 Harelbeke this year wasn't overly kind to Peter Sagan

BiciSport in Flanders @ 24 Mar - The Ghent Wevelgem Cyclosportive attracts a huge turnout the day before the pro race. Conditions were something approaching heatwave (with a maximum of 10 degrees forecast) and real shadows were sighted for the first…

BiciSport in Flanders @ 24 Mar - The Ghent Wevelgem Cyclosportive attracts a huge turnout the day before the pro race. Conditions were something approaching heatwave (with a maximum of 10 degrees forecast) and real shadows were sighted for the first time. L to R - at the start Mike Lawson, Daniel Vanechop & Brian Sprouster.    

BiciSport in Flanders @ 24 Mar - GW Cyclosporive and Daniel Vanechop & Brian Sprouster at the Menin Gate in Ieper. The Menin Gate is a World War 1 Monument to those fallen soldiers with no known grave.   

BiciSport in Flanders @ 24 Mar - GW Cyclosporive and Daniel Vanechop & Brian Sprouster at the Menin Gate in Ieper. The Menin Gate is a World War 1 Monument to those fallen soldiers with no known grave.   

BiciSport in Flanders @ 25 Mar - The Ghent Wevelgem Classic is a most difficult pro race to follow as a spectator - it just doesn't lend itself to taking short cuts along narrow country lanes in the Peugeot car. As an alternative Mike Lawson & B…

BiciSport in Flanders @ 25 Mar - The Ghent Wevelgem Classic is a most difficult pro race to follow as a spectator - it just doesn't lend itself to taking short cuts along narrow country lanes in the Peugeot car. As an alternative Mike Lawson & Brian Sprouster hit the local bergs near Oudenaarde and rode the Johan Museeuw Classic Cyclosportive. Mike Lawson did 130k and Brian Sprouster the 40k. Mike O'Reilly was resigned to figuring out how he was going to get this sign home in his luggage. Picture was taken at the Eikenberg climb just 1k from the Kokerelle B&B. Maarkedal is the local regions name.

BiciSport in Flanders @ 26 Mar - Today was Muur (or Wall) day at the Muur of Geraadsbergan. A famous cobbled climb used in major races over several decades. Mike Lawson just near the summit.     

BiciSport in Flanders @ 26 Mar - Today was Muur (or Wall) day at the Muur of Geraadsbergan. A famous cobbled climb used in major races over several decades. Mike Lawson just near the summit.     

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 26 Mar - Mike Lawson, having climbed the first Muur, then climbs the Chapel Muur cobbled climb with the lovely Church at the summit.  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 26 Mar - Mike Lawson, having climbed the first Muur, then climbs the Chapel Muur cobbled climb with the lovely Church at the summit.  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 26 Mar - Chapel Church with Brian Sprouster, Daniel Vanechop & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 26 Mar - Chapel Church with Brian Sprouster, Daniel Vanechop & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 28 Mar - waiting for the Dwars Door Vlaanderen to pass over the Kruisberg climb and Mike Lawson spotted fellow Aussie & BMC Sports Director Alan Pieper

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 28 Mar - waiting for the Dwars Door Vlaanderen to pass over the Kruisberg climb and Mike Lawson spotted fellow Aussie & BMC Sports Director Alan Pieper

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 28 Mar - Dwars Door Vlaanderen (Across Flanders) Classic climbed the Kruisberg twice in slippery & cold conditions. There were few who were looking comfortable.  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 28 Mar - Dwars Door Vlaanderen (Across Flanders) Classic climbed the Kruisberg twice in slippery & cold conditions. There were few who were looking comfortable.  

BiciSport in Flanders @ 28 Mar - Dwars Door Vlaanderen across the top of the Knotkerberg climb some 50 kilometres after Kluisberg and fair to say the conditions had edged down from 'slippery & cold' to more like 'thoroughly miserable & bleak…

BiciSport in Flanders @ 28 Mar - Dwars Door Vlaanderen across the top of the Knotkerberg climb some 50 kilometres after Kluisberg and fair to say the conditions had edged down from 'slippery & cold' to more like 'thoroughly miserable & bleak'. Everybody was in the hurt box.  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - a visit to the famous Roubaix Velodrome for Brian Sprouster & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - a visit to the famous Roubaix Velodrome for Brian Sprouster & Mike Lawson

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - Mike Lawson at the entrance to the Roubaix Velodrome 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - Mike Lawson at the entrance to the Roubaix Velodrome 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the famous Roubaix showers where every winner earns a special cubicle bearing their name

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the famous Roubaix showers where every winner earns a special cubicle bearing their name

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Roubaix shower block is a walk down memory lane

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Roubaix shower block is a walk down memory lane

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Paris Roubaix Classic may finish on the 'old' Velodrome but the new indoor Stablinski Roubaix Velodrome is state of the art. The Roubaix Velodrome Director Mathieu Stievenard (pictured left) gave the Bici…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Paris Roubaix Classic may finish on the 'old' Velodrome but the new indoor Stablinski Roubaix Velodrome is state of the art. The Roubaix Velodrome Director Mathieu Stievenard (pictured left) gave the BiciSport group a guided tour through the facility.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Stablinski Velodrome has 44 degree bankings

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 29 Mar - the Stablinski Velodrome has 44 degree bankings

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - The Tour of Flanders Finish Village just 2k outside Oudenaarde was built under a week and is strictly temporary. They start demolishing first thing Monday. 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - The Tour of Flanders Finish Village just 2k outside Oudenaarde was built under a week and is strictly temporary. They start demolishing first thing Monday. 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - the day of the Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive at the Flanders Finish Village breakfast with (left to right) with Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - the day of the Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive at the Flanders Finish Village breakfast with (left to right) with Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - the Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive start in Oudenaarde

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - the Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive start in Oudenaarde

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - back at the Tour of Flanders Village after the Cyclosportive ... Mike Lawson catches up with Johan Museeuw.  Johan was World Professional Road Race Champion and multiple Paris Roubaix and Tour of Flanders win…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - back at the Tour of Flanders Village after the Cyclosportive ... Mike Lawson catches up with Johan Museeuw.  Johan was World Professional Road Race Champion and multiple Paris Roubaix and Tour of Flanders winner. 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - at the Eikenberg cobbled climb the local jazz band provided the entertainment

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - at the Eikenberg cobbled climb the local jazz band provided the entertainment

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - Stijn Verhulst (left) and Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg cobbbles. Both riders had started in Antwerp at 6.30am and had completed a tough 170k to the Eikenberg with 70k still to the finish in Oudenaa…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 31 Mar - Stijn Verhulst (left) and Maarten Verhulst at the top of the Eikenberg cobbbles. Both riders had started in Antwerp at 6.30am and had completed a tough 170k to the Eikenberg with 70k still to the finish in Oudenaarde (the last 70k included 10 more climbs). The Verhulst family has supported many BiciSport riders in Belgium over the years.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - The Ronde day started with seeing the Women's event depart from the centre of Oudenaarde at 11.00am, then a quick dash to the Koppenberg Cafe at Melden for beer, soup & coffee (in that order).  Melden host…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - The Ronde day started with seeing the Women's event depart from the centre of Oudenaarde at 11.00am, then a quick dash to the Koppenberg Cafe at Melden for beer, soup & coffee (in that order).  Melden hosted the Ronde Feed Zone after 120k. Left to right - Mike O'Reilly & Mike O'Brien at the Koppenberg Cafe

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - the Ronde Men's peloton passes the Koppenberg Cafe at Melden through the race Feeding Zone.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - the Ronde Men's peloton passes the Koppenberg Cafe at Melden through the race Feeding Zone.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - After the Koppenberg Cafe it was the Kortekeer climb towards Ronse. Picture MO'R.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - After the Koppenberg Cafe it was the Kortekeer climb towards Ronse. Picture MO'R.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - next stop was the Koppenberg. Picture above was taken just 750 metres before the start of the famous cobbled climb.  In picture (left to right) is Greg Van Avermatt (BMC), Alexandre Kristoff (UAE), Sep Van Mar…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 1 Apr - next stop was the Koppenberg. Picture above was taken just 750 metres before the start of the famous cobbled climb.  In picture (left to right) is Greg Van Avermatt (BMC), Alexandre Kristoff (UAE), Sep Van Marke (EF Drapac) & Vincenzo Nibali plus helicopter. Picture MO'R.  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 2 Apr - Eddy Verbust (centre of picture) has been involved with the Ghent 6 Day over the last 40 years. Eddy also has the largest private cycling museum in Belgium

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 2 Apr - Eddy Verbust (centre of picture) has been involved with the Ghent 6 Day over the last 40 years. Eddy also has the largest private cycling museum in Belgium

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 2 Apr - an opportunity not to be missed is a visit to the Verbust cycling museum at De Pinte near Ghent with (left to right) Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Eddy Verbust  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 2 Apr - an opportunity not to be missed is a visit to the Verbust cycling museum at De Pinte near Ghent with (left to right) Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Eddy Verbust  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - a short drive from Oudenaarde to the Bourghelles cobbles for a recce of the Paris Roubaix cobbles to come the next weekend. Mike O'Brien (right) and Mike Lawson. Conditions were dry with a firm cold wind. After the…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - a short drive from Oudenaarde to the Bourghelles cobbles for a recce of the Paris Roubaix cobbles to come the next weekend. Mike O'Brien (right) and Mike Lawson. Conditions were dry with a firm cold wind. After the cobbles recce it was a ride along the Schelde River back into Belgium and into Oudenaarde. 

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - cobbles at Camphin en Pevele were in rough condition

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - cobbles at Camphin en Pevele were in rough condition

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike Lawson on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike Lawson on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike O'Brien on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles. The cobbles were in very poor condition (that would be a complete understatement).

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike O'Brien on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles. The cobbles were in very poor condition (that would be a complete understatement).

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike Lawson on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - Mike Lawson on the Carrefour De L'Arbre cobbles

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - the final stretch of cobbles on this mid week Roubaix recce  ... Mike Lawson & Mike O'Brien on the Gruson cobbles just outside Roubaix

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 3 Apr - the final stretch of cobbles on this mid week Roubaix recce  ... Mike Lawson & Mike O'Brien on the Gruson cobbles just outside Roubaix

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 4 Apr - the BiciSport group caught up with Rob Hadley & the Newcastle team for a 40k pedal along the Schelde River bike path outside Oudenaarde. Mike O'Brien (pictured) with the locals at the Kokerelle B&B.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 4 Apr - the BiciSport group caught up with Rob Hadley & the Newcastle team for a 40k pedal along the Schelde River bike path outside Oudenaarde. Mike O'Brien (pictured) with the locals at the Kokerelle B&B.

BiciSport in Flanders @ 5 Apr - a visit to the wet & greasy Arenberg Forest cobbles near Wallers where just walking was at times difficult. Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly

BiciSport in Flanders @ 5 Apr - a visit to the wet & greasy Arenberg Forest cobbles near Wallers where just walking was at times difficult. Mike O'Brien, Mike Lawson & Mike O'Reilly

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - just after the Arenberg Forest its the famous and disused Pont Gibus railway bridge in memory of Gilbert Duclos Lasalle winning the Paris Roubaix classic in 1992 & 1993. Mike Lawson leads Mike O'Brien

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - just after the Arenberg Forest its the famous and disused Pont Gibus railway bridge in memory of Gilbert Duclos Lasalle winning the Paris Roubaix classic in 1992 & 1993. Mike Lawson leads Mike O'Brien

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - Roubaix cobbles with Mike Lawson leading Mike O'Brien

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - Roubaix cobbles with Mike Lawson leading Mike O'Brien

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - the Bersee cobbles were typical Roubaix at rough & difficult

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - the Bersee cobbles were typical Roubaix at rough & difficult

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - cold, wet & muddy conditions for the BiciSport recce ride

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 5 Apr - cold, wet & muddy conditions for the BiciSport recce ride

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - the closing training ride near Antwerp with Mike Lawson, Eddy VerHulst, Mike O'Reilly, Mike O'Brien & Maarten Verhulst

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - the closing training ride near Antwerp with Mike Lawson, Eddy VerHulst, Mike O'Reilly, Mike O'Brien & Maarten Verhulst

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - a week after the professional Tour of Flanders the Under 23 version hits the Eikenberg cobbles. This U23 event is for National Teams only.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 7 Apr - a week after the professional Tour of Flanders the Under 23 version hits the Eikenberg cobbles. This U23 event is for National Teams only.

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Paris Roubaix start line with the one the only. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Paris Roubaix start line with the one the only. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ Apr - on the Paris Roubaix start line at Compiegne. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ Apr - on the Paris Roubaix start line at Compiegne. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - After the Compiegne start it was a 90 minute drive to the village of Quivey near Cambrai at cobbled zones #25 & #27. The Roubaix Classic doubled back on itself at Quivey and spectators saw the action four times…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - After the Compiegne start it was a 90 minute drive to the village of Quivey near Cambrai at cobbled zones #25 & #27. The Roubaix Classic doubled back on itself at Quivey and spectators saw the action four times. Photo MO'R  

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - the action at the Quivey cobbles. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - the action at the Quivey cobbles. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan on the Quivey cobbles. Photo MO'R

BiciSport in Flanders 18 @ 8 Apr - Peter Sagan on the Quivey cobbles. Photo MO'R

News Shorts - 19 March

Sutherland Waratah Park Friday Night Criterium @ 16 Mar - Patrick Conway (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took an excellent B grade win

Sutherland Waratah Park Friday Night Criterium @ 16 Mar - Patrick Conway (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took an excellent B grade win


Sutherland Criterium @ 16 Mar - Patrick Conway took a fine B grade victory

*  Orica HEZ Kermesse @ Kurri Kurri @ 18 Mar - One of the most popular NSW Opens on the autumn program with over 300 starters across 7 grades. Conor Tarlington rode Div 1 and Brett Cocks rode Div 2 for an excellent 6th place in very hot conditions.  Ruth Strapp rode Womens Div 2 in her first outing in the new BiciSport Happy Wheels team but a crash just 150m from the finish ended her day. 

Waratah Masters @ Lansdowne Park @ 19 Mar - C grade with Ian Grainger 4th & Raoul Westbrook in the peloton. D grade with Lise Benjamin in the peloton.   

*  New BiciSport group ride launched - Stew Computa Campbell has launched a new BiciSport group ride departing @ 6.00am every Thursday from outside the Happy Wheels Waterloo shop. The route is to La Perouse & return via Mascot. All Welcome.  

Stew Computa Campbell from Happy Wheels Waterloo hosts the new Thursday morning BiciSport group ride. The ride starts from the Happy Wheels shop at 6.00am and heads for La Perouse and home via Mascot

Stew Computa Campbell from Happy Wheels Waterloo hosts the new Thursday morning BiciSport group ride. The ride starts from the Happy Wheels shop at 6.00am and heads for La Perouse and home via Mascot


20 Mar - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  24 Mar - ACT Road Championships (Canberra, ACT)

*  24-25 Mar - Women Masters Road Premiership (Bathurst) - BiciSport starters Ruth Strapp

25 Mar - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Ourimbah University Criterium (Central Coast CC), Bobbin Head Classic Cyclosportive (Turramurra) 

Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ 15 Mar @ Centennial Park - The DGR runs every Thursday @ 10.30am around the lower loop in Centennial Park. In picture left to right - Ian Grainger, John Crouchley, Ivan Sher, Peter Stupka & John Robb. This week th…

Distinguished Gentlemens Ride @ 15 Mar @ Centennial Park - The DGR runs every Thursday @ 10.30am around the lower loop in Centennial Park. In picture left to right - Ian Grainger, John Crouchley, Ivan Sher, Peter Stupka & John Robb. This week the DGR flips to Friday 23 Mar for one week only then returns to the usual Thursday slot from then onwards. All welcome.


For further details contact  0417 403 244  or email  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)

  • New traffic lane alignment along Military Rd through Cremorne & Neutral Bay

  • Parriwi Rd cycle access enhancements being constructed near Spit Bridge

  • All group rides are cancelled if wet

*  21 Mar (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  22 Mar (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6.00am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. 

*  23 Mar (Fri) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

*  24 Mar - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  25 Mar - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

New 2018 BiciSport member Frank Signor receives his team jersey from Peter Budd. Frank has been seconded into the BiciSport Distinguished Gentleman's Team for the Nowra Team Time Trial Championships in July.

New 2018 BiciSport member Frank Signor receives his team jersey from Peter Budd. Frank has been seconded into the BiciSport Distinguished Gentleman's Team for the Nowra Team Time Trial Championships in July.

Frank Signor & Melissa Budd are based in Griffith and compete in the local Riverina interclub racing calendar

Frank Signor & Melissa Budd are based in Griffith and compete in the local Riverina interclub racing calendar

News Shorts - 12 March

Three Peaks Challenge 18 @ Falls Creek before the start - Tom Green (BiciSport) was in there somewhere ... 

Three Peaks Challenge 18 @ Falls Creek before the start - Tom Green (BiciSport) was in there somewhere ... 

Three Peaks Challenge 18 - Tom Green (BiciSport) after the finish at Falls Creek

Three Peaks Challenge 18 - Tom Green (BiciSport) after the finish at Falls Creek

The new BiciSport Happy Wheels shop ride departs from the Happy Wheels shop @ Waterloo @ 6am @ every Thursday (cancelled if wet). Patrick Conway near La Perouse.  

The new BiciSport Happy Wheels shop ride departs from the Happy Wheels shop @ Waterloo @ 6am @ every Thursday (cancelled if wet). Patrick Conway near La Perouse.  

Stew (Computa) Campbell leads the group ride on the new BiciSport Happy Wheels ride every Thursday morning from 6am. All welcome but note its cancelled if wet.

Stew (Computa) Campbell leads the group ride on the new BiciSport Happy Wheels ride every Thursday morning from 6am. All welcome but note its cancelled if wet.


Three Peaks Challenge Falls Creek @ 11 Mar - Tom Green rode the 3 Peaks strongly which included the famous Omeo valley climb to the back of the Falls Creek ski resort.  

*  New BiciSport group ride launched - Stew Computa Campbell has launched a new BiciSport group ride departing @ 6am every Thursday from outside the Happy Wheels Waterloo shop. The route is to La Perouse & return via Mascot. All Welcome.  


13 Mar - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  16 Mar - HART Criterium St Ives (Manly CC)

*  17 Mar - Orica Kermesse (HEZ @ Kurri Kurri, NSW) - BiciSport starters Conor Tarlington, Ruth Strapp & Brett Cocks

*  17-18 Mar - Tour of Mansfield (Vic, VRS)

18 Mar - Heffron Park (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney CC), Ourimbah University Womens Criterium (Central Coast CC) 


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note -

  • Major roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills)
  • New traffic lane alignment along Military Rd through Cremorne & Neutral Bay
  • Parriwi Rd cycle access enhancements being constructed near Spit Bridge

*  12 & 16 Mar - M7 Cyclepath @ 6am @ BP Service Centre @ Old Wallgrove Road

*  14 Mar (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  15 Mar (Thurs) - Happy Wheels Waterloo Ride @ 6am @ Happy Wheels shop at Waterloo. Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

17 Mar - Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 

*  18 Mar - Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am, M7 Cyclepath @ 6.30am @ BP Service Centre @ Old Wallgrove Rd

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Daniel Vanechop, Mike Lawson & Brian Sprouster are off to Flanders next week for their first taste of Belgian Spring Classics. Mike O'Brien (now living in London) will complete the BiciSport team. They are joining 20 f…

BiciSport in Flanders 18 - Daniel Vanechop, Mike Lawson & Brian Sprouster are off to Flanders next week for their first taste of Belgian Spring Classics. Mike O'Brien (now living in London) will complete the BiciSport team. They are joining 20 fellow Aussies from both Newcastle & Manly clubs who are following the Spring Classics this year. 

                       BiciSport in Flanders 2018  diary starts on 20 March on the BiciSport News page

                       BiciSport in Flanders 2018  diary starts on 20 March on the BiciSport News page


A detailed BiciSport in Flanders 2018 diary will be posted in the News Section of this website from 20 March until just after Paris Roubaix on 8 April.  

*  Mar 21-22 De Panne Semi Classic - A one day Elite Mens event (Mar 21) coupled with a Womens Elite World Cup one day event (Mar 22). Both events start in Bruges and finish in the coastal town of De Panne with a climb over the cobbled Kemmelberg.  

*  Mar 23 - E3 Grand Prix Harelbeke Classic - a Friday World Tour event over similar roads and bergs to the Tour of Flanders. 

*  Mar 24 - Ghent Wevelgem Cyclosportive - over 135k with a start & finish in Wevelgem (where the pro race finishes) with a loop out to the cobbled Kemmelberg & the Menin Gate at Ieper.

*  Mar 25 - Johan Museeuw Classic Cyclosportive - starts & finishes in Harelbeke with the usual Flemish bergs near Oudenaarde on offer.

*  Mar 25 Ghent Wevelgem Classic - now starting in Deinze (20k from Ghent) with three Kemmelberg loops plus a Wevelgem finish.

*  Mar 28 Dwars Vlaanderen Classic - a switch of dates (with De Panne) places this new World Tour event in the prime calendar spot just before the Tour of Flanders. 

*  Mar 31 - Tour of Flanders Cyclosportive - start & finish in Oudenaarde with 17,000 starters.

 Apr 1 - Tour of Flanders Classic - the ultimate one day Classic now starting in Antwerp with an Oudenaarde finish. The Womens Flanders race starts in Oudenaarde.

*  Apr 7 - Paris Roubaix Cyclosportive - starting & finishing at the famous Roubaix Velodrome with the cobbled roads built by Napoleon.

*  Apr 8 - Paris Roubaix Classic - starts in Compiegne with a classic Roubaix Velodrome finish

                          The Koppenberg climb not far from Oudenaarde is aptly called the Black Beast

                          The Koppenberg climb not far from Oudenaarde is aptly called the Black Beast

News Shorts - 26 February

National MTB Championships @ Armidale @ 24 Feb - Mike Lawson (BiciSport) on the way to 4th place in M7 category

National MTB Championships @ Armidale @ 24 Feb - Mike Lawson (BiciSport) on the way to 4th place in M7 category

National MTB Championships @ Armidale @ 24 Feb - Mike Lawson (BiciSport)

National MTB Championships @ Armidale @ 24 Feb - Mike Lawson (BiciSport)

National Masters Track Championships 18 - Graham Cockerton (pictured) teams up with Mike Lawson to contest the National Masters Track Champs this week at the Darebin Velodrome in Melbourne.   

National Masters Track Championships 18 - Graham Cockerton (pictured) teams up with Mike Lawson to contest the National Masters Track Champs this week at the Darebin Velodrome in Melbourne.   


 Masters Track Nationals @ 28 Feb-3 Mar - Robyn Sprouster (BiciSport Commissaire) is assisting at the upcoming Masters Track Nationals. Graham Cockerton & Mike Lawson are competing assisted by John Crouchley & Mike O'Reilly

*  National MTB Championships @ Armidale @ 24 Feb - Mike Lawson took 4th place in the M7 category

National Masters Track Program

Wed 28 Feb - Individual Time Trial, Team Sprint, Scratch Race

Thurs 1 Mar - Sprint M1-4, Individual Pursuit M5-10 + Women M1-8

Fri 2 Mar - Individual Pursuit M1-4, Sprint M5-10, Women M1-8

Sat 3 Mar - Points, Teams Pursuit


*  27 Feb - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  28 Feb-3 Mar - Cycling Australia National Masters Track Championships (Melbourne)

*  2 Mar - HART Criteriums St Ives (Manly CC) 

3-4 Mar - Tolland Weekend (Wagga). The first NSW Open for the 2018 Road Season with BiciSport starters Peter Budd & Conor Tarlington

4 Mar - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Orange Newcrest Challenge Cyclosportive (Orange), Calga Individual Time Trial (ATTA)

BiciSport Tour de Bello 18 Training Camp - doing a course recce for TdB 18 some 40k outside Macksville at Taylors Arm out the back of nowhere ... both Alex Simmons & Mike O'Reilly came across this nice piece of Australiana. The Pub with No Beer …

BiciSport Tour de Bello 18 Training Camp - doing a course recce for TdB 18 some 40k outside Macksville at Taylors Arm out the back of nowhere ... both Alex Simmons & Mike O'Reilly came across this nice piece of Australiana. The Pub with No Beer was equally rustic inside.  


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note the current roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills) 

*  Feb 28 (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  Mar 1 (Thurs) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

Mar 3 -

  • Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 
  • Piemonte Cafe (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Mar 4 -

  • BiciSport Gruppetto @ 7.00am @ Cnr Pittwater Rd-Bungan St Mona Vale Roundabout 
  • Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am
Riverina Interclub @ 24 Feb - Frank Signor & Peter Budd. Both BiciSport members featured well at the first Riverina Interclub of the winter road season. The Tolland Open (inWagga) is set to launch the NSW Road Season on 3-4 March with a substant…

Riverina Interclub @ 24 Feb - Frank Signor & Peter Budd. Both BiciSport members featured well at the first Riverina Interclub of the winter road season. The Tolland Open (inWagga) is set to launch the NSW Road Season on 3-4 March with a substantial prizemoney offering


News Shorts - 19 February

NSW Masters Track Championships 18 at DGV - Lise Benjamin (Sprint - Silver Medal) with Anna Whitton (Sprint - Gold Medal). Lise set a W7 World Best Time in the 200m qualifying at 13.038secs.   

NSW Masters Track Championships 18 at DGV - Lise Benjamin (Sprint - Silver Medal) with Anna Whitton (Sprint - Gold Medal). Lise set a W7 World Best Time in the 200m qualifying at 13.038secs.   

NSW Masters Track 18 - Mike Lawson took Gold in both Pointscore & Individual Pursuit.

NSW Masters Track 18 - Mike Lawson took Gold in both Pointscore & Individual Pursuit.

NSW Masters Track 18 - Peter Verhoeven & Mike Lawson

NSW Masters Track 18 - Peter Verhoeven & Mike Lawson

NSW Masters Track 18 - Graham Cockerton with John Crouchley (BiciSport Coach)

NSW Masters Track 18 - Graham Cockerton with John Crouchley (BiciSport Coach)

NSW Masters Track 18 - Graham Cockerton took Silver in the M5 Scratch Race  

NSW Masters Track 18 - Graham Cockerton took Silver in the M5 Scratch Race  

NSW Masters Track 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) in the Scratch Race

NSW Masters Track 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) in the Scratch Race


NSW Masters Track Championships - BICISPORT  5 GOLD 3 SILVER


*  NSW Masters Track Championships from 13-15 Feb @ DGV - BiciSport starters included Graham Cockerton, Mike Lawson, David Browne, Lise Benjamin & Peter Verhoeven. Mike Smith was a DNS due to illness and will be a no show in Melbourne for Masters Nationals. Day 1 - Sprints .. Lise Benjamin W7 Silver after setting a W7 World Best Time in 200m qualifying of 13.038secs. Day 2 - Individual Time Trial & Points - ITT Lise Benjamin W7 Gold @ 40.4secs , Mike Lawson M8 Silver @ 41.2secs, Graham Cockerton M5 7th @ 38.5secs Points Lise Benjamin W7 Gold, Mike Lawson M7 Gold, Graham Cockerton M5 @ 5th. Day 3 - Individual Pursuit - Mike Lawson M8 Gold, Peter Verhoeven M6 @ 7th  Day 4 - Scratch Races ... Lise Benjamin W7 Gold & Graham Cockerton M5 Silver in a close finish. David Browne & Peter Verhoeven rode well.    

Kooragang (Newcastle) @ 17 Feb - Ruth Strapp finished 3rd in C grade

Riverina Interclub @ 17 Feb - Frank Signor, Melissa & Peter Budd rode well in the first Riverina Interclub of the winter road season.  

Junior Track Nationals/Masters Track Nationals - Robyn Sprouster (BiciSport Commissaire) is spending two weeks in Melbourne (Bleak City) at the upcoming Track Nationals.


20 Feb - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  23 Feb - HART Criteriums St Ives (Manly CC) 

24 Feb - Lake Hume Cycle Challenge Cyclosportive (Albury, NSW)

*  25 Feb - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast CC)


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note the current roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills) 

*  Feb 21 (Wed) - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return.

*  Feb 22 (Thurs) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

*  Feb 24 -

  • Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am 
  • Piemonte Cafe (coffee only) @ 9.30am

*  Feb 25 -

  • BiciSport Gruppetto @ 7.00am @ Cnr Pittwater Rd-Bungan St Mona Vale Roundabout 
  • Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am
The Herve Boutin Peugeot PY-10 features a stunning MAFAC Competition brake caliper in anodised gold

The Herve Boutin Peugeot PY-10 features a stunning MAFAC Competition brake caliper in anodised gold


BiciSport supporter Herve Boutin recently returned home from France and after much coercing has brought back a special Peugeot PY-10. This is not any old regular PY 10 retro bike but a Peugeot Pro team bike from the 1975 Tour de France. Not only did Bernard Thevenet win Le Tour that year on a PY-10, all of the Tour team bikes during that Tour had gold anodised componentary. The story goes thus ... Max Boutin (Herve's father) wanted a bike to ride around his local French village on a Sunday morning. Max worked with Claude Riotte, who in turn was a brother of Raymond Riotte. Raymond was a leading French professional in the famous Peugeot pro team ... next minute arrives a delightful Tour de France team bike on Max's doorstep.    

Tour de France 1975 - Bernard Thevenet aboard a silver Peugeot PY-10 with special gold anodised brake levers, brake calipers, gear levers and front & rear gears. 

Tour de France 1975 - Bernard Thevenet aboard a silver Peugeot PY-10 with special gold anodised brake levers, brake calipers, gear levers and front & rear gears. 

Tour de France 1975 - Bernard Thevenet leads the Tour on a Peugeot PY-10

Tour de France 1975 - Bernard Thevenet leads the Tour on a Peugeot PY-10

Milan San Remo Classic 1976 - a French peloton of Peugeot PY-10's lined up before the start in Milan. Componentary on the San Remo PY-10 is the more traditional silver.

Milan San Remo Classic 1976 - a French peloton of Peugeot PY-10's lined up before the start in Milan. Componentary on the San Remo PY-10 is the more traditional silver.

Herve Boutin with the Peugeot PY-10 featuring eye catching gold anodised components

Herve Boutin with the Peugeot PY-10 featuring eye catching gold anodised components

The restored Herve Boutin Peugeot PY-10 with period correct white cotton handlebar tape. Golden gear levers and gold front & rear gears dress the bike nicely.

The restored Herve Boutin Peugeot PY-10 with period correct white cotton handlebar tape. Golden gear levers and gold front & rear gears dress the bike nicely.

Putting every other professional race that comes before now strictly into the 'showboat' category ... the Belgian professional road racing season commences 24 February with Het Volk (some lazy and ill informed latecomers call it Het Niewsblad) follo…

Putting every other professional race that comes before now strictly into the 'showboat' category ... the Belgian professional road racing season commences 24 February with Het Volk (some lazy and ill informed latecomers call it Het Niewsblad) followed by 25 February with Kuurne Brussel Kuurne. 

News Shorts - 12 February

West Head Road Race @ 11 February - Conor Tarlington & Patrick Conway

West Head Road Race @ 11 February - Conor Tarlington & Patrick Conway

HART Criterium at St Ives @ 2 February - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

HART Criterium at St Ives @ 2 February - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

HART Criteriums at St Ives @ 2 February - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took 3rd in A grade

HART Criteriums at St Ives @ 2 February - Conor Tarlington (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took 3rd in A grade


NSW Masters Track Championships from 13-15 Feb @ DGV - BiciSport starters include Graham Cockerton, Mike Lawson, David Browne, Lise Benjamin, Mike Smith & Peter Verhoeven.  Overall, entries to the Masters Championships have exceeded the 300 benchmark which is a most pleasing result.   

West Head RR @ 11 Feb - a good contingent of BiciSport riders (both Pilu & Happy Wheels) to the West Head RR with punctures seemingly the order of the day   

Lansdowne Masters @ 11 Feb - Ian Grainger rode well in C grade 


13 Feb - Heffron Park Criteriums

*  15-18 Feb - NSW Masters Track Championships (DGV) 

16 Feb - HART Criteriums St Ives (Manly) 

17-18 Feb - Tour of East Gippsland (Victorian Road Series)

 18 Feb - Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters), Mt Ku Ring gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney CC), Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast CC), Ballarat Cycle Classic Cyclosportive (Vic)

Spit Bridge traffic.png


The NSW School Term has started and so to the motor traffic chaos that is now Military Road. You know things are crook when the Burnt Creek ByPass traffic tailback is now back to Freedom Furniture by 6.30am. 


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note the current roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills) 

*  Feb 14 & 16 - M7 Cyclepath @ 80k @ 5.00am @ BP Service Centre @ Wallgrove Rd (Lighthorse Interchange)

*  Feb 14 - Berowra Gruppetto @ 7.30am @ opposite Berowra Railway Station for 60k to Calga & return

*  Feb 15 (Thurs) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

*  Feb 17 -

  • Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, 
  • Piemonte Cafe (coffee only) @ 9.30am

*  Feb 18 -

  • BiciSport Gruppetto @ 7.00am @ Cnr Pittwater Rd-Bungan St Mona Vale Roundabout 
  • Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am


Herald Sun Tour 18 - Esteban Chaves was a hugely popular winner at Kinglake (photo MOR)

Herald Sun Tour 18 - Esteban Chaves was a hugely popular winner at Kinglake (photo MOR)

Herald Sun Tour 18 - the HST prologue finish line with a real time 'thank you for cycling slowly' sign

Herald Sun Tour 18 - the HST prologue finish line with a real time 'thank you for cycling slowly' sign

Herald Sun Tour 18 - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) and Greg Griffiths (HST Chief Commissaire) at the Mitchelton Winery stage start near Nagambie

Herald Sun Tour 18 - Alex Simmons (BiciSport) and Greg Griffiths (HST Chief Commissaire) at the Mitchelton Winery stage start near Nagambie

Herald Sun Tour 18 - a big thank you to the Victorian Police Special Solo team who did an outstanding job all week in providing safe racing conditions for the HST peloton (photo MOR) 

Herald Sun Tour 18 - a big thank you to the Victorian Police Special Solo team who did an outstanding job all week in providing safe racing conditions for the HST peloton (photo MOR) 

News Shorts - 5 February

Orange Track Open 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took the win in the Ron Bolton Cycles Wheelrace

Orange Track Open 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took the win in the Ron Bolton Cycles Wheelrace

Orange Track Open 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took another victory

Orange Track Open 18 - David Browne (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took another victory

Tour Down Under 18 - Lawson & Campbell Browne at Adelaide Airport with one particular Peter Sagan who was departing Adelaide after the TDU. Peter's t shirt reads ...  "Eat My Dust"

Tour Down Under 18 - Lawson & Campbell Browne at Adelaide Airport with one particular Peter Sagan who was departing Adelaide after the TDU. Peter's t shirt reads ...  "Eat My Dust"


Audax Alpine Classic @ 27 Jan @ Bright - Melissa & Peter Budd teamed up with Frank Signor for the Audax Alpine Classic over the Australia Day weekend. Conditions were hot & humid for the early 6.30am departure with Frank doing a super job up the Mount Buffalo climb outside Bright. See the picture below taking team time trialing to a new level.         

*  Orange Track Open @ 27 Jan - David Browne took two victories including the Ron Bolton Cycles Wheelrace Final.  

Heffron Park Criteriums @ 30 Jan - Rolly Delaytz took an excellent sprint victory

*  Herald SunTour 30 Jan - 4 Feb - The BiciSport quartet of Robyn Sprouster, John Elderfield, Alex Simmons & Mike O'Reilly notched up another HST that concluded on 4 February.     


6 Feb - Heffron Park Criteriums

9 Feb - HART Criteriums St Ives (Manly) 

 11 Feb - Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters), West Head Road Race (Manly CC), Ourimbah University Criteriums (Central Coast)


For further details contact 0417 403 244.  

*  Motor traffic conditions are now heavier with the resumption of the NSW School Term.

*  Note the current roadworks along Forest Way (at both Forestville & Terrey Hills) 

*  Feb 7 - DGV Track Training @ 2pm @ John Crouchley

*  Feb 7 & 9 - M7 Cyclepath @ 80k @ 5.00am @ BP Service Centre @ Wallgrove Rd (Lighthorse Interchange)

*  Feb 8 (Thurs) - Distinguished Gentlemen's Ride @ 10.30am @ Spruce Goose Cafe Centennial Park 

Feb 10 -

  • BiciSport Gruppetto @ 6.30am @ Warringah Mall Pittwater Rd Bus Stop, 
  • Meadowbank Bridge @ 7.30am, 
  • Piemonte Cafe (coffee only) @ 9.30am

Feb 11 -

  • BiciSport Gruppetto @ 7.00am @ Cnr Pittwater Rd-Bungan St Mona Vale Roundabout, 
  • Sydney Olympic Park @ Hill St Wharf @ 7.00am

Pictures from the Peloton

Herald SunTour 18 Prologue Time Trial - Melbourne Southbank .... the original Mr Happy Wheels is one Esteban Chaves who always carries a cheery smile (photo MO'R)

Herald SunTour 18 Prologue Time Trial - Melbourne Southbank .... the original Mr Happy Wheels is one Esteban Chaves who always carries a cheery smile (photo MO'R)

Herald SunTour 18  Stage 1 - Colac to Warnambool ... strong crosswinds made for exciting racing and a crash 15k from the finish. The rider was not seriously injured but retired from the HST (photo CJ). 

Herald SunTour 18  Stage 1 - Colac to Warnambool ... strong crosswinds made for exciting racing and a crash 15k from the finish. The rider was not seriously injured but retired from the HST (photo CJ). 

Herald SunTour 18 Stage 3 - Lake Mountain stage finish and Esteban Chaves takes a great win (picture taken from Commissaire 2 convoy vehicle immediately behind Chaves)

Herald SunTour 18 Stage 3 - Lake Mountain stage finish and Esteban Chaves takes a great win (picture taken from Commissaire 2 convoy vehicle immediately behind Chaves)

Audax Alpine Classic 18 - Melissa & Peter Budd at the top of Tawonga Gap

Audax Alpine Classic 18 - Melissa & Peter Budd at the top of Tawonga Gap

Audax Alpine Classic 18 - Melissa Budd, Frank Signor & Peter Budd in Bright

Audax Alpine Classic 18 - Melissa Budd, Frank Signor & Peter Budd in Bright