Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride - Motivation, planning, and the desire to get there. Congratulations to Marty Wright (BiciSport), Jeremy Lowes, Alf Picello, Boon Yeo, Peter Rau, Mark McCorkindale & Loz McCorkindale (for the driver support).
Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride - Marty Wright
Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride
HART Criterium @ St Ives @ 4 Nov - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took 5th in C grade (from 25 starters)
HART Criterium @ St Ives @ 4 Nov - Sam Green (BiciSport Anytime fitness) took the win in the Junior criterium
Return of the BiciSport Jedi Knight @ 28 Oct - Mike O’Brien spotted at a Freshwater cafe before returning to the UK after a brief holiday in Sydney. Great to see MOB looking well
BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Nov - Before it all got a bit wet …..
BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Nov - Great to see Melissa Budd & Francesco Signor (both BiciSport) diversifying their training skills with some intense aqua aerobic work outs in downtown Griffith. Who needs a helmet when only a snorkel and SES Rescue boat is required ….
AusCycling NSW announced this flood delayed promotion on 21 October.
In previous years BiciSport has taken anything up to 6-8 teams to this weekend. However, due to the late notification this comprehensive weekend is not possible & overnight accommodation cannot be provided.
If you wish to nominate for a BiciSport team please contact Mike O’Reilly asap on 0417 403 244
8 Nov
Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 6pm
9 Nov
CyclingNSW Special General Meeting
12-13 Nov
NSW MTB Championships (Nowra)
BiciSport starter Eric Dole
13 Nov
West Head ITT (Manly)
Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)
Tues 8 Nov
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am
Thurs 10 Nov
Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps
Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee
Sat 12 Nov
Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am
NSW MTB Championships @ Nowra @ 12-13 November - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) is a starter in Nowra
From the retro vault with a steel Colnago Arabesque & a gold anodized Campagnolo groupset. Sometimes the nice clean lines of an elegantly styled steel Colnago can nicely sit with Campagnolo Delta brakes. The Campagnolo Delta brakes (all four versions) were universally renowned for not working but they looked great.