News Shorts - 7 November

Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride - Motivation, planning, and the desire to get there. Congratulations to Marty Wright (BiciSport), Jeremy Lowes, Alf Picello, Boon Yeo, Peter Rau, Mark McCorkindale & Loz McCorkindale (for the driver support).

Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride - Marty Wright

Lanterne Rouge Broome to Esperance Ride

HART Criterium @ St Ives @ 4 Nov - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took 5th in C grade (from 25 starters)

HART Criterium @ St Ives @ 4 Nov - Sam Green (BiciSport Anytime fitness) took the win in the Junior criterium

Return of the BiciSport Jedi Knight @ 28 Oct - Mike O’Brien spotted at a Freshwater cafe before returning to the UK after a brief holiday in Sydney. Great to see MOB looking well

BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Nov - Before it all got a bit wet …..

BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Nov - Great to see Melissa Budd & Francesco Signor (both BiciSport) diversifying their training skills with some intense aqua aerobic work outs in downtown Griffith. Who needs a helmet when only a snorkel and SES Rescue boat is required ….


  • AusCycling NSW announced this flood delayed promotion on 21 October.

  • In previous years BiciSport has taken anything up to 6-8 teams to this weekend. However, due to the late notification this comprehensive weekend is not possible & overnight accommodation cannot be provided.

  • If you wish to nominate for a BiciSport team please contact Mike O’Reilly asap on 0417 403 244


  • 8 Nov

    • Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 6pm

  • 9 Nov

    • CyclingNSW Special General Meeting

  • 12-13 Nov

    • NSW MTB Championships (Nowra)

      • BiciSport starter Eric Dole

  • 13 Nov

    • West Head ITT (Manly)

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 8 Nov

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 10 Nov

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 12 Nov

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

NSW MTB Championships @ Nowra @ 12-13 November - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) is a starter in Nowra

From the retro vault with a steel Colnago Arabesque & a gold anodized Campagnolo groupset. Sometimes the nice clean lines of an elegantly styled steel Colnago can nicely sit with Campagnolo Delta brakes. The Campagnolo Delta brakes (all four versions) were universally renowned for not working but they looked great.

News Shorts - 31 October

Cape to Cape MTB race @ Western Australia @ 19-23 Oct - David Cooper (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) put in four grueling days in WA

Lanterne Rouge Peloton Broome to Esperance Epic @ 25 Oct - Marty Wright (BiciSport) and his trusty steed with views over Albany (WA) and getting ever closer to Esperance with the finish this weekend. A full report next week.

HART Criterium @ St Ives @ 28 Oct - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took third

Southern Cross Criteriums @ Sutherland @ 30 Oct - Craig Pager (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took 3rd place on the podium

Heffron Park Intercub @ 22 Oct - Craig Pager crosses the finish line for 11th

Heffron Park Intercub @ 22 Oct - Craig Pager (left) tops the Mur de Heffron climb

BiciSport Belgium @ 31 October - Briek Ver Hulst on the Flanders cobbles on his Belgian Ridley learning the technique of riding cobbled roads (maybe the Tour of Flanders in 2040 perhaps ?). Briek was named after the famous Belgian cyclist (Briek Schotte) who won both the Tour of Flanders & World Pro Road Championships.

BiciSport Belgium @ 31 October - Briek Ver Hulst

Tuesday Night Heffron Park with Stew - spotted recently at Heffron was Stew Campbell (BiciSport Happy Wheels) with the Wout Van Aert autographed Cervelo on the front forks. That is one delightful bike

Sydney Classic Bicycle Show @ Lidcombe Oval @ 30 Oct - a good crowd turned up to enjoy all things retro, where steel is real & chrome is the currency of choice. Many thanks to Eddy Verbust (Belgium) for supplying the Peugeot material in the BiciSport 504 Peugeot


  • AusCycling NSW announced this flood delayed promotion on 21 October.

  • In previous years BiciSport has taken anything up to 6-8 teams to this weekend. However, due to the late notification this comprehensive weekend is not possible & overnight accommodation cannot be provided.

  • If you wish to nominate for a BiciSport team please contact Mike O’Reilly asap on 0417 403 244


  • 1 Nov

    • Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 6pm

  • 5 Nov

    • Bass Coast CycloSportive (Inverloch, Vic)

    • Belgian CycloCross - Zottegem (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

  • 6 Nov

    • Gong Ride Community Ride (Sydney to W’gong)

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

    • Belgian CycloCross - Arendonk (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)


  • Tues 1 Nov

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 3 Nov

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 5 Nov

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Nikon - Van Schilt - Elro Snacks Pro Team (Netherlands) - 1985-86

The picture above features Lomme Driessens (left, Nikon manager), Freddy Maertens (centre) and legendary rider & manager Peter Post (won the Paris Roubaix & managed the Panasonic team)

Most times when you review a team there is a clear focus for the team - be it the Classics, cobbles and the semi Classics, possibly Grand Tour stage wins or maybe even a the Grand Tour general classification (its ok to dream). No such luck here.

Sponsors were Nikon (cameras), Van Schilt (transport) & Elro Snacks (fast food). Essentially this motley crew could take good pictures of themselves, ride nice bikes and eat fast food (it was probably as close to fast as they ever got). Bikes were Colnago, team cars were Mitsubishi, team clothing was Decca. Team manager was the legendary Lomme Driessens (who managed Eddy Merckx at his prime).

In 1985 its fair to say Freddy Maertens was way past his best but a legend nevertheless. As for the rest (see the team listing below) then Ad Tak, Theo Smit & Jan Jonkers were a value add but Fred Rompelberg was more famous for setting a land speed record on a bicycle when drafting a racing car (says it all really). If you’ve already forgotten who this team was its totally understandable.

News Shorts - 24 October

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly Delaytz (BiciSport Happy Wheels) takes the win in Round 4 with a super sprint effort. In the race itself B grade caught C grade with 5 laps to go after C grade couldn’t “get their act together” and A grade seemingly just didnt have their mojo. Rolly popped out from the bunch sprint with 300m to go for a comfortable victory.

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly Delaytz takes a comfortable victory # 1

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly Delaytz takes a comfortable victory # 2

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly Delaytz with The King (John Sunde)

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly looking comfortable in B grade on the Mur de Heffron

Heffron Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 18 Oct - Rolly … “does my butt look big in these knicks ?” … reply “no mate, but it would if I was wearing them … “

Heffron Interclub @ 22 Oct - Craig Pager (BiciSport Happy Wheels) rode well in Division 3 with several attacks and was a peloton finish in 11th

BiciSport Belgium CycloCross @ Bossuit @ 23 Oct - Koen VerHulst (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on his way to 19th (Mike Lawson finished 13th in his category)

BiciSport Belgium CycloCross @ Bossuit @ 23 Oct - Koen VerHulst

BiciSport Belgium CycloCross @ Bossuit @ 23 Oct - Koen VerHulst

BiciSport Belgium CycloCross with Mike Lawson @ Ardooie (mud, mud and more Flanders mud)

Mike Lawson Report

Three races done with mixed results. After the opening weekend at Zele, my next race was at Veurne, near the coast. A much better race at Veurne with a few more passing opportunities (Zele was really narrow & tight).- fast & flowing course with the only difficulties being two half meter ditches that had to be crossed each lap. With enough speed you could bunny hop them but once I started getting tired I didn’t trust my co-ordination. So after hitting my rear wheel pretty hard on one crossing I decided to run & jump them like half the rest of the field was doing. Slower, but safer. Ended up 9th at Veurne.

Next race was at Deinze-Astene and what a contrast to everything else. This was as wide as a freeway and dead flat with long hard pedalling sections. The only features were four ditch crossings, a real “strong mans” course. Had a mediocre start, made it into the top 10 but finished up 15th.

Next race was at Huesden-Zolder and a higher category Cycling Vlaanderen event & also the Limberg regional Championships, so knew it would be a tough one. Great course with a bit of everything - switch back turns on grippy grass, long sand sections which were ridden with a narrow hard packed line, flowing single track through the forest, then stairs followed by barriers, a flyover ramp and a couple of short paved sections. Was in a five man fight for 12th but was losing time over the barriers and one tight uphill section with tree roots. That took its toll and I finished 16th. But I won 5 Euro for my troubles - so like any commited Pro I went straight out and spent it on frites (with Mayo) of course, and a beer chaser.

Next races are at Ardooie & Bossuit (see pictures above) then with 4 races in 8 days. Will check in again soon

Mike Lawson (BiciSport)

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 24 Oct - Marty Wright (BiciSport) at the Southern Forests at Manjimup

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 24 Oct - its been an epic journey

Oudenaarde Belgium @ 16 Oct - Phil Dixon was in BiciSport a few years ago and has since relocated out of chaotic Sydney and settled into a sleepy village in central Australia (called Adelaide). Phil is now the AusCycling Para Team mechanic and assisted at the recent Para World Track Championships in Ghent Belgium.

Phil diverted out to Oudenaarde and the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudenaarde. Phil is a retro Peugeot car fan and enjoyed the Peugeot 404 team car featured at the Flanders Museum.

Sydney Classic Bicycle Show is on again @ Lidcombe Oval @ Sunday 30 October from 10am


  • AusCycling NSW announced this flood delayed promotion on 21 October.

  • In previous years BiciSport has taken anything up to 6-8 teams to this weekend. However, due to the late notification this comprehensive weekend is not possible & overnight accommodation cannot be provided.

  • If you wish to nominate for a BiciSport team please contact Mike O’Reilly asap on 0417 403 244


  • From 25 October (into Week Seven of the Great Trek South towards Esperance)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 26 Oct

    • Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 6pm

  • 29 Oct

    • Belgian CycloCross - Alsemberg (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

    • 24 Hour Enduro-4 Rider Teams (Eastern Creek Raceway)

    • Sprint Grand Prix # 1 (Dunc Gray Velodrome) - cancelled

  • 30 Oct

    • Belgian CycloCross - Wortgem (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

    • Fitzs Challenge Cyclosportive (Canberra, ACT)

    • Classic Bike & Car Show (Lidcombe Oval) from 10am


  • Tues 25 Oct

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 27 Oct

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 29 Oct

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Lampre Professional Team (Italy) - 1990 until now

Started life in 1990 as Lampre (pre coated steel products) then onto UAE from 2017. This review is the Lampre years. Additional sponsors are many - Polti, ISD, Lamifer, Daikin, Caffita (Saeco) & Fondital. Team bikes have been Colnago, Merida, Fondriest, Wilier Trestina and now back with Colnago. Campagnolo the groupset but switches to Shimano in 2023. Team manager is Guiseppe Saronni.

The team itself has attracted considerable talent with equal success and some serious controversy through the EPO era. Simoni & Cunego had glorious careers at both the Giro and Tour of Lombardy, Camenzind (World Pro Road Champion), Mohoric, Ulissi, Rumsas, Fondriest (won Milan San Remo), Costa & Ballan. At times you weren’t sure what you were looking at as some were fueled by more than just water but a great team nevertheless.

News Shorts - 17 October

Around the Bay in a Day @ 9 Oct - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels) reports it was a good ride, absolutely freezing in the first couple of hours, and the Geelong Motorway shoulder from Westgate Bridge to Geelong was no fun, but after Geelong it was beautiful. Tom arrived at the Queenscliff ferry wharf at 9.00am, then a short ferry ride to Sorrento. The first 200k was “easy” but the last 75k along Beach Road back to Melbourne “hurt”.

Around the Bay in a Day @ 9 Oct - all aboard the Queenscliff ferry to Sorrento

Around the Bay in a Day @ 9 Oct - Tom Green amused himself during the 300k ride thinking he was doing the Milan San Remo Classic (at 300k). The Bay profile is quiet similar to Milan San Remo, except the long flat section is after the “Poggio” climb instead of before the Capi (other climbs) … the Milan San Remo would finish at about the St Kilda Pier, which certainly felt like the MSR finish to Tom.

Around the Bay in a Day @ 9 Oct - Congratulations to Tom Green for completing the 300k marathon in just over 11 hours

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Dienze @ 15 Oct - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) in the thick of the action

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Dienze @ 15 Oct - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Dienze @ 15 Oct - Koen VerHulst (BiciSport Belgium)

Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums @ 11 Oct - Rolly Delaytz (left - BiciSport Happy Wheels) rode well on Tuesday but A grade took the podium.

Bathurst Interclub @ 16 Oct - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on a charge at Bathurst in cold conditions

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct

Report by Marty Wright (BiciSport)

The team is in now in Mandurah after riding the excellent cycle path south from Perth. Since the team left Broome in the Kimberley region in early September they have ridden 3300 kilometres through the Pilbura, Gascoyne, Mid West and the Wheatbelt - all are somewhat unique.

The Kimberley is ruggedly beautiful with a lot of tourists travelling the roads. The Pilbara is a 24/7 mining workplace crossed all day & night by 60 metre long road trains. The Gascoyne features the Ningaloo Reef & Shark Bay where the team swam with Mantra Rays and a Tiger Shark. When you ride through the Mid West and enter the Wheatbelt the well watered agricultural fields stretch to each horizion.

The roads throughout are fantastic with rarely a pothole to be seen. The telecommunications infrastructure is everywhere. Optus coverage seems to be the broadest. WA is known to stand for “Windy Always” and the team have experienced it working both for & against. In the whole trip they have experienced only 20 minutes of rain. It’s gotta be one of the best places to ride a bike.

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct - Perth to Mandurah cycle path # 1

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct - Perth to Mandurah cycle path # 2

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct - a nice example of cycling street art # 1

Lanterne Rouge Peloton @ Broome to Esperance Epic Ride @ 10 Oct - a nice example of cycling street art # 2 - gravel bike owner in Marty Wright (BiciSport)


  • From 17 October (into Week Six of the Great Trek South towards Mandurah and beyond)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 20 Oct

    • Belgian CycloCross - Ardooie (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

  • 22 Oct

    • Dubbo Track Open

  • 23 Oct

    • Belgian CycloCross - Zolder (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 18 Oct

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 20 Oct

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 22 Oct

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Phillipe Gilbert (Belgium) has finally closed a great career. The master of the late breakaway and not uncommon to attack fearlessly with 50k to go and risk it all. A champion of the highest order.

The teams - FDJ, Lotto, BMC, QuickStep and finally back at Lotto.

The victories - Phil Gil won every Monument except the Milan San Remo Classic but the others were numerous with victories in Het Volk (x 2), Strade Bianche, Piemonte, World Road Championship, National Champion (x 2), Paris Tours (x 2), Tour of Lombardy (x 2), Amstel Gold (x 4), San Sebastian, Flanders, Roubaix, Giro stages (x 3), Tour de France (x 1), Tour of Spain (x 7). Nothing but a class act who gave it 100%.

Phillipe Gilbert heading for victory at the Tour of Flanders in the Belgian National Champions jersey.

Phillipe Gilbert takes victory at the Tour of Flanders

Phillipe Gilbert takes victory as a World Road Champion

Remco Evenepol & Phillipe Gilbert

News Shorts - 10 October

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - the first Heffron Park Tuesday night of the summer season and B grade holds off A grade & takes the win with Rolly Delaytz (BiciSport Happy Wheels) on the podium for second

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - great finish throw by Rolly Delaytz # 1

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - great finish throw by Rolly Delaytz # 2

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - Rolly Delaytz on a charge

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - Rolly Delaytz getting pinned up

Heffron Park Tuesday Criteriums @ 4 Oct - The Voice (Paul Craft) meets The King (John Sunde)

BiciSport Belgium @ 9 Oct - L to R … Koen VerHulst, Mike VerHulst (aka Mike Lawson) & Lies Van Uytvanck at the town of Diksmuide. The BiciSport team rode from the coastal town of Middelkirke to inland Diksmuide. Mike Lawson continues with the Belgian Cyclocross Series with races at Dienze on 15 Oct and Zolder on 16 Oct.

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 6 Oct - … looks more like a Hollywood movie set with Tom Cruise in the wings

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 6 Oct - the epic journey continues with the team arriving in Perth on 9 October.

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 6 Oct - the Lanterne Rouge peloton are hero’s all based on dedication, determination and true grit. Marty Wright (BiciSport) is third from the right

This week the feature is the bikes of the Lanterne Rouge peloton - how do these crusty old dudes keep upright in outback WA ?

Jeremy Lowes - Titanium Bossi T1 frame, Pirelli 32mm slick tyres @ 50 psi

Alf Picello - BMC URS carbon frame, tyres 35mm @ 50 psi

Boon Yeo - Mason alloy frame, tyres 32mm Continental 5000 tubeless @ 40psi

Peter Rau - Giant Revolt carbon frame, tyres 35mm Pirelli on Ali Hunt wheels

Mark McCorkindale - Ribble GCR - Ti frame with Shimano GRX 810, tyres Maxxis Refuse 40mm for first 2,000k but blistered when tubeless. Now on Specialised Sawtooth 38c, tubeless. Wheels are Mavic Allroad 700c, Shoes are Shimano sandals supported by Derm-Aid butt cream (way too much info !)

Marty Wright (BiciSport) - BMC URS One gravel bike. Groupset is SRAM Red Bluetooth 12 speed. Front single chainwheel is 38 with 52-10 rear cog range. Wheels are ENVE G23 with hookless rims Tyres are 32mm Michelin Power tubeless @ 50psi

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 6 Oct - another panoramic shot of very happy campers on a deserted sand dune out the middle of somewhere …

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride Broome to Esperance @ 6 Oct - ok ok ok … we get it … you are a long way from home lads, nobody loves you, but this is a family show ….

BiciSport is taking a group to the Tour of Bright over 3-4 December. Details are in the Special Events section of this website and we’d like to see you there


  • It most certainly won’t be in Singleton (on 8 October) but a suggestion now is it will move to 26 November but both venue & date remains uncertain and both are confirmed on 16 October (subject to roadworks). Our sports administrators used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure, and to be sure this club administrator is rapidly losing interest. …


  • From 10 October (into Week Five of the Great Trek South are now in Perth)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 15 Oct

    • Bowral Classic Criteriums

    • Belgian CycloCross - Dienze (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

  • 16 Oct

    • Belgian CycloCross - Zolder (BiciSport starter Mike Lawson)

    • Cyclosportive - Bowral Classic

    • Community Ride - Sydney Spring Cycle

    • Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney)


  • Tues 11 Oct

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 13 Oct

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 15 Oct

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Splendor Pro Cycling Team - Belgium (1936, 1945 …. then 1975-89)

An absolute mega team in Belgium … yes, the team existed in 1936 & 1945 (single years only) then from 1975 to 1985 it was Splendor then flipped to Hitachi sponsorship from 1985 to 1989. This review is the Splendor years only up to the end of 1984. Splendor was bikes and other associated sponsors were Wickes, Bouwmarkt, Euro Soap, Europ Decor (home furnishings), Euro Shop, Marc and Admiral (tv’s). The team jersey (see below) was made by Decca and Campagnolo the groupset of choice.

The team … geez …. every Belgian cycling legend worth a Duvel beer & frites got a start with this classy lot. Team focus being single day Classics & stage wins at major Tours. They won numerous races all over Europe. The team roster was just endless … Sean Kelly for starters (wow), then Claude Criquielion (only got better in the Hitachi years), Michel Pollentier (outright legend), Johan de Muynck (won the Giro), Etienne De Wilde (sprinter & 6 day track star), Ronan Onghena, Eddy & Walter Planckaert (legends again), Marc De Meyer (won Paris Roubaix), Rudy Dhaenens (future World Road Champion), Rudy Rogiers (cobbles specialist), Jean Marie Wampers (more cobbles), Dirk De Mol (future winner of Paris Roubaix), Freddy Maertens (another all time legend), Jean Phillip Van den Brande (best domestique on the planet & ultimate Belgian hard man) & Patrick Versluys (ditto hard man). If any team sharpened their teeth or fingernails on Belgian cobbles this was it.

Michel Pollentier (Splendor, right) another outright Belgian legend leads Jan Raas (World Road Champion, left) and Francesco Moser. Pollentier had a bent out of shape style on a bike (a pronounced side ways bias on the seat) and carried “The Crab” nickname.

Michel Pollentier (right) at the Tour of East Flanders (for Under 23 riders) in 2017.

At the Tour of East Flanders assisting BiciSport’s Peter Livingstone and the weather was cold and pouring with rain (utterly miserable). Am sitting on a brick fence freezing to death and along comes the one the only legend Michel P …. the inspiring conversation goes something like this ….

Are you Michel Pollentier ? … am a long time fan, am from Australia, you had a great career … (Michel - heavy blank stare … absolutely no comment, just stares at me) …. Michel, can I take a photo (again no comment - so took a photo anyway). Michel just walked off quietly into the pouring rain. Cheers mate, have a good day ! … gee, that went well …

A pensive Freddy Maertens on the start line … who nearly always looked like he wanted to be somewhere else than perched on top of a Splendor bike trying to make a living

News Shorts - 3 October

Cervelo-Van Aert Presentation @ 27 Sept - a celebration for a popular frame brand with Wout Van Aert as the special guest in Sydney with the Coat Hanger in the background

Cervelo-Van Aert Presentation @ 27 Sept - Stew Campbell (BiciSport Happy Wheels) has a unique Cervelo with Wout Van Aert applying the obligatory autograph on the forks

Cervelo-Van Aert Presentation @ 27 Sept - The WvA autograph duly applied and looking great #1

Cervelo-Van Aert Presentation @ 27 Sept - The WvA autograph duly applied and looking great #2

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - BiciSport Belgium in Mike Lawson, Eddy VerHulst & Koen VerHulst before the Zele start

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - Mike Lawson assisted by Eddy VerHulst at the Zele start

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - Koen VerHulst (BiciSport Belgium Anytime Fitness)

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - Mike Lawson

Belgian Cyclo Cross Series @ Zele @ 1 Oct - Koen VerHulst

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 2 Oct - the adventure continues in the mighty trek south towards Perth. The Lanterne Rouge peloton is approaching 2200 kilometres of the 4800. So, almost the end of month one. All six riders are riding together as a group. Weather has been hot & dry with temps ranging from 14-30. Morale is good and the group is improving its close riding capabilities each day. The average daily routine is rise at day break then pack up tents and bedding followed by breakfast. Then depart 8.00-8.30am then due to the heat ride in 30-50k sections so to keep bidons full. Set up the campsite in the afternoon followed by drinks & dinner (sometimes a campfire).

The next day off is at Geraldton for some mechanical work on a couple of bikes (not Marty’s !!). Marty is becoming an accomplished camper …. who would have thought.

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 2 Oct - Marty Wright (BiciSport)

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 2 Oct - home sweet home at the Shearing Shed

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 2 Oct - Marty Wright’s trusty steed taking in the panoramic views of the epic ride south

West Head Time Trial @ 2 Oct - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

Hawaiian Ironman @ 8 Oct - Best wishes to David Munro (BiciSport Pilu Racing) who is attempting the Hawaiian Ironman at Kona on 8 October


  • It most certainly won’t be in Singleton (on 8 October) but a suggestion now is it will move to 26 November but both venue & date remains uncertain and both are confirmed on 16 October (subject to roadworks). Our sports administrators used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure, and to be sure this club administrator is rapidly losing interest. …


  • From 3 October (into Week Four of the Great Trek South towards Perth)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 4 Oct

    • Heffron Park Criteriums (Maroubra)

  • 8 Oct

    • Hawaiian Ironman Triathlon

      • BiciSport Pilu Racing starter David Munro

    • Gundy Gravel near Scone

  • 9 Oct

    • Belgian Cyclo Cross - Vuerne (BiciSport Mike Lawson)

    • Cyclosportive - Around the Bay in a Day (Melbourne)

      • BiciSport Happy Wheels starter Tom Green

    • Eastern Creek Dragway Criteriums (Waratah Masters)

    • Cyclorama Retro Ride - York Lane Sydney City


  • Tues 4 Oct

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 6 Oct

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 8 Oct

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Ford France Cycling Team (France) - 1965-66

The team was sponsored by Ford (cars), Gitane (bikes) & Hutchinson (tyres). Team manager was Raphael Geminiani. The team jersey is as simple as it is iconic.

The team only lasted two years (that is a real shame) but included a huge talent base - Arie Den Hartog (for the Classics), then the Tours were covered by Lucien Aimar (Tour de France), Jacques Anquetil, Vin Denison, Jean Stablinski, Shay Elliott & Julio Jimenez,

Ford France - Jacques Anquetil (left) with Felice Gimondi

Ford France Gitane takes a win at the Milan San Remo 1966 with Arie Den Hartog

Tour de France with Vin Denison & Jacques Anquetil (right)

Ford France - Jacques Anquetil at the Leige Bastogne Leige Classic with Felice Gimondi (Salvarini)

News Shorts - 26 September

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Remco Evenepoel (Belgium) approaching the bell lap with 18.5k to go to the finish (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Remco approaching the finish with 1.5k to go (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Remco approaching the finish with 1.5k to go (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Wout Van Aert (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong -Peter Sagan took a great 7th (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Tad Pogacar on the Ramah Wall (photo Craig Pager)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - the peloton approaches Mt Ousley (photo MOR)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Peter Budd (BiciSport) doing it tough in the Mapei UCI VIP Tent with the UCI President David Lappartient

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Stew Campbell (BiciSport Happy Wheels) at the action

Lanterne Rouge Peloton - on the way from Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

Lanterne Rouge Peloton

Lanterne Rouge Peloton

Lanterne Rouge Peloton

Lanterne Rouge Peloton

Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums commence on Tuesday 4 October.

Entries open from 5pm, racing from 6pm


  • It most certainly wont be Singleton (on 8 October) but a suggestion now is it will move to 26 November but this remains uncertain and to be confirmed on 16 October (subject to roadworks). Our sports administrators used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure …


  • From 26 Sept (into Week Four now south of Mount Tom Price)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 1 Oct

    • CycloSportive - Gears & Beers (Wagga)

    • Wagga Track Open

  • 2 Oct

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

    • West Head Individual Time Trial (Manly CC)

  • 3 Oct (Mon)

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

  • 4 Oct (Tues)

    • Heffron Park Tuesday Night Criteriums


  • Tues 27 Sept

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 29 Sept

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 1 Oct

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - The Worlds peloton at the end of lap 1 on the Wollongong Beachfront

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Peter Sagan at the Helensburgh start (photo Nigel Smith)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Tad Pogacar at the Helensburgh start (photo Nigel Smith)

World Cycling Championships @ Wollongong - Team Australia at the Helensburgh start (photo Nigel Smith)

News Shorts - 19 September

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) takes victory in the M9 National CX Championships

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson on his way to winning the M9 category. Conditions were perfect for some great cyclocross action.

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson after his victory

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Mike Lawson on the victory podium

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Klayton Smith in the M4 category was on a charge early but a mechanical issue impacted on his result.

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Klayton Smith

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Klayton Smith

National Masters CycloCross Champs @ Green Valleys MTB Park @ 17 Sept - Klayton Smith fought hard all the way

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - M4 Road Races and BiciSport started Darren Benson & Klayton Smith. The race split on lap 1 (of 4) with Darren Benson (pictured, right) in the front group who would go on to finish a very good top 10.

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Darren Benson

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Darren Benson

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Klayton Smith (right)

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - The M7 road race had 4 BiciSport starters but only Ian Grant was healthy. The rest were on the recovery ward sick list in Peter Budd, Eric Dole & Peter Verhoeven. Ian Grant (above) took 7th in windy conditions.

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Ian Grant went top 10

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Peter Verhoeven

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Eric Dole

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Darren Benson

National Masters Road Champs @ Mount Marshall Road Races @ 16 Sept - Ian Grant (left) with Eric Dole after the M7 finish

National Masters Road Champs @ Unanderra Criteriums @ 14 Sept - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) took Silver in the M7 Criterium

National Masters Road Champs @ Unanderra Criteriums @ 14 Sept - Ian Grant at the head of affairs in the M7 Criterium

National Masters Road Champs @ Unanderra Criteriums @ 14 Sept - Ian Grant & Peter Budd at the start of the M7 Criterium.

National Masters Road Champs @ Unanderra Criteriums @ 14 Sept - Craig Pager at the start of a furiously fast M4 Criterium

National Masters Road Championships @ Mt Kiera Time Trials @ 13 Sept - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) went top 10 in the M7 category

National Masters Road Championships @ Mt Kiera Time Trials @ 13 Sept - Ian Grant crosses the finish line

National Masters Road Championships @ Mt Kiera Time Trials @ 13 Sept - Craig Pager (BiciSport Happy Wheels) rode well in the M4 category

National Masters Road Championships @ Mt Kiera Time Trials @ 13 Sept - Craig Pager in the M4 individual time trial

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 12 Sept - Having departed Broome on 5 Sept, down to Port Headland, the Lanterne Rouge peloton then turned a big left ot Highway 96 outside Port Headland, then on towards Mount Tom Price.

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ 12 Sept - outside Port Headland on Day 7 and Marty Wright (BiciSport) sets up camp


  • It most certainly wont be Singleton (on 8 October) but a suggestion now is it will move to 26 November but this remains uncertain and to be confirmed on 16 October (subject to roadworks). Our sports administrators used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure …


  • From 19 Sept (into Week Three now south of Port Headland)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 23 Sept

    • Commonwealth Bank Cycle Classic Reunion Dinner

      • Kareela Golf Club

  • 24 Sept

    • Oakville Road Race (Parramatta)

  • 25 Sept

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

  • 19-25 Sept

    • UCI World Cycling Road Championships (Wollongong)


  • Tues 20 Sept

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 22 Sept

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 24 Sept

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Wollongong World Championships @ 19-25 Sept - A complete BiciSport review of the Worlds Road Circuit can be found in the Special Events section of this website and gives you a guide of what to see & how to get around the ‘Gong.

News Shorts - 12 September

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Anthony Lowes (BiciSport Pilu Racing) before the start

West Head Road Race @ 12 Sept - Anthony Lowes on the attack

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Anthony Lowes was on the attack all day and was rewarded with a podium

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Tom Green in mid race

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Tom Green sprinting to 3rd place

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - King of Bensonia (aka Darren Benson) surveying his loyal subjects before the start

West Head Road Race @ 11 Sept - Darren Benson (BiciSport Happy Wheels) putting the finishing touches to his race form before the National Masters Championships next Friday in Wollongong

Oakville Road Race @ 10 Sept - the final race preparation before the National Masters Road Championships commencing on 13 Sept in Wollongong … Peter Verhoeven (left) & Ian Grant

Lanterne Rouge Eric Ride @ Day 1 and the grand depart from Broome on 5 Sept. Safe travels to Marty Wright (BiciSport) and the motivated Lanterne Rouge peloton.

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ Day 3 - overnight near Eighty Mile Beach south of Broome, then on towards Port Headland

Lanterne Rouge Epic Ride @ Day 4/5 - Marty Wright near Port Headland

National Masters Road Championships @ 13-17 Sept

BiciSport is fielding eight starters to the Masters Nationals in Wollongong - Darren Benson, Ian Grant, Peter Verhoeven, Craig Pager, Eric Dole, Peter Budd, Klayton Smith & Mike Lawson (CX only). Both Klayton & Mike Lawson are doing the CycloCross Championships on Saturday 17 September near Albion Park.

Masters National Championship Program

* 13 Sept - Individual Time Trials (Mt Kiera)

* 14 Sept - Criteriums (Unanderra)

* 16 Sept - Road Races (Mount Marshall)

* 17 Sept - Cyclo Cross (Albion Park - Green Valleys MTB Park)

National Masters Road Championships - the new Unanderra Criterium Track (right side is the Finishing Straight) to be used by the Masters on the Wednesday

National Masters Road Championships - the new Unanderra Criterium Track

Road Closure details (day by day) are now posted on the Championship website and are very helpful


  • The NSW (summer) Velodrome program for 2022-23 is now posted on the general calendar section of this website.


  • It most certainly wont be Singleton (on 8 October) and the new venue & date are equally uncertain. Our sports administrators used to be indecisive, but now they are not so sure …


  • From 5 Sept (into Week Two south of Port Headland)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 13-17 Sept

    • AusCycling National Masters & CycloCross Championships

      • BicSport starters -

        • M4 category - Klayton Smith, Darren Benson, Craig Pager

        • M7 category - Ian Grant, Peter Budd, Eric Dole, Peter Verhoeven

        • M9 category - Mike Lawson (Cyclocross only)

  • 18 Sept

    • Bobbin Head Classic Cyclosportive (Turramurra)

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

  • 18-25 Sept

    • UCI World Cycling Road Championships (Wollongong)


  • Tues 13 Sept

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 15 Sept

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 17 Sept

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Sandstone Cafe at Terrey Hills (on Myoora Rd) offers great coffee after a rewarding northern beaches ride. BiciSport meet there every Saturday from 9.30am in the outdoor garden area. All welcome.

Marc Superia Pro Cycling Team (Belgium) - 1978-80

A typical Belgian semi Classics team with a load of super talent. Marc (furniture) and Superia (the bikes) and a real pity they only lasted 3 years. In the last year none other than Patrick Lefevere (of Mapei & Quick Step fame) was both a rider and a manager.

The team had a broad brush on the road, the track & cyclocross. The team rode the 1980 Tour de France (with Lucien Van Impe), road classics with Ferdi Van Der Haute, Marc Dierickx, Frank Hoste, Herman Van Springel, and on the track they had the legendary Patrick Sercu, Gary Wiggins & Danny Clark, whilst at cyclocross it was Eric De Vlaeminck & Roland Liboton. This was a very talented lot.

Partick Lefevere as a rider before being the Mapei & Quick Step team manager

Patrick Lefevere takes a victory with the second placed rider none too happy

Patrick Sercu

Herman Van Springel (Marc-centre of picture) in the middle of the peloton

Herman Van Springel - RIP in late August 2022 aged 78 years

Patrick Sercu (left) with Didi Thurau

News Shorts - 5 September

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) took the M7 category road race by 2 minutes with Eric Dole 4th & Peter Budd unlucky to suffer a puncture on lap 2.

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - on the M7 start line with Peter Budd, Ian Grant & Eric Dole. Conditions were cold & damp.

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - BiciSport Happy Wheels team mates on the M7 road race start line in Eric Dole & Peter Budd

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - Peter Budd in warm up mode before the M7 road race

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - Eric Dole in warm up mode before the M7 start

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - The King of Bensonia (aka Darren Benson) never takes a bad picture even in rural Kurri Kurri in the Masters criterium

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - The wet and soggy M7 criterium start in Kurri Kurri with Eric Dole, Ian Grant & Peter Budd

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - conditions were pretty ordinary in the M7 criterium as Peter Budd leads Eric Dole

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - looking more like a wet Tour of Flanders than the M7 criterium at Kurri Kurri with the roads awash with Peter Budd leading Eric Dole.

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) took an excellent M7 Bronze medal in the 20k Individual Time Trial in grey and drizzly conditions

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - Ian Grant approximately 4k to the finish

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - John Roberts (BiciSport) with 4k to go

NSW Masters Road Championships @ 2-4 Sept - John Roberts

Ride Epic - Broome to Esperance 22 in Western Australia starts today 5 September & includes Marty Wright from BicIsport. Its by any measure one monster trip with 77 ride days and 11 rest days in the 3000 kilometre journey.

Marty’s journey will be followed each week in BiciSport News

BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Sept … L to R … Roger Thompson Seagrave, Frank Signor & Tony Jones

BiciSport Griffith @ 3 Sept - Albert Ravanello in a sea of canola


  • The NSW (summer) Velodrome program for 2022-23 is now posted on the calendar section of this website.


  • Its never easy to admit that a prestige event won’t be happening in 2023 but the “expired events list” in 2023 looks like including the E’tape Cyclosportive, the Cadel Evans RR (and mid week supporting events) plus potentially the historic Herald Sun Tour.


  • From 5 Sept (Week One)

    • Lanterne Rouge - Broome to Esperance with Marty Wright (BiciSport)

  • 10 Sept

    • Melbourne Bike Show (Vic)

    • Oakville Road Race (Parramatta)

  • 11 Sept

    • Eastern Creek Raceway (Waratah Masters)

    • West Head Road Race (Manly CC)

    • Amy Gillett Gran Fondo (Lorne, Vic)

  • 12-17 Sept

    • Masters National Road & CycloCross Championships (Wollongong)


  • Tues 6 Sept

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 8 Sept

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 10 Sept

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

World Road Championships @ Wollongong - A comprehensive BiciSport review of the Championships plus where to view & how to get around is listed in the Special Events section of this website

Italian Professional Road Championship - a highly coveted jersey in World cycling is the Italian Champions jersey …. commencing with Paolo Bettini (QuickStep) in 2003 & 2006

The Italian Championships started in 1906. Giradengo won 9 Championships, Guerra won 5, Binda & Coppi 4 each with multiple winners in Nibali, Visconti, Bettini, Commesso, Podenzana & Bugno

Gianni Bugno - 1991 & 1995

Gio Visconti - 2007, 2010 & 2011

Massimo Podenzana - 1993 & 1994

Giorgio Furlan - 1990

News Shorts - 29 August

West Head Road Race @ 28 Aug - Darren Benson (BiciSport Happy Wheels) went 3rd on the Masters podium

West Head Road Race @ 28 Aug - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels) at the start

West Head Road Race @ 28 Aug - Darren Benson (3rd wheel) followed by Steve Holland (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug - Mike Lawson (left - BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on lap 1 through the water. Congratulations to Parklife CC for great organisation on the day as course set up is no small task.

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug - Mike Lawson through the water

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug - Mike Lawson over the bunny hops

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug - Mike Lawson on the DGV stairs

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug - Mike Lawson on the DGV stairs

NSW Cyclocross Championships @ DGV Velodrome Bass Hill @ 28 Aug

World Road Championships in Wollongong - 18 to 25 September

The BiciSport review of the National Masters & World Road Championships can be found in the Special Events section of this website. A simple heads up on how to get the most out of a World Championships.

Obviously the Championship highlights are the Individual Time Trial on 18 Sept, the Under 23 Road Race on 23 Sept, the Womens Elite Road Race on 24 Sept and the Mens Elite Road Race on 25 Sept.


  • Please note that the NSW Masters Criterium Championships on 4 September have been transferred from Broke to Kurri Kurri (HEZ Industrial Estate)


  • 2-4 Sept

    • Masters Road Championships (Singleton)

      • Fri - Individual Time Trial, Sat - Road Races, Sun Criteriums

      • BiciSport starters - Ian Grant, Darren Benson, John Roberts, Eric Dole & Peter Budd

  • 4 Sept

    • Gravelista (Beechworth, Vic)

    • Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 30 Aug

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 1 Sept

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 3 Sept

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

RIP Herman Van Springel … an absolute class act

Herman Van Springel doing what he did best - chasing a Mann Grundig team derny in the Bordeaux Paris Classic over 600k. Herman won seven Bordeaux Paris Classics !

Vini Ricordi Pro Cycling Team (Italy) - 1982-86

Ricordi was wine, Pinarello the bikes, Club 88 was a hotel chain & SMS Santini did the clothing.

The team may have been Italian but the results were clearly Belgian with Johan Lammerts, Lucien Van Impe (Tour de France 1983 King of the Mountains) and Johan Van Der Velde (Tour of Italy 1985 Points Jersey). The rest combined didn’t win an Italian Chook Raffle.

The Vini Ricordi team was maybe more about the vino than the results

News Shorts - 22 August

Heffron Park @ 20 Aug - Craig Pager (BiciSport Happy Wheels) went top 10 in a strong C grade

Lansdowne Park @ 21 Aug - Ian Grant (left) & Eric Dole (right)

Lansdowne Park @ 21 Aug - Ian Grant leads Eric Dole

Lansdowne Park @ 21 Aug - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) and Peter Verhoeven (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) before the start. Eric & Ian rode A2 grade and Peter in B grade. Both grades were fast & furious and Ian took an A2 prime (Intermediate Sprint).

Lansdowne Park @ 21 Aug - A2 grade podium and Ian Grant never fails to make a walk to the podium (this time for winning an Intermediate Sprint)

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - L to R the VerHulst family in Eddy, Mikey, Stijn, Maarten and Koen with the Velle Elite Race lead car. “Wedstrijd’ is Flemish for cycle race. Maarten is the Velle Race Director.

The same Ford has been the lead car at Velle for 29 years and it in itself represents the history of the Velle race that started in 1948. Many sponsors have offered to replace this lead car but a sense of history has preserved the original. The car itself drives (?) like a 29 year old Ford (yikes !). They haven’t taken the ignition key out for years … because they can’t !. Rumours that the car actually runs on Belgian Duvel beer cannot be substantiated …

Previous winners of the “amateur” Velle race include Behonyi Beheyt & Willy Planckaert - both legends in Flemish cycling. Beheyt won the World Professional Road Championship at Ronse in 1963 where he stole the race from Belgian team mate Rik Van Looy … the Belges still talk about this “act of team treachery” in 1963 like it was only yesterday.

Thanks to Matt of Wattle Designs at Terrey Hills for the Bici finish line banners and Frank Signor (BiciSport Griffith) for the BiciSport hats.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race before the start

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race at the start with 50 riders

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race after one lap (of 17 laps) and a compact peloton but not for long

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race on lap3 and the dye was cast … 11 riders in the “break of the day” that included the Belgian National champion Tom Timmermans (5th rider from right). The race was effectively over for the main peloton

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race with Tom Timmermans looking resplendent in the Belgian National Champions jersey. Tom would eventually finish 4th.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race and after the breakaway had escaped the main peloton had a long day out chasing 13th place

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race and the Ford kept doing laps urgently in need of a Duvel and a day sleep

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race and Wannes Heylan took a fine solo victory

BiciSport in Belgium @ 16 Aug - Velle Elite race and L to R … Yente VerHulst, Wannes Heylan (winner) and MO’R


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website


  • 27 Aug

    • Lake St Clair Cyclosportive (Singleton)

    • Oakville Road Race (Parramatta CC)

  • 28 Aug

    • West Head Individual Time Trial (Manly CC)

    • NSW Cyclo Cross Championships (Dunc Gray Velodrome)

    • Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 23 August

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 25 August

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 27 August

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

BiciSport in Belgium @ 17 Aug - The Gistel Cycling Museum in the West Flanders town of Gistel. Both Sylvain Maes and Johan Museeuw come from the town of Gistel - Sylvain won two Tours de France (1930 & 1936) and Johan won everything else (World Pro Road Championships & numerous one day Classics). Few things are a cycling disappointment in Belgium but this Gistel museum tops the list as an abject failure. Ok, BiciSport has been there, done that and it saves you the trouble ….

BiciSport in Belgium @ 19 Aug - No visit to Flanders is complete without a visit to the Flandrien Hotel in Parike near Brakel. Run by Bernard Moerman (left) and Jamie Anderson its a mixture of museum, boutique motel and service course offering a delightful place to stay in cycling mad Flanders.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 19 Aug - one of the very best private bike collections is in the Flandrien coffee lounge.

In the above picture is the very latest addition to the Flandrien Hotel - the black guitar case contains a special Cheryl Crow Fender guitar, in Tour de France yellow, autographed by both CC & LA. Now that is special.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 19 Aug - the Flandrien Hotel has a comprehensive service course

News Shorts - 15 August

Heffron Park @ 13 Aug - Craig Pager (BiciSport Happy Wheels) went top 10 in Division 3

Sydney Dragway @ Eastern Creek @ 14 Aug - L to R … Peter Verhoeven, Ian Grant & Eric Dole

Sydney Dragway @ Eastern Creek @ 14 Aug - Peter Verhoeven (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)

Sydney Dragway @ Eastern Creek @ 14 Aug - Congratulations to Waratah Masters for rebirthing criterium racing at the Dragway.

Pictured above is Ian Grant, Peter Verhoeven & Eric Dole facing the starters pistol in A2 grade. The new criterium circuit uses the large carpark at the Dragway with several 90 degree turns, a few slight rises and from reports an exciting & challenging criterium course. A2 grade had 18 starters & Eric finished 7th

Victorian Cyclo Cross @ Beechworth (Vic) @ 13-14 Aug - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) continues to chase the Victorian State series

BiciSport in Belgium @ 12 Aug - Two Masters races on the Velle Friday night program over 40k & 65k passing the somewhat infamous pub called The Falcon where many Aussie cyclists have entered sober and exited somewhat less so. Both Masters races attracted 60+ starters and racing and beer drinking was furious. The bigger race on the Velle program (sponsored by BiciSport) is next Tuesday 16 August.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 12 Aug - Star attraction at Velle was the local legend Guy Smet who won a staggering 400+ amateur UCI races but never turned professional. Rumour had it he made more money as an “amateur” than signing a professional contract. Now nearly 50 years old the grand old man of Flanders cycling cut a great look as he passed The Falcon. No disc brakes for this Flandrien.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 12 Aug - The Falcon pub crowd in Velle spills on to the street … the cycle race was great but where is the Duvel beer …

BiciSport in Belgium @ 12 Aug - to have this much fun at a bike race does convince one self that am indeed a Belgian by birth but was kidnapped at The Falcon and packed off to Australia … this feels like home with MO’R in front of his ancestral birthplace.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge is a mid week (Wednesday) semi classic and as the name implies the race hugs the French Belgian border and over the years has positioned itself as a sprinters race, so generally flattish with a few nasty bergs tossed in for the opportunists. Caleb Ewen (for Lotto), Alex Kristoff (Wanty) and maybe Greg van Avermatt (Citroen), or a Victor Campernants were the favourites. Kristoff took the win in a cracker of a ride.

A short 30 minute drive from Oudenaarde to the Tournai start (near the French border) and a great service corse with the spectators given the freedom to roam amongst the bikes & team cars & buses. For the purists some teams were on 25c tyres but several were on 28c tyre set ups.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge and the Team Lotto Soudal service course at the Tournai start. Conditions were hot.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge and Caleb Ewen had signed on and returning to the Lotto team bus

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge and Alex Kristoff returning to the Wanty team bus after sign on. Kristoff would take the win.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge and the Quick Step team car loaded with a smorgasbord of Specialised S Works

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - Circuit Franco Belge and the peloton lines up for the hot 1pm start in the Tournai main square. Conditions were hot for the 180k race to the finish at La Louviere

Walter Planckaert won the Tour of Flanders classic in 1976 and a legend in Flanders cycling

BiciSport in Belgium @ 10 Aug - At the Circuit Franco Belge start and Walter Planckaert (left) now runs the Baloise Belgian team. Walter won a Tour of Flanders and the other guy couldn’t win B grade at West Head

BiciSport in Belgium @ 14 Aug - At the rear patio at the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudenaarde is a quiet spot for a coffee … until the Belgian Boogie Boys appear around the corner singing Dance Monkey

BiciSport in Belgium @ 14 Aug - Belgian Boogie Boys strut their stuff with Dance Monkey

BiciSport in Belgium @ 14 Aug - at the same Tour of Flanders Museum and after Dance Monkey then along came … this with classic Opera music …

BiciSport proudly sponsors an Elite race in Velle (near Antwerp) on 16 August. The race for Elites is over 119k


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website


  • 16 Aug

    • Velle Elite Race (Belgium) sponsored by BiciSport

  • 20 Aug

    • Great Divide Open (Goulburn CC)

  • 21 Aug

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 17 August

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 19 August

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 20 August

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

GBC-Sony-Zimba Pro Cycling Team (Italy) - 1963-77

Sponsorship was GBC (manufactured televisions), Sony (electrical appliances) with sub sponsors in Wega (coffee), Zimba & Furzi did the framsets. Team manager was Franco Cribiori.

A long time Italian team sponsor for 14 years but they really didn’t win much. They had 8 starts at the Tour of Italy but only won one stage, so successes were few & far between.

Team riders were Wladmiro Panizza (had a great career after GBC), Rudi Altig (future World Pro World Champion riding for Molteni), Eric Spahn, Enzo Cardi (track specialist), Aldo & Diego Moser and Dino Zandegu (a podium at the Tour of Flanders).

GBC-Sony at the Tour of Italy

GBC team rider (bottom left) climbing the Dolomites at the Giro

GBC-Sony Team Presentation

New Shorts - 8 August

National Cyclo Cross Series @ Ballarat @ 6-7 Aug - Mike Lawson (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) competed over both days at Ballarat

Lansdowne Park @ Waratah Masters @ 7 Aug - A2 grade start line with L to R .. Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels), Ian Grant & Peter Verhoeven (BiciSport Anytime Fitness)

Lansdowne Park @ Waratah Masters @ 7 Aug - A2 grade had 18 starters and full gas from the start with an average speed of 38kph for the 40k distance. Eric Dole sits 3rd in line with Ian Grant 5th.

Lansdowne Park @ Waratah Masters @ 7 Aug - A2 grade podium of Eric Dole (4th) and Ian Grant (3rd)

BiciSport in Belgium @ 6 Aug - A seven hour drive from Oudenaarde in Belgium to Sochaux in France near Germany, home of Peugeot manufacturing and the Peugeot Museum. The Museum contains a history of Peugeot manufacturing that includes bikes, cars, motorbikes, radios, guns, radios and domestic electrical appliances including coffee grinders. Pictured above is the first Peugeot bicycle

BiciSport in Belgium @ 6 Aug - At the Sochaux Museum is the original Peugeot racing bike ridden by Roger Pingeon to win the 1967 Tour de France. In the background is the endless Peugeot motorcycle display

Roger Pingeon (Peugeot-BP) in Yellow at the 1967 Tour de France

BiciSport in Belgium @ 6 Aug - more Tour de France history with the Peugeot bike ridden by Bernard Thevenet at the 1977 Tour de France. In the background is the historic Peugeot car collection

BiciSport in Belgium @ 2 Aug - A short 45 minute drive from Oudenaarde along the Schelde River to Roubaix and the famous Velodrome.

Just adjacent to the Velodrome are the offices of the Roubaix Velo Club, the small club office, a tiny cafe and bar & the equally famous (or infamous) Roubaix shower block. In the cafe is a classic French victory wall featuring Stuart O’Grady & Matt Hayman

BiciSport in Belgium @ 2 Aug - the somewhat infamous Roubaix Velodrome Shower block (they are not renowned for being that clean at times) where each winner has their own victory cell & plaque. Thankfully this time they presented comparatively sparkling.

BiciSport in Belgium @ 2 Aug

BiciSport in Belgium @ 2 Aug - no chance of doing a victory lap of the Roubaix Velodrome as currently its a major building site with the centre football oval being completely re-turfed. The photo above is the entrance to where the Paris Roubaix race enters and turns right for 1.5 laps to the finish

BciSport in Belgium @ 2 Aug - not only is the football oval being re-turfed the Roubaix Velo Club offices have earned a repaint (not before time).

Congratulations to Waratah Masters for rebirthing races at the Sydney Dragway at Eastern Creek.


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website

  • Entries are now open via the AusCycling website


  • 11-14 August

    • Tour of the Sunshine Coast (NRS - Qld)

  • 12 August

    • BiciSport sponsored Masters race in Velle, Belgium

  • 13 August

    • Retro Classic Bike Show (Noosa, Qld)

    • Oakville Road Race (Parramatta CC)

  • 14 August

    • Eastern Creek Dragway (Waratah Masters) … Dragway is back !!

    • NSW CycloCross (Terrey Hills, NSW)


  • Tues 9 August

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 11 August

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 13 August

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am xx

BiciSport sponsor the races at Velle near Antwerp on 12 & 16 August

LPR Brakes Pro Cycling Team (Italy) - 2004-09

LPR Brakes were automotive brakes, Farnese Vini the wine. Framsets were De Rosa on Campagnolo groupsets. Sport Director was Davide Boifava.

When it comes to ethical team culture this Italian gruppetto defined the ultimate “parallel universe”. Danilo Di Luca picked up a life ban for doping (after failing a few tests before being given a final life ban), and it all got a bit complicated. The team juggernauts included Danilo Di Luca, Dimitri Konyshev, Pavel Tonkov, Paolo Savodelli & Alessandro Petacchi. After Danilo got busted in 2008 it was a miracle 2009 even happened. If you ever needed a clue as to why Italy no longer has a registered team at the World Tour level then LPR is why.

LPR Brakes take charge in the Tour of Italy 2008

Tour of Italy 2008 - Di Luca in Pink but not for long ….

News Shorts - 1 August

Gravel Masters Championships @ Noosa @ 31 July - Klayton Smith (BiciSport Happy Wheels) took the Silver medal

Gravel Masters Championships @ Noosa @ 31 July - Klayton Smith & Eric Dole

Queensland CycloCross @ July 22 - Klayton Smith (BiciSport Happy Wheels)

Queensland CycloCross @ July 22 - Klayton Smith

Penrith Lakes Regatta Centre @ 30 July - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on the charge

Waratah Masters @ Lansdowne @ 31 July - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) takes second in a sprint finish

BiciSport in Belgium @ 25 July - Koen Ver Hulst (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) is looking forward to joining his Aussie team mate in Mike Lawson (BiciSport) for some Belgian Cyclo Cross races from late September

BiciSport in Belgium @ 30 July - left to right …. Eddy VerHulst, MO’R & Koen VerHulst before the start of a Saturday training ride around the single track rural laneways between the village of Velle and the city of Antwerp. Coffee was at a local cafe on the Schelde River at Rupelmunde on the way back from Antwerp

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - The Masters criterium kicked off at 5pm with 60 minutes of pure nostalgia - Roger De Vlaeminck, Dirk Heirweg , Peter Van Peteghem, Guy Nulens, Alfons De Wolf, Nico Eeckhout, Jose De Cauwer, Willy Tierlinck, Johan Museeuw and Jean Marie Wampers … just a retro overload in the mega dimension. The only thing missing was Jimi Hendrix !

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - Roger De Vlaeminck led the Masters away …. no disc brakes, short white socks, only a retro leather helmet. Roger only lasted 5 minutes (serious) and headed for the VIP tent and the Safir beer. Classic Roger

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - Jose de Cauwer (left) leads Peter Van Peteghem (centre). They enjoyed the applause but not the race so much. Jose missed a few laps and Peter hit the VIP tent and Safir beer at halfway.

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - looking majestic was a trim Fons de Wolf atop a lovely Merckx bike. Fons won both Tour of Lombardy & Milan San Remo plus a whole lot more

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - The Lion of Flanders in Johan Museeuw looking every bit a champion. World Road Champion, winner of numerous Classics

Roesalare Pro Criterium @ 27 July - Tom Pidcock on the attack

Roesalare is in the heart of West Flanders, and heavily industrial in tone where grey concrete rules the day. Besides a great cycling history (home of the late Jean Pierre Monsere & Freddy Maertens) its also the home of the KOERS Cycling Museum (a great cycling exhibition). The professional Dwars Vlaanderen Classic starts from outside the KOERS.

The Roesalare Pro Criterium only had a small field (at 35 starters) and several second tier riders - the exceptions being Van Aert, Pidcock, Benoit & Lampaert. Everybody wanted Van Aert to win but Lampaert stole the flowers.

Roesalare Pro Criterium @ 27 July - Wout Van Aert was the crowd favourite

Roesalare Pro Criterium @ 27 July - Ties Benoit rode in the service of Van Aert all night

Roesalare Pro Criterium @ 27 July - approximately 10 laps to go

Roesalare Pro Criterium @ 27 July - 5 laps to go and Van Aert at the front just about to attack. Yves Lampaert joined Van Aert on the last lap and took the sprint victory.

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Wout van Aert

Thursday night was the 92k pro criterium in Herentals - some 40k west of Antwerp. Herentals being the home of Rik van Looy. The crowd rolled in in their thousands, beer was the diet of the day and lots of it, everybody seemed to be dressed in green. The 3k criterium course was 50% cobbles and racing was of a much higher standard than Roeselare two nights before and it was a classy start list.

The big drama of the night - as they lined up the Volvo’s for the parade lap with riders on board (above) but somebody lost the keys to the lead Volvo. It was going nowhere and everything was then 30 minutes late and just an excuse to drink more beer. Obviously Freddy/Eric/Johan had ventured off for a quick Duvel beer and took the keys ….

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Mathieu Van der Poel

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Tim Merlier (Belgian Road Champion)

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Wout van Aert

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Wout van Aert and the crowd wore green

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Mathieu van der Poel

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Biniam Girmay (winner of Ghent Wevelgem Classic 2022)

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Tim Merlier (Belgian Road Champion)

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Alpe d’Huez may have Dutch Corner but this is the Wout Mosh Pit. The lads drank a lot of beer and they enjoy their cyclesport

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - the crowd at Herentals was huge with green the colour of choice. Tim Merlier leads Wout van Aert through the corner

Herentals Pro Criterium @ 28 July - Herentals is the home of Rik Van Looy (Rik’s nickname is the “Emperor of the Herentals”). Walking through the backstreets of Herentals and Eddy Ver Hulst & Mike O’Reilly found this nice mural celebrating Rik # 2

Australia has the Rugby League Immortals tag for esteemed football players where Belgium has a similar tag line in the Three Rik’s - Rik # 1 is Rik van Steenbergen, Rik # 2 is Rik van Looy and Rik # 3 is Rik van Linden. To bad if your name is not Rik !, and best start your own list.


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website

  • Entries are now open via the AusCycling website


  • 5-7 August

    • Battle of the Border (NRS - NSW/Qld)

  • 7 August

    • Mt Ku Ring Gai Criteriums (Northern Sydney)

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

    • Compass Individual Time Trial (Waratah Park, Sutherland)


  • Tues 2 August

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 4 August

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 6 August

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - the story goes thus … Rod Comish (BiciSport) has bought plenty of lovely retro cycling clothing from Marcarini Cycles in France over the years. I befriended Gianni a few years back at the start of Paris Roubaix at Compiegne but Covid sort of ended that. Aalst 2022 and Gianni turns up selling a truck load of cycling clothing (that is a serious drive from Britany).

Gianni was an outstanding professional and rode for Peugeot BP and Mercier

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - Gianni at his Aalst clothing stall and brings out his autobiography

Aalst Pro Criterium @ 25 July - Gianni (left - Peugeot BP) at the 1975 Tour de France with Roger De Vlaeminck (Brooklyn) & Eddy Merckx (Molteni)

News Shorts - 25 July

Randolph Baral (BiciSport Happy Wheels) @ Tour de France 2022

This week BiciSport finds itself in Belgium watching the post Tour de France criteriums plus the Franco Belge Classic in Tournai (on the French Belge border near Roubaix).

The picture above is the Oudenaarde to Roubaix cycle path along the Schelde River direction Roubaix.

The program is -

25 July (Aalst Pro Tour Criterium), 26 July (Roeselare Pro Tour Crtiterium), 27 July (Chaam Pro Tour Criterium in the Netherlands) and 31 July (the Putte Derny Pro Tour Criterium).

Finally its the Franco Belge Classic on 10 August in Tournai. BiciSport tips the can and sponsors two races in Velle (near Antwerp) on 12 & 16 August. The Special Events section will carry daily updates from 26 July

BiciSport in Belgium @ 23 July - The sponsorship jersey wall at the Tour of Flanders Museum in Oudenaarde is a nice journey through sponsorship history

BiciSport in Belgium @ 23 July - BiciSport photo bombs the historic jersey wall

Acht van Chaam is one of several post Tour de France criteriums held the following week after the Tour de France. The small village of Chaam is on the Belgian-Dutch border and is the oldest race in the Netherlands having started in 1933. The pro criterium is over 100k & Mathieu Van Der Poel is the star attraction.

A full BiciSport in Belgium report will be updated as it happens in the Special Events section of this website starting 26 July.

BiciSport starters are Eric Dole & Klayton Smith (Happy Wheels)


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website

  • Entries are now open via the AusCycling website


  • 31 July

    • Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)

    • AusCycling Gravel Championships (Noosa, Qld)

      • BiciSport starters Klayton Smith & Eric Dole


  • Tues 27 July

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 29 July

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 30 July

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Safir Ludo Galli Pro Cycling Team (Belgium) - 1978-88

Belgian to the core, rich in history and beer (if not money) and rider talent was sometimes difficult to identify. The Safir Brewery was based in Aalst in the heart of East Flanders. The picture above is the old typical horse & cart system used at the Aalst brewery for beer deliveries.

Some riders like Herman Van Springel, Herman Frison, Michel Pollentier, Ronny Van Holen & John Trevorrow were exceptional but the rest were well … just Belgian. The salary for Van Springel & Pollentier consumed a lot of the team budget and the rest just got what they got … it was really all about Van Springel & Pollentier.

Safir was Belgian beer with the brewery based in Aalst, Ludo the Belgian bikes, groupsets were originally Campagnolo with Galli (Italian) featured in later team lineups.

The Safir team management somehow got invited to the Tour of Italy yet really didn’t have the riders who even wanted to go. There was much more money to be made riding local races in the cobbled laneways around Flanders than getting your legs ripped off in the Italian Dolomites. Most Safir riders had never seen a mountain, let alone raced up one ! !. Thanks for the invite Giovanni but the Giro was going to get ugly for the Kermis Kings of Aalst.

The team roster obviously had a Belgian bias but Aussie Champion John Trevorrow featured (rode for the team at the Tour of Italy) and John was a class act with a long list of outstanding results at the domestic & international level. Herman Van Springel won the Bordeaux Paris classic twice, with support riders in Ronny Van Holen, Michel Pollentier, Andre Dierckx and Jean Phillip Vandenbrande. Lets face it, the beer was great and the jersey is a retro classic.

Herman Van Springel racing behind the Safir team motorised Derny in the Bordeaux Paris Classic. Herman mounted a 56 tooth front chainring for Bordeaux Paris.

Safir-Ludo-Galli - Aussie John Trevorrow had a rich domestic & international career and went on to be the Herald Sun Tour Race Director in Australia.

John Trevorrow takes second to Roger De Vlaeminck (DAF) at the Tour of Switzerland

Safir Belgian beer … the ultimate post race rehydration agent (not)

Safir Team Presentation against a photo wall of the sponsors product

Safir team sponsorship moved to Roland (musical instruments) and Skala (supermarkets) from 1986 to 1988

News Shorts - 18 July

Parramatta Interclub @ Oakville near Windsor @ 16 July - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) takes an excellent 3rd

West Head Road Race @ 17 July - Craig Pager & Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) before the chilly start on the West Head Road

West Head Road Race @ 17 July - Eric Dole focused at the front of the peloton and in control

West Head Road Race @ 17 July - Craig Pager featured well on lap 1 (of 2)

West Head Road Race @ 17 July - Craig Pager after the finish

West Head Road Race @ 17 July - Eric Dole shows his feelings as to what 4th place feels like

BiciSport @ Sandstone Cafe Terrey Hills @ 16 July - The Saturday peloton meets at the Sandstone Cafe every Saturday at 9.30 and all welcome.

From L to R … Tony Rabbidge, Peter Krause, Ian Grainger, Marty Wright, Richard Mulberry (Richard is sponsored by Millwall FC beanie “No One Likes Us”), Karl Hoad & Nigel Smith. The Eddy Merckx bike is a nice touch.

Eddy Merckx (Molteni) …. you know you’re famous when there is a dedicated “De Molteni’s” rock band playing some chessy Belgian tunes

De Molteni’s Band …. the Molteni bidon (on the right) is a nice touch ! …. the music is cheesy and pretty average but you gotta love the Molteni dress sense

Booralie Rd Terrey Hills - if you’re cycling along Booralie Rd then be alert, be aware as the “trenches of death” awaits you …. the little treasures are everywhere.


  • BiciSport will be offering full rider support services over the 3 days of the Masters Championship (see the Special Events section of this website for further information)

  • The NSW Masters program is -

    • Friday 2 Sept @ Glendon Rd Singleton

      • Individual Time Trial over 20k @ 10.30am (first rider)

    • Saturday 3 Sept @ Glendon Rd Singleton

      • Road Races

        • 8am - M1-2, M3, M4

        • 10.30am - M5, M8

        • 1.00pm - M6, M7, M9+

    • Sunday 4 Sept @ Broke

      • Criteriums

        • 8.00am start with Women Masters first then M9 first to M1-2 last


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website. Entries are now open via the AusCycling website


  • 23 July

    • Heffron Park Criteriums (Randwick Botany CC)

  • 24 July

    • Lansdowne Park Criterium (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 20 July

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 22 July

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for flat Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 23 July

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

La William Pro Cycling Team (Belgium) - 1989-93

Fast food & beer was the currency of choice - La William did cooking sauces, Duvel the Belgian beer and Saltos the snacks. Team bikes were Chesini & Campagnolo the groupsets.

You know you have a team performance problem when the 1993 team managers (in Frank Hoste & Rudy Pevenage) were more famous for their own personal racing histories than the teams actual race results (it was difficult to really find out what they actually did). Beyond Frank Hoste, Luc Colijn (both past their best), Ludo Giesberts and Stan Tourne it was a struggle. The sponsors may have been fast (food) but not so the team.

Frank Hoste going for the Green jersey at the 1985 Tour de France. Sean Kelly is second.

Hoste rotated through numerous pro teams be it Tulip, ADR, Fagor, Marc, Europ Decor (pictured above beating Sean Kelly), Del Tongo & finally La William

The La William team featured the Chesini frameset in 1992 with the then innovative rear frame triangle (high set on the seat post). Luc Colijn is now a coach at the Eddy Merckx-Ghent Velodrome in Belgium

News Shorts - 4 July

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - Middelkerke is a Belgian coastal town and has a strong urban footprint facing the North Sea - its not dissimilar to running a major cycle race from Bondi to Coogee.

Middelkerke sits on the North Sea coastline just a few pedal strokes from the French border. Its flat but the wind blows a gale to make for tough racing.

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - The professional peloton pass through the coastal urban fringe of Middelkirke

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - Team QuickStep after the Championship finish. Note the strong urban footprint in the background … try running a bike race on this scale through suburban Bondi !

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - BiciSport Belgium in the form of Koen & Olivia Verhulst (right of picture) after the Championship finish with Olivia (top right) seeking the attention of the Lotto Soudal rider, just maybe searching for a little gift ….

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - Olivia Verhulst gets her gift with a Lotto Soudal bidon.

Belgian National Road Championships @ 25 June - Eddy Verhulst (BiciSport Belgium) dons a BiciSport cap in light drizzle the day before the Belgian Championship. No Belgian cycle race is complete without light drizzle, a Jupiler beer van beside the mandatory Belgian hamburger van !

Belgian National Road Championships @ 26 June - Belgian Championship Medal Presentations

This local ITT is under lights on Saturday night !. Racing starts at 6.30pm

BiciSport is happy to announce the sponsorship of two Belgian races at Velle near Antwerp - 12 August being the Vermeiran Race for Masters over 40K & 60k and on 16 August the Hugo Maes Race for Elites over 119k.

Tour de France 1933 - A retro pic with some classic cars together with cyclists carrying double bidons on the handelbars


  • Manly Beach has now ringed itself with several (thankfully) cyclist friendly speed bumps. Its just a real shame the same Northern Beaches Council couldn’t have adopted this cyclist considerate approach along McCarrs Creek Road from Church Point to the National Park. The poor engineering design of the 21 speed bumps from Church Point continue to be a testimony to appalling Council engineering & cyclist strategies.


  • The BiciSport gruppeto tried Wednesday, but have now reverted back to a Thursday @ 10.30am from the Spruce Goose Cafe in the centre of the Park. All welcome.


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website


  • Waratah Masters now focus on Lansdowne Park & Heffron Park during the Winter 22 recess. So see you at ECR in early September


  • 9 July

    • ECR Time Trial under lights (Camden CC)

  • 8-10 July

    • Tour of the Tropics (Qld-NRS)

  • 10 July

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)


  • Tues 5 July

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 7 July

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 9 July

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Capri Sonne Pro Cycling Team (Belgium) -1973-82

Originally sponsored by Ijsboerke Ice Cream (1973-1980) the final two years were with Capri Sonne (a German juice drink). Bikes were originally Eddy Merckx but then Koga Miyata in the final two years. Team managers were Walter Godefroot & Patrick Lefevere.

Team members were a talented lot (maybe more so in the Ijsboerke years) and Capri Sonne team results were somewhat limited in 1981 & 82. Having said that Theo de Rooy won the ‘82 Tour of Germany, Gregor Braun won the ‘82 Kuurne Brussel Kuurne and Peter Winnen won a stage at the ‘82 Tour de France. Supporting riders were again a talented lot - Ludo Delcroix, Paul Haghedooren (Belgian Champion), Jeff Lieckens, Eric Mackenzie, Rudy Pevenage & Dirk Wayenberg.

Capri Sonne - Daniel Willems wins the 1981 Fleche Wallone Classic in Belgium

Capri Sonne - Peter Winnen wins Stage 17 at the ‘82 Tour de France

Capri Sonne - Koga Miyata was the team bike of choice in 1981 & 82

News Shorts - 27 June

Noosa Gravel @ 17 June - Marty Wright (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on the gravel tracks outside Noosaville

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Gio Pilu (BiciSport Pilu Racing Team) before the start

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Gio Pilu starting at 6.50am for a chilly start

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Gio Pilu was all smiles with the slick Specialised S Works ITT beast

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Tom Green (BiciSport Happy Wheels) on the start line

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Tom Green on his way to West Head lookout until a puncture ended his day

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) on the start line

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Ian Grant headed towards the West Head lookout

West Head ITT @ 26 June - Ian Grant after the finish

Lansdowne Park @ Waratah Masters @ 26 June - Eric Dole (left) and Peter Verhoeven rode in A2 grade. A2 grade was brutal from the gun for the 17 starters. After 25 minutes the field had lost 7 or 8 starters with Eric & Peter a very good peloton finish. Average speed was a cracking 38kph. .

This ITT is under lights on Saturday night. See you there.


  • Richard Mulberry (a long time BiciSport supporter) is featured this week in the regular team feature (pictures are below). Richard can be sighted at the Sandstone Cafe at Terrey Hills every Saturday morning for coffee explaining how to fight a Flemish crosswind over cobbled roads built by Napoleon. Discussions are always entertaining and never dull and the pictures below offer a great insight.


  • The BiciSport gruppeto tried Wednesday, but have now reverted back to a Thursday @ 10.30am from the Spruce Goose Cafe in the centre of the Park. All welcome.


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website


  • Waratah Masters now focus on Lansdowne Park & Heffron Park during the Winter 22 recess. So see you at ECR in early September


  • 2 July

    • Oakville Road Race (Parramatta CC)

  • 3 July

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

    • Mt Ku Ring Gai Criterium (Northern Sydney CC)


  • Tues 28 June

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 30 June

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 2 July

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Richard Mulberry in one of the original BiciSport team jerseys sponsored by Supreme Cycles Narrabeen

Richard Mulberry is a well known cyclist on the Northern Beaches and has competed in numerous local Masters races & Championships. Not known to many is Richard’s “real career” as an international Elite cyclist with a highly acknowledged list of results.

Pictured above is 16 year old Richard Mulberry in his first race (being a time trial) in 1963 at South London over the traditional 25 mile (40k) distance. Bike is French (Andre Bertin) repainted in Team Carpano colours (gun metal gray with black-white rings)

Richard takes victory in the 1969 Green Shield Grand Prix in the Midlands racing for the Vulcan team. Note in the background right is a very young Phil Liggett (open mouth). Helmets were not compulsory in those days.

In 1967 a youthful looking Richard at the 1967 Milk Race (riding for the London team).

1967 Milk Race and Richard has his team bike parked against the Milk Race team car. Note the spare tyre under the seat plus the mandatory pump on the downtube

1967 again and Richard’s first big win from a day long breakaway at the early season Dover-London Classic in the pouring rain. This win set up Richard’s future career and ensured selection in UK international teams. Note the delightful Morris Estate car in the background that had original wooden panelling.

Richard (right) in 1968 had begun his international career with races in Holland, Spain, France, Belgium & Germany. The rider on the left was the classy Ron Keeble who took the Bronze medal in the 1972 Munich Olympics in the UK team in the track teams pursuit.

The above picture was taken at the Basildon Grand Prix in North London where Richard again took a great victory (Richard actually punctured during the race and Ron Keeble gave his rear wheel to Richard).

Richard was (and remains) known for setting his brake levers as low as possible in the style of Sean Yates.

1967 after riding the Tour of Tarragona in Spain, Richard then took Bronze at home at the All London Championships.

Bike was a Geoffrey Butler loaded with Italian center pull Universal brakes, plus high flange Campagnolo hubs. Gear levers were mounted on the end of the handlebars.

1970 at the European Games racing for Great Britain team at the Charlottenburger Criterium West Berlin. Richard finished in the peloton with the race won by (then) current World Road Champion in Lief Mortensen (Denmark).

Note that Richard was still running on Campagnolo High flange hubs and had progressed (! !) to Italian Universal side pull brakes. Shoes were Italian leather in Detto Pietro

Charlottenburger Criterium through the streets of West Berlin and Richard is third wheel (above)

1969-1971 and Richard lived in Ghent Belgium racing for the Gentse Velo Sport team. Richard raced in 1969 as a Vulcan (UK) team rider then was taken on as a team rider for the local Belgian Gentse VS team in 1970 & 71. The racing in Belgium was a heavy diet of 5 races per week … mid week races were 100k with 150k at weekends … full gas and always with cobbled sections.

News Shorts - 20 June

Oakville Handicap @ Parramatta Club @ 18 June - Peter Verhoeven (left) & Ian Grant (BiciSport Anytime Fitness) hard at it in the Oakville Handicap near Windsor

Oakville Handicap @ Parramatta Club @ 18 June - Ian Grant (left) & Peter Verhoeven

Waratah Masters @ Heffron Park @ 19 June - Eric Dole (BiciSport Happy Wheels) finished 5th in A2 grade

Wattle Signs & Print @ 17 June - Wattle Signs are based at Terrey Hills and offer a great service. If you need signage for your car or business then Matt is your man & kindly helped to restore the BiciSport 504 Peugeot to its former glory. Thanks Matt.

Crisis ? What Crisis ? …. the iconic Supertramp album from the 1970’s had a strong view on the past and present that resonates even today

If you’ve been browsing the national media lately you’ll no doubt see the trials & tribulations of the national netball federation. The similarities between netball & cycling could not be more apparent. Whenever sports administrators cross the jagged line into sports promotion then just wait for the tears and debt that begin to flow. You can be assured it will be a rough ride. Sport administrators are skilled in many aspects of their beloved sport but sport promotion is rarely (if ever) one of those. History is about to be repeated and yes, when you need to deflect blame, there is always the Covid card.

Whilst on the topic of abject failures that seemingly disappear into the Maxwell Smart “Cone of Silence” what is with the complete silence & lack of accountability for failed sports promotions at our domestic level ?. There are several NSW cycling events that have just quietly disappeared off the calendar and little is heard of them again. The lack of publicity on these cancellations is somewhat perplexing. Recently the Gunnedah Weekend was cancelled on the Tuesday before with no fanfare (cancelling the Coonabarabran event on the Saturday killed the whole weekend including a Womens Championship). This comes on the heals of other notable cancellations including the Bathurst to Bathurst Cyclosportive (woeful course design buried that hugely popular weekend), the Rememberance Cup @ ECR (?) and the Sydney Championships @ Penrith Lakes. It’s really annoying if you’ve missed your accommodation refund date but clearly its a sensitive issue for some when a simple & clear communication strategy is all that is needed.


  • The BiciSport gruppeto tried Wednesday, but have now reverted back to a Thursday @ 10.30am from the Spruce Goose Cafe in the centre of the Park. All welcome.


  • Details of the National Masters Road Championships in Wollongong are now posted in the Special Events section of this website


  • Waratah Masters now focus on Lansdowne Park & Heffron Park during the Winter 22 recess. So see you at ECR in early September


  • 26 June

    • Lansdowne Park (Waratah Masters)

    • Individual Time Trial (West Head)

    • Melburn Roobaix Cyclosportive (Melbourne, Vic)


  • Tues 21 June

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

    • Centennial Park Lower Loop from 5.30am to 7.45am

  • Thurs 23 June

    • Belgian Waffle Ride @ Centennial Park @ Spruce Goose Cafe @ 10.30am for Park laps

    • Waratah Peloton @ pass the corner of Yulong Ave & McCarrs Creek Rd Terrey Hills @ 8.00am for Akuna Bay, top of McCarrs Creek Rd climb at 8.40am, then direction Duffys Forest, then return Terrey Hills shops @ 9.15am then to St Ives for coffee

  • Sat 25 June

    • Coffee @ Sandstone Cafe Miramare Gardens @ 9.30am

Plum Vainqueur Cycling Team (Belgium) - 1949-61

In 1910 Pol Desnerk opened a tiny bike shop in Ghent Belgium. Originally the shop was called La Plume as everything that sounded French stood for quality (even in Flanders). The name changed to Plume Vainqueur, and finally it became Plum.

Plum started sponsoring riders and teams and had a full pro team from 1949 until 1961. The shop soon started taking upstairs tenants including numerous Australians (Alf Strom, Reg Arnold, & Alan Peiper) and several Englishman (including Gary Wiggins (father of) & Tom Simpson).

Tom Simpson became the 1965 World Road Race Champion racing for Peugeot-BP.  The antique bike museum in the basement of the Plum shop is a bit chaotic (that is an understatement) but the Gios bike of Fons De Wolf was worth a closer look. The Plum Gent website is

Richard Bukacki (Belgium) raced successfully for Plum then went on to win several professional races for his future Belgian teams.

Plum Sport where steel is real

The Plum Sport cycling museum is in the basement under the bike shop in Gent

Plum Sport cycle shop in Gent